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Adrienne Maloof Quotes

May you find INSPIRATION in the big picture, but may you find LOVE in the details.
Adrienne Maloof

Having it all is easy if youre willing to work for it
Adrienne Maloof

When I find a fashion formula I love, I tend to stick to it. There's nothing wrong with wearing a look over and over again, if it suits you and makes you feel great.
Adrienne Maloof

I had the honor to meet Geraldine Ferraro on a few occasions over the years at the DNC and what struck me was how she managed to be both gutsy and graceful at the same time. Without a doubt she was a trailblazer who not only stepped outside the box but who dared to redefine it. I always left her presence with the sense that she truly knew what she was talking about but that she never felt the need to browbeat you with it - instead she inspired people to listen and then act, and to me thats the hallmark of a true leader.
Adrienne Maloof