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Banned Quotes

I've not given up hope the belly-putter will be banned. The R and A and the USGA are looking at it right now.
Ernie Els

Authors on Banned Quotes: Corri Wilson Judah Friedlander Thom Yorke Joe Strummer Ma Jian Lauren Myracle Ernie Els Kathy Acker Dianne Feinstein Kiersten White
If I could have banned them all...I would have!
Dianne Feinstein

Nonsmokers should be banned from buying any product a smoker created.
Joe Strummer

I'm actually banned from the Himalayas, because I'm too good at yoga.
Judah Friedlander

I left Beijing in 1987, shortly before my books were banned there, but have returned continually.
Ma Jian

You know I've had work banned.
Kathy Acker

Being banned from UK will be minor irritant for [Donald] Trump, but catastrophic for local community around Turnberry.
Corri Wilson

I'm banned from Middlebrook elementary for telling dirty jokes to the janitor. The janitor! He cleans up dirt for a living.
Thom Yorke

Being an author of banned books is cool, I've decided.
Lauren Myracle

No,you're officially banned from listening to us. Or thinking about this. Or even thinking about thinking about this, understand?
Kiersten White