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Ambitious Quotes

A nation can survive its fools,
even the ambitious.
But it cannot survive treason from within....for the traitor appears not to be a traitor...he rots the soul of a nation...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Authors on Ambitious Quotes: Mindy Kaling Vaclav Klaus Tenzin Palmo Hannah Arendt Mason Cooley Zaha Hadid James Madison Darren Criss Henry Rollins Jiddu Krishnamurti Barbra Streisand Gretchen Rubin William Shakespeare Amy Winehouse Indira Gandhi Marcus Tullius Cicero Diablo Cody Edgar Allan Poe Norman Lock Billie Piper Mary Virginia Terhune Sara Canning G. H. Hardy Pablo Schreiber Helen Lawrenson Chris Evert Joseph Addison Tal Ben-Shahar Sterling W Sill Laurence Shames David Kay Jessica Alba Arthur Keith
Big results require big ambitions.

Ambitious goals lead to substantial achievements.
Further, Take heed that you faithfully perform the business you have to do in the world, from a regard to the commands of God; and not from an ambitious desire of being esteemed better than others.
David Brainerd

Carry out the duties mandated by God with diligence and not to gain a greater reputation than your peers.
The highly ambitious person, in spite of all his successes, always remains dissatisfied, in the same way as a greedy baby is never satisfied.
Melanie Klein

A nation can survive its fools,
and even the ambitious.
But it cannot survive treason from within.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

You want a woman who shares your belief and your faith because that is usually your core. So, you want a woman whom you know can stand on that same foundation you both equally embrace and share. You also want a woman who is ambitious but also knows how to balance it with family.
Tony Gaskins

I am equally proud of all of my architectural projects. It's always rewarding to see an ambitious design become reality.
Zaha Hadid

Everyone is ambition. The question is whether he is ambitious to be or to do.
Jean Monnet

If you can connect all the dots between what you see today and where you want to go, then it's probably not ambitious enough or aspirational enough.
Shantanu Narayen

I knew that one day I would come to this point that I would make something so outrageous and so ambitious that... it'd be that Don Quixote feeling, that I'd have to tilt at a windmill. Sometimes you've got to do it. That's the only way you can do things.
Oliver Stone

Patriotism, n. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. In Dr. Johnson's famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer I beg to submit it is the first.
Ambrose Bierce

Here you have an incredibly ambitious, accomplished woman who comes up against some of the same problems that women in power come up against today. Cleopatra plays an oddly pivotal role in world history as well; in her lifetime, Alexandria is the center of the universe, Rome is still a backwater.
Stacy Schiff

Success lulls you. It makes the most ambitious of us complacent and sloppy. In a way, you have to cultivate a kind of amnesia and forget all of your previous prosperity.
Pat Summitt

Babylon 5 is probably the biggest, most ambitious television science fiction series ever made. It's one big novel told over five years with 110 different stories told within it.
Bill Mumy

The ambitious man has never found his true vocation.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Strategy is about stretching limited resources to fit ambitious aspirations.
C. K. Prahalad

But ambitious encroachments of the federal government, on the authority of the State governments, would not excite the opposition of a single State, or of a few States only. They would be signals of general alarm . . . But what degree of madness could ever drive the federal government to such an extremity.
James Madison

I'm enthusiastic and ambitious, and I work hard.
Jason Statham

To not dare is to have already lost. We should seek out ambitious, even unrealistic projects, because things only happen when we dream.
Andree Putman

Incremental change is better than ambitious failure. . . .Success feeds on itself.
Tal Ben-Shahar

I am overly ambitious, because I realize it can be done.
Pharrell Williams

Is it better to be extremely ambitious, or rather modest? Probably the latter is safer; but I hate safety, and would rather fail gloriously than dingily succeed.
Vita Sackville-West

Electra Heart is the antithesis of everything I stand for. And the point of introducing her and building a concept around her is that she stands for the corrupt side of American ideology, and basically that's the corruption of yourself. My worst fear - that's anyone's worst fear - is to lose myself and become an empty person. And that happens a lot when you're very ambitious.
Marina and the Diamonds

I take my work enormously seriously. When I do something, it has to feel right. Everything has to be right. I’m not ambitious about my career, but I am ambitious with each job. I can be fairly annoying to work with. No compromises, let’s put it this way. Compromises are from hell.
Mads Mikkelsen

Although Poets are vain and ambitious, their vanity and ambition are of the purest kind attainable in this world. They are ambitious to be accepted for what they altimately are as revealed in their poetry.
Stephen Spender

It is the only point of getting up every morning: to paint, to make something good, to make something even better than before, not to give up, to compete, to be ambitious.
Lucian Freud

People say it's not ambitious, but it is actually quite ambitious wanting to help people.
Prince William

There's the psychotic ambitious side of myself that wants a fashion line and my own network and be like a combination of Oprah and Gwen Stefani. And have a perfume. Definitely a perfume.
Mindy Kaling

Toting around a full orchestra on tour is very ambitious. I would consider doing a show now and then, like do a show at Radio City or Carnegie Hall with a full orchestra.
Vanessa Carlton

I constantly felt (as I suppose many an ambitious girl has felt) a thumping from within unanswered by any beckoning from without.
Anna Julia Cooper

The value of an ambitious goal is not measured by what it will bring to you. The worth of a goal is measured by what it will make of you in the process of following and attaining it.
Ralph Marston

When I was a student I was very, very ambitious, completely immersed in my comedy career. I never had that period of reckless hedonism that you should get out of your system in your youth.
Steve Coogan

The ambitious are forever followed by adulation for they receive the most pleasure from flattery.
Oliver Goldsmith

I don't know how I can be so ambitious and so lazy at the same time.
Ned Vizzini

Those who are believed to be most abject and humble are usually most ambitious and envious.
Baruch Spinoza

Indeed, our designs become more ambitious as we see the new possibilities created by the technology of other industries.
Zaha Hadid

If a woman is sufficiently ambitious, determined and gifted, there is practically nothing she can't do.
Helen Lawrenson

Four varieties in society: lovers, the ambitious, observers, and fools. The fools are the happiest.
Hippolyte Taine

Enthusiasm, being the infirmity of bold and ambitious tempers, is naturally accompanied with a spirit of liberty; as superstition,on the contrary, renders men tame and abject, and fits them for slavery.
David Hume

Well, the truth is, if you really listen to that bird on your shoulder, if you accept that you can die at any time–then you might not be as ambitious as you are.
Morrie Schwartz

I think it should be ambitious and good music does deal with life and art and all these wonderful things.
Jonny Greenwood

I'm ambitious. But if I weren't as talented as I am ambitious, I would be a gross monstrosity.
Madonna Ciccone

[Physicists] feel that the field of bacterial viruses is a fine playground for serious children who ask ambitious questions.
Max Delbruck

If you want more, you have to require more from yourself.
Phil McGraw

As someone who lived under communism for most of my life I feel obliged to say that the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity at the beginning of the 21st century is not communism or its various softer variants. Communism was replaced by the threat of ambitious environmentalism.
Vaclav Klaus

To be honest, I'm not as goal oriented and ambitious as I once was.
Chantal Kreviazuk

Am I ambitious? I used to be afraid of that word but now I think ambition is a good thing.
Vera Farmiga

With the ambitious, the failure of one expedient is the suggestion of another; but with the irresolute, defeat usually occasions abandonment of purpose.
Norm MacDonald

You have to be consistent. You have to be yourself. You have to be committed to what you're doing. You have to not be afraid to be ambitious.
Roxane Gay

We searchers are ambitious only for life itself, for everything beautiful it can provide.
James Kavanaugh