Soon after Marilyn died, I met Bobby Kennedy and he looked at me as if to say: 'I am your enemy'.
Jane Russell
I took Bobby Kennedy through the delta and he cried like a baby.
Charles Evers
Bobby Kennedy is so concerned with poverty because he didn't have any as a kid.
Ronald Reagan
We don't really know who killed Martin Luther King. We don't really know who killed Bobby Kennedy. We don't really know who killed John Kennedy. We don't really know who killed Tupac Shakur.
Cynthia McKinney
I'm not comparing myself to Bobby Kennedy by any stretch, but he was opposed by the liberal establishment, too. Eleanor Roosevelt was the biggest opponent to him running.
Harold Ford, Jr.
I believed in Bobby Kennedy. Campaigning for him was an attempt to give back something to this country that has given me so much.
Sammy Davis, Jr.