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Anjem Choudary Quotes

Anjem Choudary Quotes
Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of Allah alone. Therefore, Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression, as their speech and actions are determined by divine revelation and not based on people's desires.
Anjem Choudary

Muslims consider the honor of the Prophet Muhammad to be dearer to them than that of their parents or even themselves. To defend it is considered to be an obligation upon them. The strict punishment if found guilty of this crime under sharia, the Islamic law, is capital punishment implementable by an Islamic State. This is because the Messenger Muhammad said, ‘Whoever insults a Prophet, kill him.’
Anjem Choudary

I believe that adulterers should be stoned to death. I believe that we should cut the hands off of thieves. I believe the Sharia should be implemented in Denmark. Maybe we should change the Christiansborg Palace [the Danish Parliament building] to Muslimsborg to have the flag of Islam flying over the parliament in Denmark. I think this would be very nice.
Anjem Choudary

Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment.
Anjem Choudary

Actually, as a Muslim, we believe sovereignty and supremacy belongs to God. And therefore, we believe in submitting to the commands of God.
Anjem Choudary

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Freedom of expression does not extend to insulting the Prophets of Allah.
Anjem Choudary

I believe Islam is superior. And will not be surpassed. So I believe that the law of God is much superior to man-made law.
Anjem Choudary

You cannot have man legislating and playing God in Parliament, and at the same time believe that Allah is the only legislator.
Anjem Choudary

Quote Topics by Anjem Choudary: Believe Men People Thinking Islamic Expression Christian Mother Country Divine Heaven Responsibility Alcohol Children Punishment Law Choices Mean Years Drug Hatred Real Segregation Determined Sovereignty Journalist Opportunity Communism Policy Wind
The Christians and Jews can live side by side with the Muslims, as they did in the heart of Europe for over 800 years in Andalusia.
Anjem Choudary

When the heavens are with you, when the earth is with you, when the sea is with you, when the wind is with you. Who's going to defeat you after that? Nobody.
Anjem Choudary

The sensibilities and the emotions of Muslims must be taken into consideration in the context in which we live today.
Anjem Choudary

I don't believe any Western journalists, quite frankly. I believe they're liars until proven otherwise.
Anjem Choudary

Freedom of expression has a responsibility by those people who espouse it in the West, in particular non-Muslims.
Anjem Choudary

The woman is more intelligent when it comes to the children, when it comes to her role and responsibility as a mother and so on. Then, the man is usually, for example, in the public arena. He is usually good with things like penal code matters, and so he's the one who has to go out and provide, even if the woman is rich. She can stay at home and won't have to lift a finger " it's up to the man to do all the work, and provide her with food, clothing and shelter. The woman is treated like a queen in the home. She is a princess.
Anjem Choudary

You cannot have more than one leader worldwide. So, you would only have one Caliph for all of the Muslim world, so whoever that is, he would have authority over all of the Muslim land and wherever the Sharia is implemented.
Anjem Choudary

Allah created my tongue to speak. I don't have freedom to come , because Allah created my feet to walk. So I walk, and I speak, and I look, and I hear according to what God says.
Anjem Choudary

What engenders hatred towards the Sharia? When people find their basic needs are not being met, then people just see it as unfair.
Anjem Choudary

The American administration obviously has supported the dictators in the Muslim countries and the Muslims are rising, as you can see their boiling in Libya and Egypt and many other countries and they're rising up against the oppression and the Americans should stay away from trying to, if you like, put another dictator in place, and I don't think the American interest in the current time in the Middle East with their presence, rather they should withdraw their forces, they should withdraw their own personnel, this is a very insecure time for the Americans I think.
Anjem Choudary

We don't believe in equality. We believe in distinction of gender and distinction of responsibility. So, in a certain respect, a woman is more important and has a greater role than a man, and, in other respects, the man has a greater role and is more important than the woman.
Anjem Choudary

The penal code deals with things like theft, false testimony, adultery, fornication, etc. and then there's the law of the state, the law of the individual and the law of the public.
Anjem Choudary

I do believe that Obama is at war with Islam, it is never too late to embrace Islam. If we were to establish Sharia in America, he would have to stand before Sharia court and pay for the crimes that he committed. The invitation is there for him to give up all of his falsehoods and all of the crimes that he has committed and to embrace Islam.
Anjem Choudary

Islamic laws this is something Americans should look into, maybe not in the near future, but I think people are definitely looking for alternatives to a capitalist democracy. The democracy that we find in the Western world is just not providing them solutions.
Anjem Choudary

Every person is born from an natural disposition, and the mother and father will make him into a Christian. So, I do believe that we are all born as Muslims, and, as we mature, we make decisions.
Anjem Choudary

I believe Sharia law, however it comes, is the future for America. I believe, one day, that the people will adopt it anyway. A lot of issues we're looking at now are already enshrined within the Sharia. For instance, the gold standard for when dealing with inflation and a lack of confidence with the stocks and shares, which has been prevalent for the last many decades. All of that is prohibited in Islam.
Anjem Choudary

Under Sharia law, If a woman has money, she can invest her money. The thing is, what we are concerned about is, in the public arena, there's a difference between a man and a woman. We would have complete segregation in the public arena, but other than that, if she wants to go to the market, if she wants to go to visit her relatives or for medicine or for education. There's a whole host of reasons why she would be out and about but, what we are saying is she not obliged to work. That is the job of the man.
Anjem Choudary

Sharia is derived from Arabic, and it means an "oasis." In the desert, man needs the oasis to survive. Sharia is not like any other religion or law, because Sharia is an entire system of life.
Anjem Choudary

In Sharia, nobody will be able to sell pork publicly. Nobody will be drinking alcohol. Pornography will be banned. Gambling will be banned. In terms of the economy, the wealth which is not tangible, either good or deficit, things like insurance, pension, stocks, shares, etc., they will be prohibited because you're supposed to deal with things, which are goods, which you can see, which you can trade with.
Anjem Choudary

The problem that we have is some of the more vocal countries, which parade themselves as Islamic countries, are, in fact, brutal dictatorial regimes. We don't accept them as being Sharia at all, because, what they tend to do, is they tend to just implement several aspects of the penal code and one or two morsels of the social system, but the rest of the system, like providing the basic needs and the social aspects of society and an education system, is completely ousted.
Anjem Choudary

If the Sharia was to be implemented elsewhere, and, as part of its foreign policy, it would remove the operators in the way of preventing the Sharia.
Anjem Choudary

All law is from God, not from man. So, all laws are derived from the divine text, or the Koran.
Anjem Choudary

If someone dies as a child, they go to heaven. But, as an adult, he made a choice of accepting Christianity, so, that's not apostacy. If he was a Muslim as an adult, then changed, that would be apostacy.
Anjem Choudary

Hitler was obviously a dictator. And he was Christian. And I think that he persecuted the Jews, there's no doubt about that. And he did that for nationalistic reasons, which would be prohibited in Islam.
Anjem Choudary

With the loss of the American dollar as its own currency and its devaluation, I think that people will not even be able to afford bread and milk. They're facing a real crisis in America and I think the solution is Islam.
Anjem Choudary

I believe capitalism is dying a slow death right now, as you can see with the recession and with the credit crunch and with social and economic dismay the world as whole and the pandemic of promiscuity, drugs, alcohol and all the other diseases. That's the worst and I believe it's time for a change.
Anjem Choudary

We intend to do is invite Barack Obama and the American administration and the general public to think about Islam as an alternative really, we believe that the problems in the world today aren't necessarily because of people and they need to go back to the divine law and so ours is a call to go back to the divine law and implement Islam.
Anjem Choudary

If the Khalifah implements even one law outside of the divine law, then he will be removed. The courts will face him and he will face capital punishment and he will be removed.
Anjem Choudary

A man is merely to implement the law. He is there not to decide what to implement as we already have the law. We don't have a legislative body.
Anjem Choudary

Muslims who convert to Christianity are not protected. That carries capital punishment. He would be given the opportunity to repent, and the Sharia court would need to determine if he was really a Muslim in the first place, did he know what he was doing, and once all of that has been determined, there is capital punishment for that in Islam.
Anjem Choudary

Your choices make you whoever you turn out to be.
Anjem Choudary

Sharia has a ruling system, an economic system, a policy and social system, a foreign policy and judiciary system to be implemented, you know, the whole package. Under the Sharia, food, shelter and clothing will be provided for all citizens in addition to basic necessities like gas and water as well. But, it's not like communism or socialism in the respect that you can work for the luxuries.
Anjem Choudary