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Bucks Quotes

If I fail, the film industry writes me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart.
George A. Romero

Authors on Bucks Quotes: Seth Rogen James Joyce Mitt Romney Dierks Bentley Jack Tretton Ed Koch Rene Marie Merton Miller Annie Dillard George Steele Carol Leifer Nas Scott Disick John D. Rockefeller Britta Phillips George A. Romero Harry S. Truman Ethan Hawke Suzanne Brockmann Luke Evans Sam Walton James Patterson Christopher Hitchens David Neeleman Harold Ballard Barbara Broccoli Sean Price Michael Douglas Andre Agassi Gil Gerard David Gerrold Larry the Cable Guy Tom DeLonge
I’ve made upwards of a million bucks in the cops and robbers business.
Broderick Crawford

And y'all scared I can tell That I'mma get Bucks like Milwaukee, cause like Sam, I ca' sell.

Six bucks and my right nut says we're not landing in Chicago.
John Candy

When the decision is up before you-and on my desk I have a motto which says "The buck stops here"-the decision has to be made.
Harry S. Truman

People don't usually wanna kill me for one of my movies until after they've paid 12 bucks for it.
Seth Rogen

To beat the market you'll have to invest serious bucks to dig up information no one else has yet.
Merton Miller

If you don't like the President, it costs you 90 bucks to fly to Washington to picket. If you don't like the governor, it costs you 60 bucks to fly to Albany to picket. If you don't like me - 90 cents.
Ed Koch

That buck that bought a bottle could have struck the lotto

Don't blame the marketing department. The buck stops with the chief executive.
John D. Rockefeller

I'm not a big one for jokes. I can't tell a joke, believe it or not. If you gave me a thousand bucks and said, "Don, get up at a party and tell a joke," I'm the worst.
Don Rickles

That's what's great about show business. It's escapism. You pay your five bucks to get in and sit there and you're in another world. Forget about the problems in the world. It's wonderful.
Michael Jackson

The concept of loneliness and exile and self-sufficiency continually bucks me up.
Christopher Hitchens

Our whole wedding cost 180 bucks. Afterward, we re-heated lasagna for everyone and set off fireworks.
Larry the Cable Guy

Redheaded women buck like goats.
James Joyce

Nevermind what you normally would do. Just cough up your goddam buck like everyone else.
Lawrence Tierney

When we realize we can make a buck cleaning up the environment, it will be done!
Dennis Weaver

I was totally devastated for four years in the mid '60s when l tried to buck the tide.
Tommy Rettig

It's all about bucks, kid. The rest is conversation.
Michael Douglas

Lets not focus on saving a nickel... lets focus on making a buck.
Adam Carolla

I bet a guy at a bar 50 bucks that I was more dysfunctional than he was. He raped me. So I tipped him. I'm very competitive.
Christopher Titus

The buck stops with the guy who signs the checks.
Rupert Murdoch

Every single person that spent a few bucks to buy a book that I wrote deserves a big thank you from my whole family.
Colleen Hoover

I'm just trying to make a buck like everyone else.
Tom Waits

I'm not going to write for posterity. I'm going to write to make a buck.
Elmore Leonard

You know, you meet some people, and do a lot of interviews, and you come across a Buck O'Neill and you know you are going to know him for the rest of your life. The same thing happened with.
Ken Burns

Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.
James Joyce

Say what you want about America - thirteen bucks can still get you a hell of a lot of mice!
George Michael

There's only 10 guys making big bucks in wrestling, and the rest of them they're making good money, but they're not blowing it away.
George Steele

Every person has the right to look and feel like a million bucks.
Mehmet Oz

I'll eat a nugget of my own poop for 20 bucks. I'll pay you 20 bucks and I'll eat it.
Tom DeLonge

Martin [Luther King] wasn't one to buck forces too much.
Ella Baker

I admired anybody who could make a buck with his drawing.
Jack Kirby

When my nine goes buck, it will bust your head like a watermelon dropping 12 stories up.
Ice Cube

I've always been driven to buck the system.
Sam Walton

I got a hundred bucks says my baby beats Pete's baby. I just think genetics are in my favour.
Andre Agassi

I've never really had a real job. When I was young doing stand-up, I'd get 50 bucks a week here or 100 bucks a week there. You know, sometimes for headlining one of the rooms, or MC-ing, or something like that. So yeah, I've never had like a normal job.
Seth Rogen

A lot of bands that reunite do it for the wrong reasons. They do it for the bucks and everybody can sense it.
Glenn Tipton

No one ever made a million bucks by being cautious or timid or reasonable.
Eli Broad

I'm just a little old cartoonist, tryin' to make a buck.
Walter Lantz

As it happened, I had a friend who was a good person who liked to present himself as a dreadful one. Using him as a role model, I created the first Buck Godot strip.
Phil Foglio

Sometimes you need a little courage too just to buck popular opinion.
Herb Kelleher

I made 50 million bucks yesterday. That's a flameout I could get used to.
Conrad Black

Television is just one more facet of that considerable segment of our society that never had any standard but the soft buck.
Raymond Chandler

To make a quick buck, but over time, if you're not creating value for others, customers, society, isn't going to let you be around.
Charles Koch

Buck Rogers, I believe, is an illegitimate child of Galactica. I only hope Galactica won't turn in its grave.
Wilfrid Hyde-White

I also played with Jimi Hendrix. Jimi would come down and sit in with Retaliation and we would have a ball. He offered me the gig with him at 20 pounds a week, which at that point, was like 60 bucks.
Aynsley Dunbar

Buck up or stay in the truck.
Sarah Palin

I'm a natural. That's why I make the big bucks.
Gabrielle Reece

Women love money. You give them a couple thousand bucks and they’re happy.
Rob Ford