From that date the abandonment of the older State proceeded with a rapidity never before known, and with it grew the domestic slave trade and the pro-slavery feeling.
Henry Charles Carey
The concentration camp is the final expression of human separateness and its ultimate consequence. It is organized abandonment.
Arthur Miller
Love often leads to healing, while fear and isolation breed illness. And our biggest fear is abandonment.
Candace Pert
It is inner abandonment that leads men to the highest truth.
Henry Suso
Poverty is abandonment. We have abandoned the poor.
Tony Meloto
Shall I tell you of their plundering, their covetousness, their abandonment of the poor, their thefts, their cheating in trade?
Saint John Chrysostom
The spectacular sparkle of set-apart femininity is found through absolute abandonment to the Author of all true beauty.
Leslie Ludy
You can't put abandonment and alienation under arrest.
Carrie P. Meek
Jealousy fuses megalomania and self-abandonment.
Mason Cooley
They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets.
Mario Balotelli
Laughing in full abandonment is very good for your health.
Dalai Lama
I was single for a really long time, then I realized I had abandonment issues. Then I found love online.
Patti Stanger
I always think of the word 'abandonment' when I think of the character.
Tilda Swinton
The appeal to force is the abandonment of reason.
Irving Copi
Well considered abandonment is a trusted teacher.
Robert Genn
In the marginalia ... we talk only to ourselves; we therefore talk freshly - boldly - originally - with abandonment - without conceit.
Edgar Allan Poe
There is an abandonment, an escape, that physical labor bestows.
Steven Gould
The Gorbachev period is conceived as an abandonment of historic Russian positions. So this is the framework, in my view, in which Putin operates.
Henry A. Kissinger
Once you depart from the Ten Commandments, you have relativism, humanism, the abandonment of absolutes. You have anything. How long before child pornography is mainstream?
Randall Terry
Frankenstein can be a metaphor for abandonment, or wanting to be accepted for who you are, or not liking who you are and wanting to actually change that.
Kevin Grevioux
Abandonment of slavery is also the banishment of the chimera of security. The world will not change overnight, and liberation will not happen unless individual women agree to be outcasts, eccentrics, perverts, and whatever the powers-that-be choose to call them.
Germaine Greer
The only absolute attainment is absolute abandonment.
Gore Vidal
Abandonment to God is of more value than personal holiness!
Oswald Chambers
There is a specific kind of day when I feel like writing poems. My senses become really sharp. This day is when I feel as if I am drowning into the abandonment of death.
Kim Hyesoon
Ford can't sell trucks currently, and GM is not selling as many cars as it would like to. That is a problem of product and pricing, not a systemic problem of abandonment by consumers.
Paul Taylor
Judaism is absolutely incompatible with the abandonment of the Torah.
Solomon Schechter
Emphasizing and rewarding length over quality results in worse writing and more reader abandonment.
Marco Arment