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Bonnie Raitt Quotes

American singer-songwriter and guitarist, Birth: 8-11-1949 Bonnie Raitt Quotes
Ugly ducklings don't turn into swans and glide off down the lake. Whether your sunglasses are on or off, you only see the world you make.
Bonnie Raitt

I'm certain that it was an incredible gift for me to not only be friends with some of the greatest blues people who've ever lived, but to learn how they played, how they sang, how they lived their lives, ran their marriages, and talked to their kids.
Bonnie Raitt

The consolidation of the music business has made it difficult to encourage styles like the blues, all of which deserve to be celebrated as part of our most treasured national resources.
Bonnie Raitt

Religion is for people who are scared to go to hell. Spirituality is for people who have already been there.
Bonnie Raitt

I never saw music in terms of men and women or black and white. There was just cool and uncool.
Bonnie Raitt

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There were so many great music and political scenes going on in the late '60s in Cambridge. The ratio of guys to girls at Harvard was four to one, so all of those things were playing in my mind.
Bonnie Raitt

Life gets mighty precious when there's less of it to waste.
Bonnie Raitt

How unthinkable that, in a country of such bursting plenty, so many people are facing ongoing hunger and poverty. If we are truly each other's keepers, let's support school lunches, food stamps, neighborhood garden projects, and so many other wonderful programs working to put an end to this cruel and needless blight once and for all.
Bonnie Raitt

Quote Topics by Bonnie Raitt: People Thinking Guitar Years Song Artist Real Jobs Age Blessing Rocks Issues Looks School Want Long Music Knows Feels Men Play Political Kids Rights Inspire Musician Get Better Ifs Games Responsibility
You know, a lot of people feel that sobriety is about just stopping using whatever it was that you appeared to be addicted to, but it really has to do with a way of looking at your life and taking accountability.
Bonnie Raitt

Solar power is the last energy resource that isn't owned yet - nobody taxes the sun yet.
Bonnie Raitt

It's incredible to see labor unions and environmentalists getting together to stop the corporate mentality that destroys both jobs and the environment.
Bonnie Raitt

We did a two month tour with Taj Mahal that was really healing and cathartic and a good distraction after my brother passed away. Then I knew I wanted to take a year off, and it was really nice to have that chance to fall apart.
Bonnie Raitt

We can live in fear or act out of hope.
Bonnie Raitt

It's always enjoyable to listen to a friend's work, but if it doesn't resonate with you, then you can just appreciate it and it inspires you in its own way.
Bonnie Raitt

We can choose, you know, we ain't no amoeba.
Bonnie Raitt

I think people must wonder how a white girl like me became a blues guitarist. The truth is, I never intended to do this for a living.
Bonnie Raitt

I would rather feel things in extreme than not at all.
Bonnie Raitt

I think my fans will follow me into our combined old age. Real musicians and real fans stay together for a long, long time.
Bonnie Raitt

Distribution has really changed. You can make a record with a laptop in the morning and have it up on YouTube in the afternoon and be a star overnight. The talent on YouTube is incredible, and it can spread like wildfire. The downside is that it's very hard to convince the younger generation that they should pay for music.
Bonnie Raitt

I don't want to sound like a self-help book, but it really has been transformative for me to take a look at my relationships in a new way and see my part in them. Everybody's going through that.
Bonnie Raitt

There's lots of flaws and frailties and cracks in the armor, and nobody wants to put themselves out there as some kind of Joan of Arc because none of us can live up to that, but I'm grateful to be a role model and be respected because I have a whole slew of people, men and women, that I feel the same way about.
Bonnie Raitt

There's nothing like living a long time to create a depth and soulfulness in your music.
Bonnie Raitt

I would love to see a revival of what we had against the war in the '60s - we could do these teach-ins on the internet, live and split screen, and have real in-depth debate between people that are on the "other" side of issues - nuclear, gun control, whatever. We could really be having a much more democratically involved and exciting debate with people emailing their questions and having a virtual town meeting.
Bonnie Raitt

I grew up in Los Angeles in a Quaker family, and for me being Quaker was a political calling rather than a religious one.
Bonnie Raitt

When they were putting oil rigs up and down the California coast, the whole issue of safe energy and the addiction to fossil fuels really came into focus.
Bonnie Raitt

There are so many people out there working with great grassroots and global and national organizations that are unsung heroes to me.
Bonnie Raitt

I've watched my peers get better with age and hoped that would happen with me.
Bonnie Raitt

The women's movement resurgence of standing up for so many things that were kind of sleepy there for a decade or so, there's been a reawakening and I think the consciousness movement in general is dovetailing with a lot of recovery and self-empowerment.
Bonnie Raitt

I finally learned to accept that I can't make radio play blues any more than I could get Reagan out of the White House.
Bonnie Raitt

Im happy to say that at 62, I think Ive reached that point where stuff doesnt bother me as much, and my gratitude level has gone way up, especially having gone through the loss that Ive had, and losing so many of the great artists that I was close to. They taught me how to see it with a grain of salt and a lot of humor and perspective.
Bonnie Raitt

A lot of political music to me can be rather pedantic and corny, and when it's done right - like Bruce Springsteen or Jackson Browne or great satire from Randy Newman, there's nothing better.
Bonnie Raitt

Part of the reason I had such a drive to be an activist, and support other activists, is because I was raised Quaker and my parents kept us very much informed and involved as kids in civil rights and the conservation movement.
Bonnie Raitt

It is still a surprise when people tell me that I've had an influence on them, particularly when it's someone I really respect.
Bonnie Raitt

I don't need any drug to show me Heaven And I sure know how to spend plenty of time cleaning Hell But I'm missin' that feeling of falling.
Bonnie Raitt

I'm honored when young people say they've gone to school on slide guitar with my records. But people get their influence from my live shows and records and YouTube, not me personally. I walk around with a hat on. People don't know it's me.
Bonnie Raitt

My love was Bob Dylan, but as I got older I realized a good ballad was a good ballad.
Bonnie Raitt

I'm proud of the way I rearrange and put things together, like a chef who makes a great meal, or a filmmaker who puts together a story - it's casting, editing, cinematography.
Bonnie Raitt

In blues, classical and jazz, you get more revered with age.
Bonnie Raitt

Playing guitar was one of my childhood hobbies, and I had played a little at school and at camp. My parents would drag me out to perform for my family, like all parents do, but it was a hobby - nothing more.
Bonnie Raitt

I've been lucky enough that I can gather all sorts of experiences and find inspiration by traveling around and by spending time with people I admire.
Bonnie Raitt

When you love a song so much you have to sing, you know how you feel - it releases something in you that resonates as true, whether it's James Brown or Joni Mitchell.
Bonnie Raitt

One of the biggest obstacles I've overcome in my life was thinking I didn't deserve to be successful. Artistically I'm not as much of a heavyweight as someone like Paul Simon or Joni Mitchell, because I'm not a creator of original music, and I worried about that for years.
Bonnie Raitt

Quakers are known for wanting to give back. Ban the bomb and the civil rights movement and the native American struggle for justice - those things were very, very front-burner in my childhood, as were the ideas of working for peace and if you have more than you need, then you share it with people who don't.
Bonnie Raitt

The connection between toxicity and cancer and safe air and water and food, all of that was important all along, as were women's and human rights issues, but the nuke issue and the safe energy movement became really important to me in the mid-'70s.
Bonnie Raitt

The anti-nuke movement has important and far-reaching implications for grassroots organizing. It can unite kids and musicians, everybody, whether they're leftist or rightist, or radical, or Republican, because energy is energy. But in fact, it is a real political struggle - it shows people that it's big business against the people.
Bonnie Raitt

The great thing about the arts, and especially popular music, is that it really does cut across genres and races and classes.
Bonnie Raitt

The challenge of course is in sobriety and that's been the blessing, to realize, to take accountability for the ways that your own thinking impacts your happiness, and your serenity, and your ability to be a productive and a loving, giving member of your family and society.
Bonnie Raitt

Nobody went out to pasture, and a lot of people are doing their best work. Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, and Sting are at the top of their game. I mean, Tony Bennett is the coolest guy I ever met! We have to figure out how to break out of this age ghetto.
Bonnie Raitt

There's so many amazing articles coming out all the time and because of the internet circulating great writing - even if the writers don't get paid enough most of the time, unfortunately - but there's never been a more amazing flow of information on all of the issues. I would love to see a revival of what we had against the war in the '60s - we could do thes
Bonnie Raitt

Those of us with a microphone who are blessed with the gift of being in the public eye have a special opportunity to give voice to all those groups whose activism is sometimes ignored or put on the back pages with the the dumbing down of television and the tabloidization of journalism. As Ralph Nader called it, "sound barks," not even sound bites.
Bonnie Raitt