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Bitter Quotes

Young people can understand, and must understand, that we had success, we had failures, but we never gave up. We never gave in. We never became bitter. We didn't hate. We continued to press on. And that's what we're saying: There are some ups, there are some downs, and when you're not down, you must have the capacity and the ability to get up and keep going.
John Lewis

Authors on Bitter Quotes: Maxim Gorky Madonna Ciccone Voltaire Plautus Mel Gibson Samuel Goldwyn Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Charles Buxton Nicole Kidman Publilius Syrus Nick Vujicic Albert Camus Jennifer Estep Tacitus William Shakespeare Anna Akhmatova Cassandra Clare Ovid Nancy Leigh DeMoss Jewel David Leavitt Alma Katsu St. Jerome Gordon Allport Eric Burdon Albert Einstein Thomas Jefferson Margaret Mitchell Dag Hammarskjold Janet Fitch Clarence Thomas S.C. Stephens Winston Churchill
God can take the good, bad and the bitter and create a masterpiece called your destiny.
Tony Evans

God can take the highs, lows and difficult times and assemble a masterpiece called your fate.
Be bitter, stay angry, and blame everyone!
Axl Rose

Be resentful, remain infuriated, and lay accountability on all!
Behind every sweet smile, there is a bitter sadness that no one can ever see and feel.
Tupac Shakur

Seth Rollins

I’ve found that God often lets us taste how sweet he is in our most bitter moments.
Andy Mineo

Everyone happens for a reason, learn it and move on. Don't be bitter about what happened, be happy about what will
Zayn Malik

Mental illness is a myth, whose function is to disguise and thus render more palatable the bitter pill of moral conflicts in human relations.
Thomas Szasz

We are now at the point where we must decide whether we are to honour the concept of a plural society which gains strength through diversity, or whether we are to have bitter fragmentation that will result in perpetual tension and strife.
Earl Warren

We can become bitter or better as a result of our experiences.
Eric Butterworth

Without the bitter the sweet aint as sweet
S.C. Stephens

The sweetest things become the most bitter by excess.

Privatization is a bitter pill but it is a pill that will cure.
Frederick Chiluba

Either your troubles make you better, or they make you bitter. We must always examine what’s going on in our hearts.
T. D. Jakes

But I like it Because it is bitter, And because it is my heart.
Stephen Crane

One can only savor the victory if he has felt the bitter defeat.
Anderson Silva

Never, never is it possible to reach someone if you become angry or bitter only love and gentleness can do it. Maybe not this time but maybe the next or the hundredth time.
Cesar Chavez

Intelligence is so damn rare and the people who have it often have such a bad time with it that they get bitter or propagandistic and then it's not much use.
Ernest Hemingway

In life you have a choice: Bitter or Better? Choose better, forget bitter.
Nick Vujicic

Lay aside all rancor, all bitter sectional feeling, and to make your places in the ranks of those who will bring about a consummation devoutly to be wished—a reunited country.
Jefferson Davis

Those who have suffered much become very bitter or very gentle.
Will Durant

Feeling without judgement is a washy draught indeed; but judgement untempered by feeling is too bitter and husky a morsel for human deglutition.
Charlotte Bronte

[on his dwarfism] When I was younger, definitely, I let it get to me. As an adolescent, I was bitter and angry and I definitely put up these walls. But the older you get, you realize you just have to have a sense of humour. You just know that it's not your problem. It's theirs.
Peter Dinklage

There’s no such thing as a bitter person who keeps the bitterness to himself.
Erwin W. Lutzer

I will see this game of life out to its bitter end
Zane Grey

I'm not an idealist anymore, I'm a bitter realist.
Soe Hok Gie

You've got to take the bitter with the sour.
Samuel Goldwyn

Not all poisonous juices are burning or bitter nor is everything which is burning and bitter poisonous.
Claude Levi-Strauss

I choose to be a happy person. I choose not to be a bitter person
Britney Spears

I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter.
Nick Vujicic

Do not allow negative experiences to make you bitter. They should make you wiser, and with that wisdom you shall find joy.
Leon Brown

Those sins that seem most sweet in life, will prove most bitter in death
Thomas Brooks

I don't get bitter, I just get better.

Hands, matches, an ashtray. A ritual beautiful and bitter.
Anna Akhmatova

If I can't have love, if I can't find peace, / Give me a bitter glory.
Anna Akhmatova

Till sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet.
Thomas Watson

I'm not bitter. Why should I be bitter? I'm thrilled to death with life.
Johnny Cash

I love life too much to be bitter.
Nicolas Sarkozy

Patience s bitter, but it's fruit is sweet.

For to love, loveless, is a bitter pill:But to be loved, unloving, bitterer still.
Jan Struther

Better be jocund with the fruitful Grape Than sadden after none, or bitter, Fruit.
Omar Khayyam

Even in winter, the cold isn't always bitter, and not every day is cruel.
Jim Butcher

For the first time in my life I tasted death, and death tasted bitter, for death is birth, is fear and dread of some terrible renewal.
Hermann Hesse

Of course he loves me. I’m his sister.” “Blood isn’t love,” said Magnus, and his voice was bitter.
Cassandra Clare

And bitter waxed the fray; Brother with brother spake no word When they met in the way.
Jean Ingelow

Thinking of what Jesus did NOT say from the cross: not a bitter, angry, unkind, whining, profane, unnecessary word. There is none like Him!
Nancy Leigh DeMoss

The more a human creature has tasted of bitter things the more it hungers after the sweet things of life.
Maxim Gorky

It takes a major unhappiness, a prolonged and bitter experience, to drive us away from loyalties once formed. And sometimes no amount of punishment can make us repudiate our loyalty.
Gordon Allport

Nobody in pulpit or pew needs a revival more than a bitter-spirited fundamentalist with his dispensations right and his disposition wrong.
Vance Havner

Life is just to sweet to be bitter.
Kris Carr