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Bombs Quotes

Mankind invented the atomic bomb, but no mouse would ever construct a mousetrap.
Albert Einstein

Humans crafted the atomic bomb, yet no rodent would ever devise a trap for its kind.
Authors on Bombs Quotes: Paul Virilio Mahatma Gandhi Arundhati Roy Barack Obama Mordechai Vanunu James Patterson Albert Einstein William F. Buckley, Jr. Lise Meitner Martin Luther King, Jr. Henry Rollins Mohamed ElBaradei Howard Zinn Sherrilyn Kenyon Charlie Sheen Rachel Caine Greg Mortenson Harry S. Truman Shimon Peres Christopher Hitchens George Wald Nikita Khrushchev Neal Stephenson Herman Kahn Bill Rodgers Martin Sheen Sebastian Horsley Mahmoud Ahmadinejad A.M. Homes Kenneth Clarke Bernard Lown Hiroko Sakai Ted Cruz
I propose getting rid of conventional armaments and replacing them with reasonably priced hydrogen bombs that will be distributed equally throughout the world.
Idi Amin

I suggest replacing traditional weaponry with reasonably priced hydrogen bombs that can be fairly allocated across the globe.
Want to know what’s more destructive than a nuclear bomb? Words.
Kim Jong-un

'Verbal devastation can be more ruinous than a nuclear blast.'
The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.
Sir Arthur Harris, 1st Baronet

The atomic bomb is a marvelous gift that was given to our country by a wise God.
Phyllis Schlafly

I am thinking about something much more important than bombs. I am thinking about computers.
John von Neumann

We can bomb the world to pieces, but we can't bomb it into peace.
Michael Franti

It takes a bomb under his arse to make Hitler see logic.
Joseph Goebbels

Anyone who saw Nagasaki would suddenly realize that they'd been kept in the dark by the United States government as to what atomic bombs can do.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti

The present reeks of mediocrity and the atom bomb.
Rene Magritte

Cause if you shoot a bullet someone dies. If you drop a bomb many die. You hit a woman, love dies. But if you say the F-word... nothing actually happens.
Richard Curtis

I've seen many men die right in front of me - so many in fact that I've become almost hardened to it. Having seen the worst that human beings can do to each other, the results of torture, mutilation and seeing someone blown to pieces by a bomb, you develop a kind of shell. But you had to. You had to. Otherwise, we would never have won.
Christopher Lee

Dropping those atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a war crime.
George Wald

The bikini is the most important thing since the atom bomb.
Diana Vreeland

The bulldozer and not the atomic bomb may turn out to be the most destructive invention of the 20th century.
Philip Shabecoff

A bomb makes more noise than a caress, but for each bomb that destroys, there are millions of caresses that nourish life.
Facundo Cabral

No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it. There can be no appeasement with ruthlessness. There can be no reasoning with an incendiary bomb.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Scientology is the only specific (cure) for radiation (atomic bomb) burns.
L. Ron Hubbard

I will have nothing to do with a bomb! [Response to being invited (1943) to work with Otto Robert Frisch and some British scientists at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project to create the atomic bomb.]
Lise Meitner

Sending us Ebola bombs in the form of sweaty Glaswegians just isn't cricket.
Katie Hopkins

Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything - you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.
Robert A. Heinlein

Throw your stick and stones, throw your bombs and your blows, but you're not gonna break my soul.
Katy Perry

Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms.
Ben Affleck

The art of Frida Kahlo is a ribbon around a bomb.
Andre Breton

Bombs do not choose. They will hit everything.
Nikita Khrushchev

Chefs don't actually say 'That's a spicy meat-a-ball,' except to indicate that there's a bomb threat in the restaurant without alarming the customers. Terrorism is the spiciest meatball there is.
Mario Batali

I don't regret setting bombs.
Bill Ayers

Making bombs will only destroy us. It doesn't matter whether we use them or not. They will destroy us either way.
Arundhati Roy

Sometimes you just can't get rid of a bomb!
Adam West

Any time bombs are used to target civilians it is an act of terror.
Barack Obama

The Japanese position was hopeless even before the first atomic bomb fell because the Japanese had lost control of their own air.
Henry H. Arnold

It had all the earmarks of a CIA operation; the bomb killed everybody in the room except the intended target!
William F. Buckley, Jr.

I’m the bomb like tick tick.
Lil Wayne

I was doing political cartoons and getting angry to the point where I felt I was going to have to start making and throwing bombs. I thought I was probably a better cartoonist than a bomb maker.
Terry Gilliam

Other than the bombs they strap to their chests, Ive got no idea what makes the Palestinians tick.
Dennis Miller

Above all, I shall see to it that the enemy will not be able to drop any bombs.
Hermann Goring

North Americans do not understand that you do not throw down human rights like bombs on the Iraqis.
Shirin Ebadi

I did not want to be labelled the designer who survived the atomic bomb, and therefore I have always avoided questions about Hiroshima.
Issey Miyake

Is it really so easy to determine that smacking someone in the face to find out where he has hidden the bomb that is about to blow up Los Angeles is prohibited by the Constitution?
Antonin Scalia

The greatest threat of harm doesn't come from any bomb
Brother Ali

Of the six people who started PayPal, four had built bombs in high school.
Peter Thiel

Anger is a fuel. You need fuel to launch a rocket. But if all you have is fuel without any complex internal mechanism directing it, you don't have a rocket. You have a bomb
Stanley Bing

You know what really shuts up a bully? Learning how to build a pipe-bomb!
Daniel Tosh

I will have nothing to do with a bomb!
Lise Meitner

Geez, all that money we waste on space exploration; just think how many bombs that would buy!
Craig Reucassel

François: Do you know what kind of a bomb it was? Clouseau: Yes, the exploding kind.
Peter Sellers

Conservatives are fond of pointing out there are problems in this world can't be solved by throwing money at them. There are even more that can't be solved by dropping bombs on them.
Molly Ivins

After the atomic bombs were dropped, the war ended and we went into Tokyo Bay with the rest of the fleet, the Missouri and the rest of them, while they signed the terms of surrender that ended the war.
Barney Ross

Diabetes is an all-too-personal time bomb which can go off today, tomorrow, next year, or 10 years from now - a time bomb affecting millions like me and the children here today.
Mary Tyler Moore

A terrorist is someone who has a bomb, but doesn't have an air force.
William Blum