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Brendon Urie Quotes

American singer, Birth: 12-4-1987 Brendon Urie Quotes
Music is always a healer. Music has never let me down. I know it’s my religion. There’s the idea that you can’t truly know happiness until you know sadness, so how can you heal yourself unless you’ve hurt yourself? I’m still figuring out who I am, but I know that I’m not who I was.
Brendon Urie

You don't have to be angry, you don't have to be too cool for school. You can just have a good time and dance like no one's watching. Just enjoy life.
Brendon Urie

"Don't feel the need to be hostile, don't try too hard to impress. Let loose and move with freedom like nobody is seeing. Savor life."
If I was a serial killer? How I would kill somebody? I'm actually a very compulsive person ... I'd chainsaw people.
Brendon Urie

Heartbreak is the best motivation.
Brendon Urie

Aching anguish is the ultimate inspiration.
It's ignorant! The stereotype is guys that are weak and have failing relationships write about how sad they are. If you listen to our songs, not one of them has that tone. Emo is bullshit! If people want to take it for the literal sense of the word, then yes, we're an emotional band, we put a lot of thought into what we do. People always try to stereotype us, but we don't fit the emo stereotype.
Brendon Urie

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Could I imagine being a piano? That'd be awesome. I'd throw a D-minor at you to make you sad, then an F-major to make you happy!
Brendon Urie

I could dream of transforming into a piano, what an incredible experience that'd be! I'd play a D-minor to induce sorrow, then switch to an F-major for joy.
I don't have any pets, so I get to walk around the house naked. So I'm more free.
Brendon Urie

I don't possess any animals, therefore I am able to saunter about the residence in my birthday suit. Thus affording me greater liberty.
Hey, Ill be a pretty boy for money.
Brendon Urie

I'll be a dashing male for remuneration.
Quote Topics by Brendon Urie: Song Thinking Years Believe Fun Religious Different Love Is Who I Am Player Writing Party School Vinyl I Believe Moving Running Trumpets Mp3 Serial Killer Mythical Creatures Hey Listening People Wings Emo Haunting Building Up Care Guy
We're weird guys. I don't know if a lot of people get our humor. A lot of people probably think we're jerks. We're real sarcastic. Really ironic and stuff. We mean well, but we joke around probably a lot more than we should.
Brendon Urie

I look back at the past as fond memories but I'm able to move forwards in a new light, like I'm reborn.
Brendon Urie

We're just like you. Were not these older idols, you know, were just kids like you guys.
Brendon Urie

You don't have to be the same as anybody else, but you can support - just concerning human rights in general.
Brendon Urie

I don't care who gets in my way... I'm just gonna come right though and riot.
Brendon Urie

I think anything you listen to is going to be different. You're going to listen to a song differently if you're just sitting around somewhere listening on your phone as opposed to sitting in a dark room listening to a vinyl album. It's going to be a totally different experience.
Brendon Urie

I like to put wings on my mythical creatures, because I've always wanted to be able to fly! That's a dream of mine.
Brendon Urie

When I was a little kid and I heard a song I liked on TV, I would jump up and run to the piano to try and figure it out by ear. When I was 10 or 11, I built myself a drum kit in the garage made out of empty laundry detergent buckets, old lawn chairs, paint cans, and old trash cans. And around that time, my parents got me my first guitar. A baby acoustic. I jumped between all of these instruments constantly to satisfy the ideas I heard in my head. At this young age, I realized that music would play a huge part in my life.
Brendon Urie

I played trumpet in middle school, and then I had to get braces, so I had to stop playing trumpet and start playing drums.
Brendon Urie

'Victorious' for me was a chance to write a song exactly how I was feeling - I was feeling triumphant, I was feeling like I could do anything as long as I've got the people that I love by my side. We're gonna go out and conquer it, and party, and just be awesome.
Brendon Urie

I have my mother's hips...I have an apple bottom.
Brendon Urie

I grew up in a very religious family, so that was never going to leave me. I just accepted it over the years. Although I'm not religious myself, it is so much a part of me. It's a part of my history, a part of my tradition and my culture, so I don't want to just throw it away and leave it behind, because it's made me who I am today.
Brendon Urie

I love being involved in all of the creative stuff; I love talking ideas with directors. Anyone with an imagination can create something fun.
Brendon Urie

When I wrote a song, it would have to be from something I was really excited about, or a melody that's been haunting me for weeks, or a message I wanted to convey lyrically. So it would have to start from something I felt very strongly about.
Brendon Urie

You can't really take a vinyl record player on a plane so you're not going to have the same experience, but if you walk yourself away and allow yourself to experience these different moments with music, you're so much richer in experience for that. That's what I believe.
Brendon Urie

I'm not starting my own religion, I'm not preaching, and I'm not starting a church of any kind, but I love being able to accumulate so many experiences over the years and use that as ammunition for what I truly believe in.
Brendon Urie

I like having that juxtaposition where you can have a very triumphant sounding song and then throw in all this crazy imagery. That's part of the fun of writing, you know?
Brendon Urie

I wanted to talk about a lot of stuff that I've been through. Party-wise, it's taken me almost a decade to party enough to accumulate enough experiences that I could sing about and put in one song!
Brendon Urie

I'm shedding off the old me and I'm reborn as the new me - it's great!
Brendon Urie

It's fun to play characters in songs. I can just cheat a little bit... be this person for just a small amount of time and just help vent that idea.
Brendon Urie

I think some songs are better on vinyl.
Brendon Urie

I think some songs are better on vinyl. I would rather listen to it in a club! 80% of this album; put it on in a club and just rage! Play it super loud!
Brendon Urie

I love going back to vinyl! I still have a great vinyl collection that I'm building up every couple of months. It's something I love to do.
Brendon Urie

I love every type of listening format, from MP3s to CDs to vinyl. There's something special about each one. It's a sign of the times. I love looking back, and even putting new music on vinyl - if it's right!
Brendon Urie

I think anything you listen to is going to be different.
Brendon Urie

Frank Sinatra turns 100 this year and his music has been a major player in the soundtrack of my life. So it's only right that I return the favor and pay it forward.
Brendon Urie

I grew up in a religious family and, like, that was a very big part of my life, and still, very much, is even though I don't affiliate with any specific religion. It's just, for me, you know, the spirituality of being able to own up to your sins, as they're called, and take responsibility for your actions really hit me this time around.
Brendon Urie

I love looking back, and even putting new music on vinyl - if it's right!
Brendon Urie

I like to use religion as a catalyst for something that I believe.
Brendon Urie