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Amelia B. Edwards Quotes

Were I asked to define it, I should reply that archeology is that science which enables us to register and classify our knowledge of the sum of man's achievement in those arts and handicrafts whereby he has, in time past, signalized his passage from barbarism to civilization.
Amelia B. Edwards

It has been aptly said that all Egypt is but the facade of an immense sepulcher.
Amelia B. Edwards

The world is terribly apt to take people at their own valuation.
Amelia B. Edwards

It may be said of some very old places, as of some very old books, that they are destined to be forever new. The nearer we approach them, the more remote they seem: the more we study them, the more we have yet to learn. Time augments rather than diminishes their everlasting novelty; and to our descendants of a thousand years hence it may safely be predicted that they will be even more fascinating than to ourselves. This is true of many ancient lands, but of no place is it. so true as of Egypt.
Amelia B. Edwards

The camel has his virtues - so much at least must be admitted; but they do not lie upon the surface.
Amelia B. Edwards

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Love is of all stimulants the most powerful. It sharpens the wits like danger, and the memory like hatred; it spurs the will like ambition; it intoxicates like wine.
Amelia B. Edwards

between prosperity and adversity there can be little real fellowship.
Amelia B. Edwards

Every reformation ruins somebody.
Amelia B. Edwards

Quote Topics by Amelia B. Edwards: Egypt Science World Adversity Pleasant Art Believe Said Powerful Virtue Leisure Roots Literature Men Book Ruins Valuation Littles People Real Knowledge Easy Facade Memories Camels Love Lying Fruit Garden Reformation
Literature is, in fact, the fruit of leisure.
Amelia B. Edwards

It is so easy to believe in pleasant impossibilities.
Amelia B. Edwards

Of all the trees that have ever been cultivated by man, the genealogical tree is the driest. It is one, we may be sure, that had no place in the garden of Eden. Its root is in the grave; its produce mere Dead Sea fruit.
Amelia B. Edwards