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Angle Quotes

Good art is art that allows you to enter it from a variety of angles and to emerge with a variety of views.
Mary Schmich

Authors on Angle Quotes: Dale Carnegie Mark Cuban Sarah Silverman Amanda Hocking Fulton J. Sheen Richard Gere Clint Eastwood Nikki Sixx Walt Disney Cat Deeley Elizabeth Bishop Mary Schmich Rudolf Nureyev Andre Kertesz Dalai Lama Jane Swisshelm Shania Twain Chris Bauer Lennox Lewis William Upski Wimsatt Charlie Fletcher Hope Mirrlees Rachel Hunter Ani DiFranco Benjamin Franklin Jewel Solomon Burke China Mieville Grant Bowler Vince McMahon Charlize Theron Liza Minnelli Oscar Niemeyer
Cock your hat - angles are attitudes.
Frank Sinatra

I approach dancing from a different angle than those who begin dancing at 8 or 9. Those who have studied from the beginning never question anything.
Rudolf Nureyev

If I can say one thing for my pictures, it is a certain craftsmanship. A thought which has gone into every angle. There is nothing there without an optical reason.
Douglas Sirk

Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open.
Dalai Lama

I came out of the womb looking for the camera angle
Liza Minnelli

There is a way of looking at an awful place from a certain angle that allows it to take on a beauty because it is what it is.
Richard Gere

You must always be prepared. Make sure to look at things from all angles. If you are not prepared you will fail.
Benjamin Franklin

The more angles I see, the more confused I get.
Phil Simms

Right angles don't attract me. Nor straight, hard and inflexible lines created by man.
Oscar Niemeyer

Once you are prepared and you think you have every angle of preparation covered, you have to go for it.
Mark Cuban

Dream, diversify-and never miss an angle.
Walt Disney

The right angle is one of the world's basic shapes.
Claes Oldenburg

Steve, it's OK. I know Angle is a dork, but he's a dangerous dork, our dork and your backup dork!
Vince McMahon

If the media didn't know I played chess, there'd be no angle on me at all.
Lennox Lewis

There is not a single homely thing that, looked at from a certain angle, does not become fairy.
Hope Mirrlees

I just walk around, observing the subject from various angles until the picture elements arrange themselves into a composition that pleases my eye.
Andre Kertesz

What's the best angle to cut someone's throat? Well, usually from behind. That's usually how it works.
Nikki Sixx

Remember that every science is based upon an abstraction. An abstraction is taking a point of view or looking at things under a certain aspect or from a particular angle.
Fulton J. Sheen

I think science is about the search for God; it just comes at it from a different angle than religion.
Chris Carter

I approach every part I'm asked to do and decide to do from exactly the same angle: who is this person, what does he want, how does he attempt to get it, and what happens to him when he doesn't get it, or if he does?
Alan Rickman

Women have much to tell us. Women are capable of seeing things in a different angle. Women can pose questions that we men cannot understand.
Pope Francis

Poetry, especially traditional Iranian poetry, is very good at looking at things from a number of different angles simultaneously.
Asghar Farhadi

Some of the angles that photographers get on court are not always flattering.
Jelena Jankovic

I can't deal with criticism very well. I've already got it from one angle. I don't need it from anything else.
Robert Pattinson

I was made at right angles to the world and I see it so. I can only see it so.
Elizabeth Bishop

When I write, I strain with every wizened fibre of my weathered frame to analyze every possible angle of any given subject.
Jim Goad

All you need is a bad angle and suddenly youre 30 pounds overweight.
Rachel Hunter

Every angle acknowledges that it is a likeness of true angularity, for [each angle] is angle not insofar as angle exists in itself but insofar as angle exists in something else, viz., in a surface. And so, true angularity is present in creatable and depictable angles as in a likeness of itself.
Nicholas of Cusa

I think good filmmaking is when you really hold the mirror up truthfully, and you don't angle it and you don't hide things with smoke and mirrors.
Charlize Theron

Who says I like right angles? These are not my laws, these are not my rules.
Ani DiFranco

It is always quietly thrilling to find yourself looking at a world you know well but have never seen from such an angle before.
Bill Bryson

I really admire artists that are willing to take a different approach and a different angle to their shows.
Shania Twain

I don't regard that as a Guardian Angle. I really do think, in a sense, that we are our own Guardian Angles. But we don't listen to ourselves.
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki

Children, viewed from one angle, are philosophy in motion.
Anthony Lane

Girls were coming from every angle. I couldn't love them all. But I tried.
Solomon Burke

Abolitionists were men of sharp angles. Organizing them was like binding crooked sticks in a bundle.
Jane Swisshelm

Nothing is taboo if you have an angle on it. That said, critiquing women's human shells isn't my thang. Though there's probably something funny or interesting to be said about those who do it, and what that comes from.
Sarah Silverman

For my money, if I'm playing anything then it has to have some sharp angles on it. It's got to have some edges that you can cut yourself on, otherwise it's boring.
Grant Bowler

I'd rather see the world from a different angle.

I don't like reverse-angle shots - I find them very fake and very untruthful to the viewer.
Abbas Kiarostami

What's your angle?" I asked, trying to sound more playful than demanding. "Isosceles," Jack quipped.
Amanda Hocking

I'd say, go ahead, shoot your shot. More power to ya if you can come up with a different angle on the character.
Clint Eastwood

Nothing is taboo if you have an angle on it.
Sarah Silverman

I don't host a show and go, 'Have you got my best angle?'
Cat Deeley

The older lives like not to be stood in rows or at right angles.
W. H. Auden

An oblique angle,” Jack said, and his bout of jealousy was quickly replaced with glee. “Ha! I told you I would work that in!
Amanda Hocking

We were sort of coming from an angle where we wanted to break rules.
Stephen Mallinder

Happiness is largely an attitude of mind,
of viewing life from the right angle.
Dale Carnegie

Every angle that I looked at was somebody who I admired and was better than me. So it made me very afraid.
Chris Bauer