Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don't be afraid to take that first step.
Muhammad Ali
Even the most accomplished started from nothing; don't be hesitant to take the initial plunge.
Beginners must master low stance and posture, natural body positions are for the advanced.
Gichin Funakoshi
The king, which during the opening and middlegame stage is often a burden because it has to be defended, becomes in the endgame a very important and aggressive piece, and the beginner should realize this, and utilize his king as much as possible.
Jose Raul Capablanca
In every art, beginners must start with models of those who have practiced the same art before them.
Ruth Whitman
There are times when you may be overwhelmed by the teachings of the Way. At such moments, it is important to continue with the original spirit of a beginner.
Morihei Ueshiba
When a beginner wins he feels brilliant and invincible Then he takes wild risk and loses everything.
Alexander Elder
There are no experts in the company of Jesus. We are all beginners, necessarily followers, because we don’t know where we are going.
Eugene H. Peterson
The beginner should not be discouraged if he finds he does not have the prerequisites for reading the prerequisites.
Paul Halmos
Duffers who consistently shank their balls are urged to buy and study Shanks - No Thanks by R.K. Hoffman, or in extreme cases, M.S. Howard's excellent Tennis for Beginners.
Henry Beard
It's about doing things that you haven't done before, where you're still kind of a beginner, and not resting on your laurels.
Caterina Fake
When people ask me how they should approach performance, I always tell them the professional musician should aspire to the state of the beginner.
Yo-Yo Ma
I still regard myself as an amateur today and I hope that's what I'll stay until the end of my life. Because I'm forever a beginner who discovers the world again and again.
Andre Kertesz
A kung fu man lives without being dependant on the opinions of others, and a master, unlike the beginner, holds himself in reserve. He is quiet and unassuming, with no desire to show off.
Bruce Lee
The Bible was composed in such a way that as beginners mature, its meaning grows with them.
Saint Augustine
Stick to a task 'til it sticks to you. . .for beginners are many, but finishers few.
Thomas S. Monson
If I may throw out a word of counsel to beginners, it is: Treasure your exceptions! When there are none, the work gets so dull that no one cares to carry it further. Keep them always uncovered and in sight. Exceptions are like the rough brickwork of a growing building which tells that there is more to come and shows where the next construction is to be.
William Bateson
A fiery, good beginner always stands higher than a master in mediocrity.
Robert Schumann
Be ready and willing to be a beginner every morning. That's how you grow and step into your greatness
Joel Brown
Hitler was a beginner compared to the comic-book industry.
Fredric Wertham
Every master was once a beginner. Every pro was once an amateur.
Robin Sharma
The beginner's mind is the mind of compassion. When our mind is compassionate, it is boundless.
Shunryu Suzuki
You cannot teach beginners top-down programming, because they don't know which end is up.
Tony Hoare
An expert is a person who has few new ideas; a beginner is a person with many.
Albert Einstein
The beginner should approach style warily, realizing that it is himself he is approaching, no other; and he should begin by turning resolutely away from all devices that are popularly believed to indicate style - all mannerisms, tricks, adornments. The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity.
E. B. White
There’s a phrase in Buddhism, ‘Beginner’s mind.’ It’s wonderful to have a beginner’s mind.
Steve Jobs
I love being a beginner. It can be a terrible feeling because you're ashamed of everything you do, but it's so exciting at the same time.
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Modern poets talk against business, poor things, but all of us write for money. Beginners are subjected to trial by market.
Robert Frost
We urge the beginner in security buying not to waste his efforts and his money in trying to beat the market. Let him study security values and initially test out his judgment on price versus value with the smallest possible sums.
Benjamin Graham
We do not want to be beginners. But let us be convinced of the fact that we will never be anything else but beginners, all our life!
Thomas Merton
You are always naked when you start writing; you are always as if you had never written anything before; you are always a beginner. Shakespeare wrote without knowing he would become Shakespeare
Erica Jong
When spiritual seeking becomes too complicated, its exercies too elaborated, its doctrines too esoteric, it becomes also too artificial and the resulting achievements too fabricated. It is the beginners and intermediates who carry this heavy and unnecessary burden, who involve themselves to the point of becoming neurotics.
Paul Brunton
There never was a winner, who wasn't a beginner.
Denis Waitley
Art ... is as much a source of happiness for the beginner as for the master. One forgets everything in one's work.
Marie Bashkirtseff
Every search begins with beginner’s luck. And every search ends with the victor’s being severely tested.
Paulo Coelho
That is why young people, who are beginners in everything, are not yet capable of love: it is something they must learn. With their whole being, with all their forces, gathered around their solitary, anxious, upward-beating heart, they must learn to love.
Rainer Maria Rilke
In these litigious times, if you're a beginner, it's becoming harder and harder to get your work to the people who might actually be able to hire you.
Len Wein
Sixteen million colors in your palette are hard for any artist, especially a beginner, to turn down.
Buffy Sainte-Marie
I can remember when, as a beginner, I was delighted with any ball as long as it would bounce.
Helen Wills
Apprentice is the beginner - the first years you work in a craft in the European sense you are an apprentice. That takes 3 or 4 years. Then you are a journeyman. You can go from one master to another and learn other tricks and other secrets.
Josef Albers
Young people, who are beginners in everything, cannot yet know love: they have to learn it.
Rainer Maria Rilke
At least embarrasement is not an imitation. It is intimacy for beginners.
Alice Fulton
I've been making movies for a long time. The Japanese way of making movies has become second nature to me. To get away from that, I really try to surround myself with younger staff and approach making movies not like a veteran of the industry but always as a beginner and a rookie.
Takashi Miike