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Braden Kelley Quotes

Greatness follows those who lead the way.
Braden Kelley

Creativity is an input to innovation and change is the output from innovation.
Braden Kelley

Anything is possible, but not always probable. Innovators increase the probability of the impossible.
Braden Kelley

Innovation transforms the useful seeds of invention into widely adopted solutions valued above every existing alternative.
Braden Kelley

It is embarrassing that the United States is so far behind the rest of the world when it comes to mCommerce.
Braden Kelley

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You can’t really innovate for the past (your offering won’t be innovative and will be beaten easily by competitors). If you innovate for the future, then adoption will be slow until customers become ready. The trick is to task your insights team to provide guidance for the future present.
Braden Kelley