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Caddies Quotes

Nobody but you and your caddie care what you do out there, and if your caddie is betting against you, he doesn't care, either.
Lee Trevino

Authors on Caddies Quotes: Steve Williams Lee Trevino Bob Hope JoAnne Carner Stephen Potter Bobby Jones Jimmy Demaret P. G. Wodehouse Dan Jenkins George Archer Arnold Haultain Charles Walter Simpson Samuel Goldwyn Chi Chi Rodriguez Herbert Wind Tommy Bolt Charles Brown MacDonald Jean van de Velde
Once when I'd been in a lot of bunkers, my caddie told me he was getting blisters from raking so much.
JoAnne Carner

If I needed advice from my caddie, he'd be hitting the shots and I'd be carrying the bag.
Bobby Jones

Caddies are a breed of their own. If you shoot 66, they say, "Man, we shot 66!" But go out and shoot 77, and they say "Hell, he shot 77!"
Lee Trevino

If a caddie can help you, you don't know how to play golf.
Dan Jenkins

Then Lee Trevino and Jack Nicklaus come in. I'll caddie for Jack.
Chi Chi Rodriguez

If it wasn't for golf, I'd probably be a caddie today.
George Archer

According to the Captain of The Honorable Company of Edinburgh Golfers, striking your opponent or caddie at St Andrews, Hoylake or Westward Ho! meant that you lost the hole, except on medal days when it counted as a rub of the green.
Herbert Wind

There are three things in the world that he held in the smallest esteem - slugs, poets and caddies with hiccups.
P. G. Wodehouse

I don't know why that putt hung on the edge. I'm a clean liver. It must be my caddie.
JoAnne Carner

I know you can be fined for throwing a club, but I want to know if you can get fined for throwing a caddie?
Tommy Bolt

Golf took young kids like Byron Nelson, Ben Hogan and myself out of the caddie ranks and gave us money and a little bit of fame and let us live in the tall cotton.
Jimmy Demaret

In golf, a player can step and mar the line of his adversary's putt. A player can also hit his adversary or his caddie intentionally with his ball and claim the hole - but it isn't usually done.
Charles Brown MacDonald

Make friends with your caddie and the game will make friends with you.
Stephen Potter

I never kick my ball in the rough or improve my lie in a sand trap. For that I have a caddie.
Bob Hope

My horse was in the lead, coming down the home stretch, but the caddie fell off.
Samuel Goldwyn

All my life I had a rapport with black caddies.
Lee Trevino

Just because you're a good caddie doesn't mean to say that you're the one that can put a player over the top. A good caddie doesn't necessarily help you've got to gel.
Steve Williams

It was a great honour to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. I didn't know they had a caddie division.
Bob Hope

"The caddie will only drink the more if overpaid," you say. Indeed! and to what good purpose do you apply the money you grudge to the poor? Is there something nobler in your gout and dyspepsia than in my caddie's red nose?
Charles Walter Simpson

When you're told as a caddie we need to take a break, you're fired.
Steve Williams

Don't worry about your caddie. He may be an irritating little wretch, but for eighteen holes he is your caddie.
Arnold Haultain

If you want me to come and caddie for you full time, you've got to sit down and do some hard work and do some hard yards because that's what I expect.
Steve Williams

When I push, the top part of the leg goes ahead of the bottom part, and you can hear a big plonk when it comes back. My caddie said 'What the hell was that?!
Jean van de Velde