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Baby Quotes

I seen a baby cry seconds later he laughs... the beauty of life, the pain never lasts.
J. Cole

I witnessed a toddler sobbing only to burst into laughter moments later... the splendour of existence, anguish never continues.
Authors on Baby Quotes: Sherrilyn Kenyon Jodi Picoult Paul Reiser Dave Barry Rick Riordan Erma Bombeck Bruce Springsteen Joan Rivers Anne Lamott Rush Limbaugh Tina Fey Melanie Martinez Sylvia Plath Kurt Vonnegut Phyllis Diller Mark Twain Robin Lim Chelsea Handler Jim Gaffigan Lady Gaga Helen Fielding Elizabeth Gilbert Abbi Glines Tupac Shakur Taylor Swift Ina May Gaskin Drake Sandra Scarr P. J. O'Rourke Suzanne Collins Elvis Presley Stephenie Meyer Anna Quindlen
Each and every one of us is born with a clean heart. Our babies know nothing about hate or racism. But soon they begin to learn – and only from us. We keep racism alive. We pass it on to our children. We owe it to our children to help them keep their clean start.
Ruby Bridges

Believe in God like the sun up in the sky, see science can tell us how but it can't tell us why. I seen a baby cry then seconds later she laughed, the beauty of life the pain never lasts.
J. Cole

Trust in the Divine as if it were a brilliant star, for science may elucidate the how but never explain the why. I beheld a wee one sob and then moments later burst with joy; the magnificence of life is that its sorrows are fleeting.
Men are built, not born.... Give me the baby, and I'll make it climb and use its hands in constructing buildings of stone or wood.... I'll make it a thief, a gunman or a dope fiend. The possibilities of shaping in any direction are almost endless.
John B. Watson

Somewhere in between all the mind games, lies and seduction...I fell for you. Somewhere in between all the broken promises, manipulation and heartaches...I got over you. But, I guess I fibbed a few times too. Remember all those times I swore I needed you? Well consider them lies because baby, here I am without you, and I survived.
Lil Wayne

Baby you're a firework, come on, let your colors burst!!
Katy Perry

'You're a beacon of brilliance, come on, let your vibrancy shine through!'
Humanizing birth means understanding that the woman giving birth is a human being, not a machine and not just a container for making babies. Showing women-half of all people-that they are inferior and inadequate by taking away their power to give birth is a tragedy for all society.
Marsden Wagner

Protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery, I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother's life. If toward the end of the pregnancy complications arise that threaten the mother's health, the doctor will induce labor or perform a Caesarean section. His intention is to save the life of both the mother and the baby. The baby's life is never willfully destroyed because the mother's life is in danger.
C. Everett Koop

Grandparenthood is a unique moment in anyone's life, as countless kind people have told me in recent months, so I am enormously proud and happy to be a grandfather for the first time and we are eagerly looking forward to seeing the baby in the near future.
Prince Charles

A child born to a Black mother in a state like Mississippi... has exactly the same rights as a white baby born to the wealthiest person in the United States. It's not true, but I challenge anyone to say it is not a goal worth working for.
Thurgood Marshall

I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show.
Taylor Swift

I'm entranced by you, darling, like a pyrotechnic spectacle.
Boom, boom, boom, Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon, It's always been inside of you, you, you And now it's time to let it through, ooh, ooh. Cause, baby, you're a firework Come on, show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" As you shoot across the sky-y-y. Baby, you're a firework Come on, let your colors burst Make 'em go, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own.
Katy Perry

Successful Investing takes time, discipline and patience. No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time: You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.
Warren Buffett

'Reaping the rewards of wise investing requires time, dedication and perseverance. No matter how impressive the aptitude or endeavour, some things simply need to be given time to come to fruition: You cannot expect a quick outcome from labouring with numerous women.'
Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.
Ronald Reagan

Government is analogous to an infant: possessing a ravenous appetite at one end and lacking accountability at the other.
The mother gazes at the baby in her arms, and the baby gazes at his mother's face and finds himself therein... provided that the mother is really looking at the unique, small, helpless being and not projecting her own expectations, fears, and plans for the child. In that case, the child would find not himself in his mother's face, but rather the mother's own projections. This child would remain without a mirror, and for the rest of his life would be seeking this mirror in vain.
Donald Woods Winnicott

I would like to see every woman know how to handle guns as naturally as they know how to handle babies.
Annie Oakley

I wish for every female to be as adept at shooting guns as they are with nurturing infants.
The worst scream I have ever heard, by far, is a mother cow on a dairy farm screaming her lungs out day, after day, after day for her stolen baby to be given back to her. And why do they steal babies from their moms? Well, the dairy industry can't have little babies sucking up all that milk that was meant for them. Every time you have a glass of cow milk, some calf is not.
Gary Yourofsky

There are some of us who think to ourselves, 'If I had only been there! How quick I would have been to help the Baby. I would have washed His linen. How happy I would have been to go with the shepherds to see the Lord lying in the manger!' Why don't we do it now? We have Christ in our neighbor.
Martin Luther

Seems to me, it aint the world that's so bad but what we're doin' to it. And all I'm saying is, see, what a wonderful world it would be if only we'd give it a chance. Love baby, love. That's the secret...
Louis Armstrong

There is no such thing as a baby, there is a baby and someone.
Donald Woods Winnicott

'There is no such thing as a standalone infant, there is an infant and someone to whom they are connected.'
Time to live, time to lie, time to laugh, and time to die. Take it easy baby. Take it as it comes.
Jim Morrison

'It's the circle of life - bask in it, accept it, enjoy it, and ultimately succumb to it. Relax and take one step at a time.'
Three things remain with us from paradise: stars, flowers and children.
Dante Alighieri

'Life's most treasured gifts are the stars, blooms and youth.'
I have also made this a point in our company: We need to stop taking baby steps and start thinking globally. It really seems to be helping.
Ratan Tata

I have also emphasized this in our company: We need to cease making small advances and start thinking on a large scale. It appears to be bearing fruit.
To change the world, we must first change the way the babies are being born.
Michel Odent

'To revolutionize the world, we must first alter the manner in which infants come into being.'
Everybody's trying to leave their mark on the world. That's why there's graffiti and babies.
Kristen Schaal

Everyone desires to make an indelible impression on the planet. That is why there are street art and newborns.
My sister just had a baby, a little newborn. The kid is adorable, so cute. She wouldn't let me hold him, she refuses. She says, 'No way, Anthony, I'm afraid you're gonna drop him.' I'm 32 years old. Like I'm some kind of idiot. Like I don't have a million other ways to hurt that baby.
Anthony Jeselnik

One baby is a patient baby, and waits indefinitely until its mother is ready to feed it. The other baby is an impatient baby and cries lustily, screams and kicks and makes everybody unpleasant until it is fed. Well, we know perfectly well which baby is attended to first. That is the whole history of politics.
Emmeline Pankhurst

The problem was you had to keep choosing between one evil or another, and no matter what you chose, they sliced a little more off you, until there was nothing left. At the age of 25 most people were finished. A whole goddamned nation of assholes driving automobiles, eating, having babies, doing everything in the worst way possible, like voting for the presidential candidate who reminded them most of themselves.
Charles Bukowski

Let us imagine, for example, that a mother is still in such a state of consciousness that she has forgotten the rest of the world while discovering her baby; suddenly somebody appears with two clamps and a pair of scissors in order to cut the cord. This distraction is a dangerous interference with the physiological processes.
Michel Odent

Nothing heals us like letting people know our scariest parts: When people listen to you cry and lament, and look at you with love, it's like they are holding the baby of you.
Anne Lamott

'Unburdening our innermost fears to those who will listen with comfort and compassion is like cradling the most delicate part of ourselves.'
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.

At the instant of childbirth, a female transforms into a matriarch. She has never been in this role before. The lady existed, but not as a parent. A mother is something entirely unprecedented.
Some of you young folks been saying to me, "Hey Pops, what you mean 'What a wonderful world'? How about all them wars all over the place? You call them wonderful? And how about hunger and pollution? That aint so wonderful either." Well how about listening to old Pops for a minute. Seems to me, it aint the world that's so bad but what we're doin' to it. And all I'm saying is, see, what a wonderful world it would be if only we'd give it a chance. Love baby, love. That's the secret, yeah. If lots more of us loved each other, we'd solve lots more problems. And then this world would be a gasser.
Louis Armstrong

Dear Mama, don't cry, your baby boy's doin' good, Tell the homies I'm in heaven, and they ain't got hoods. Seen a show with Marvin Gaye last night, it had me shook, Drippin' peppermint Schnapps, with Jackie Wilson, and Sam Cooke.
Tupac Shakur

You're never too old to take baby steps
Capital STEEZ

You're never too advanced to take initial steps.
Baby booty, juicy fruity, truck stop cutie, road side beauty, I'm in love with you.
James Taylor

'Sugarplum sweetheart, delightful darling, roadside angel, truckstop temptress, I'm captivated by you.'
The Lord is more anxious to forgive our sins than a woman is to carry her baby out of a burning building.
John Vianney

The Lord is more eager to absolve our transgressions than a mother is to rescue her infant from a blazing conflagration.
The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
Frank Sinatra

The cardinal rule of life, child, is to never be intimidated by anyone or anything.
We not only respect babies, we demonstrate our respect every time we interact with them. Respecting a child means treating even the youngest infant as a unique human being, not as an object
Magda Gerber

We not only honour babies, we demonstrate our esteem each time we engage with them. Honouring a youngster implies treating even the youngest baby as an individual person, not as an item.
I'm insane, I'm emotional, but I'd rather be that than a robot. So that's definitely something that I wanted to get out there. Especially with Cry Baby's story, because the album is about Cry Baby but I realized that me and her went through the same change.
Melanie Martinez

According to traditional wisdom in rural France, a baby in the womb should be compared to fruit on the tree. Not all the fruit on the same tree is ripe at the same time...we must accept that some babies need a much longer time than others before they are ready to be born.
Michel Odent

Freedom, baby, is never having to say youre sorry.
Al Pacino

Absolution, darling, is never requiring an apology.
We tend to focus our attention at Christmas on the infancy of Christ. The greater truth of the holiday is His deity. More astonishing than a baby in the manger is the truth that this promised baby is the omnipotent Creator of the heavens and the earth!
John F. MacArthur

Scott Bullett, as he takes left field, is getting congratulations from everybody. He and his daughter are parents of a new baby.
Harry Caray

Scott Bullett, taking left field, is receiving plaudits from everyone. He and his daughter are now the proud parents of a new infant.
Only mothers can think of the future - because they give birth to it in their children.
Maxim Gorky

Only mothers can envisage the future - for they bring it forth in their offspring.
The child's personality is a product of slow gradual growth. His nervous system matures by stages and natural sequences. He sits before he stands; he babbles before he talks; he fabricates before he tells the truth; he draws a circle before he draws a square; he is selfish before he is altruistic; he is dependent on others before he achieves dependence on self. All of his abilities, including his morals, are subject to laws of growth. The task of child care is not to force him into a predetermined pattern but to guide his growth.
Arnold Gesell

Birth Matters... It matters because it is the way we all begin our lives outside of our source, our mother's bodies. It's the means from which we enter and feel our first impression of the wider world. For each mother, it is an event that shakes and shapes her to her innermost core. Women's perceptions about their bodies and their babies' capabilities will be deeply influenced by the care they receive around the time of birth.
Ina May Gaskin

You see, we don't know what our goals are. We learn our goals only in the process of getting there. "I don't know what I'm building but I'm going to enjoy building it and when I get through building it I'll know what it is." In doing psychotherapy you impress this upon patients. You don't know what a baby is going to become. Therefore, you take good care of it until it becomes what it will.
Milton H. Erickson

The Bureau of Justice reports that one in three black male babies born this century will go to jail or prison - that is an absolutely astonishing statistic. And it ought to be terrorizing to not just to people of color, but to all of us.
Bryan Stevenson

Do what you feel is right, baby.
Snoop Dogg

Follow your instincts.
I usually claim that pregnant women should not read books about pregnancy and birth. Their time is too precious. They should, rather, watch the moon and sing to their baby in the womb.
Michel Odent

I generally assert that expectant mothers should not waste their valuable time perusing literature about pregnancy and delivery. Instead, they ought to gaze up at the moon and hum lullabies to their unborn child.