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Anticipation Quotes

This is the precept by which I have lived: Prepare for the worst; expect the best; and take what comes.
Hannah Arendt

This has been my mantra: Brace for the unfavorable; anticipate the favorable; and accept whatever comes.
Authors on Anticipation Quotes: Samuel Johnson Ralph Waldo Emerson John Green Baruch Spinoza Nicholas Sparks Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Hannah Arendt Alfred North Whitehead Daniel Kahneman Jean de la Bruyere George Eliot Honore de Balzac Francis Bacon Henry Rollins Henry David Thoreau Seneca the Younger Dale Carnegie Rickson Gracie Friedrich Schiller David Markson Tupac Shakur Marie Bashkirtseff Lou Boudreau Elbert Hubbard William Hazlitt Harper Lee Josephine Meckseper Bob Cox Clyde Tombaugh Roger Zelazny Henry Home, Lord Kames Benjamin Disraeli Samuel Smiles
Don't be afraid of death so much as an inadequate life.
Bertolt Brecht

If life is to be sustained, hope must remain.
Erik Erikson

If today you have nothing to be happy about, thank God for the potential of tomorrow.
Rickson Gracie

When you expect things to happen - strangely enough - they do happen.
J. P. Morgan

In time, and as one comes to benefit from experience, one learns that things will turn out neither as well as one hoped nor as badly as one feared.
Jerome Bruner

Before, I always lived in anticipation . . . that it was all a preparation for something else, something "greater," more "genuine." But that feeling has dropped away from me completely. I live here and now, this minute, this day, to the full, and the life is worth living.
Etty Hillesum

The trick is to never lose hope!
Tupac Shakur

Fear is a pair of handcuffs on your soul.
Faye Dunaway

Those who are animated by hope can perform what would seem impossibilities to those who are under the depressing influence of fear.
Maria Edgeworth

Contentment is the equilibrium between the enjoyment of life now and the anticipation of what is to come.
Priscilla Shirer

For all that has been, Thanks. To all that shall be, Yes.
Dag Hammarskjold

Anticipation makes pleasure more intense
Iris Johansen

Live with the anticipation that something incredible might happen at any time.
Sharon Gannon

The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting
Andy Warhol

Faith is the courage to face reality with hope.
Robert H. Schuller

If I had to live my life in anticipation of what others thought of me, little would get done.
Henry Rollins

Genuine fearlessness arises with the confidence that we will be able to gather the inner resources to deal with any situation that comes our way.
Matthieu Ricard

It is stupidity rather than courage to refuse to recognize danger when it is close upon you.
Arthur Conan Doyle

You never know what you can do until you have to do it.
Betty Ford

Anticipating pain was like enduring it twice. Why not anticipate pleasure instead?
Robin Hobb

I love you now for what we've already shared, and I love you now in anticipation of all that's to come.
Nicholas Sparks

I look forward to death with great anticipation, to meeting God face to face.
Billy Graham

Anticipation was the soul of enjoyment.
Elizabeth Gaskell

Happiness consists in the full employment of our faculties in some pursuit.
Harriet Martineau

Anticipation forward points the view.
Robert Burns

I walk ahead of myself in perpetual expectancy of miracles.
Anais Nin

Our senses through ignorance of Reality, falsely tell us that what appears to be, is. FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

Nothing is so wretched or foolish as to anticipate misfortunes. What madness it is to be expecting evil before it comes.
Seneca the Younger

I have had many troubles in my life, but the worst of them never came.
James A. Garfield

You loved ferris wheels more than roller coasters because life shouldn’t be lived at full speed, but in anticipation and appreciation.
Amy Harmon

Often, the most enjoyable part of an activity is the anticipation.
Daniel Kahneman

Reappraise the past, re-evaluate where we've been, clarify where we are, and predict or anticipate where we are headed. . . .
Toni Cade Bambara

The price we pay for anticipation of the future is anxiety about it
Carl Sagan

Without the anticipation of better things ahead, we will have no heart for the journey.
John Eldredge

Researchers who studied a thousand Dutch vacationers concluded that by far the greatest amount of happiness extracted from the vacation is derived from the anticipation period.
Daniel Kahneman

The mind is never satisfied with the objects immediately before it, but is always breaking away from the present moment, and losing itself in schemes of future felicity... The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure, but from hope to hope.
Samuel Johnson

What is true by lamplight is not always true by sunlight.
Joseph Joubert

Whenever we're afraid, it's because we don't know enough. If we understood enough, we would never be afraid.
Earl Nightingale

We usually get what we anticipate.
Claude M. Bristol

I live in the present. I only remember the past, and anticipate the future.
Henry David Thoreau

Man's only true happiness is to live in hope of something to be won by him.
John Ruskin

To me travel is triple delight: anticipation, performance, and recollection.
Ilka Chase

Antisappointment. Anticipation colliding head-on with the certainty of its own doom.
Chip Kidd

Horror by definition is the emotion of pure revulsion. Terror of the same standard, is that of fearful anticipation.
Dario Argento

I know men and women can banish worry,
fear and various kinds of illnesses,
and can transform their lives by changing their thoughts.
I know! I know! I know! I have seen such incredible transformations performed hundreds of times.
I have seen them so often that I no longer wonder at them.
Dale Carnegie

How deceitful hope may be,
yet she carries us on pleasantly to the end of life.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Desire makes everything blossom
Marcel Proust

The anticipation of discovering new possibilities becomes my greatest joy.
Jerry Uelsmann

Pleasure is found first in anticipation, later in memory.
Gustave Flaubert