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Bobby Lee Quotes

Texas is the crossroads of the world. Everything here is big.
Bobby Lee

Two things, generally, for me, is what life is about. And they're not funny. Living in the moment, is one. And No. 2 is getting out of yourself and helping other people. Because all of my suffering stems from thinking from myself.
Bobby Lee

A lot of people that are in the disease of drinking and using can be caught up on the denial aspect of it. I don't have a problem with that. I am very sensitive. I can just feel when things are getting out of control and I go, 'Oh, you have to deal with this. Because you can die.' I've always sort of had that.
Bobby Lee

Generally, I am just myself, a crazy John Belushi type. But I'm not comparing myself to him. I think I am against stereotype. Generally Asian guys are more quiet - they study and have a good work ethic. Generally, I have none of those things.
Bobby Lee

I'm one of those people that will walk into a bar, and if I wasn't a comic - because some people know who I am - I would just blend in.
Bobby Lee

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People treat you like s*** when you're a doorman or a busboy. I licked envelopes for eight hours a day for this management company and cried half the time I was there while the managers were on the phone working.
Bobby Lee

People think I am crazy because they see me doing stand-up, but I am generally not. I am very sad. I'm one of those guys that lights candles and listens to Rachmaninoff.
Bobby Lee

I guess I am handsome - in certain parts of the world. If I was, like, in Mongolia, living on a mountain and in my village, I could be the hottest guy. In L.A., I'm ... average?
Bobby Lee

Quote Topics by Bobby Lee: Thinking People Crazy World Australia Comedy Becoming Sometimes Phones Mountain Bitcoin Light Girlfriend Helping Others Hate Who I Am Texas Drinking Work Ethic Jobs Pulse Eight Average Collectibles Guy Hard Summer Two Bars Crossroads
It's not that comedy has changed in terms of what's funny. For me, it's changed in that sometimes I don't feel my finger is on the pulse.
Bobby Lee

As I get older, I don't think the world is becoming that funny. Comedy is changing a bit.
Bobby Lee

For a while last summer I was depressed because nothing was happening. It got to the point where people like me were getting films, so I decided to focus on stand-up. It kind of saved my life. I hate to be that dramatic, but I got a girlfriend and refocused my life on being more real and living a regular life rather than pursuing this other false goal of television and movie stardom.
Bobby Lee

With Bitcoin hard-coded to be limited, it’s like a collectible.
Bobby Lee

I went to Tokyo three years ago. It was a job, though. I did an ad campaign for IBM, so they flew me out there to take pictures of me. It was IBM Global. It went to Australia, France, London, all over the world. But I think the ad campaign was a failure, because of me.
Bobby Lee