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Capacity To Love Quotes

Each person is sacred, no matter what his or her culture, religion, handicap, or fragility. Each person is created in God’s image; each one has a heart, a capacity to love and to be loved.
Jean Vanier

Every human being is worthy of respect and reverence, regardless of origin, faith, disability or vulnerability. Every individual has been fashioned in the likeness of their Creator; every sole possesses a core, an aptitude to care for others and be cared for.
Authors on Capacity To Love Quotes: Erich Fromm Robin Lim Lester Levenson Rajneesh Terry Tempest Williams Daniel Patrick Moynihan Jason Mraz Grace Lee Boggs Woody Allen Pearl S. Buck Jack Kornfield Alexis Carrel Thomas Merton Dawna Markova Jean Vanier Giovanni Papini R. C. Sproul Pope Francis Marci Shimoff Quentin Crisp Tishuan Scott Donald Woods Winnicott John H. Groberg Frederick Lenz Tara Brach Paula Patton Margaret Mead Walter Starcke Christopher McDougall Meg Ryan Maria Canals Barrera William C. Menninger Rollo May
She was bored. She loved, had capacity to love, for love, to give and accept love. Only she tried twice and failed twice to find somebody not just strong enough to deserve it, earn it, match it, but even brave enough to accept it.
William Faulkner

We urgently need to bring to our communities the limitless capacity to love, serve, and create for and with each other. We urgently need to bring the neighbor back into our hoods, not only in our inner cities but also in our suburbs, our gated communities, on Main Street and Wall Street, and on Ivy League campuses.
Grace Lee Boggs

Events unfold so unpredictably, so unfairly, human happiness does not seem to be included in the design of creation. It is only we, with our capacity to love that give meaning to the indifferent universe. And yet, most human beings seem to have the ability to keep trying and even try to find joy from simple things, like their family, their work, and from the hope that future generations might understand more.
Woody Allen

I don't mind saying in advance that in my opinion jealousy is normal and healthy. Jealousy arises out of the fact that children love. If they have no capacity to love, then they don't show jealousy.
Donald Woods Winnicott

Love is the creative refinement of sex energy. And so, when love reaches perfection, the absence of sex automatically follows. A life of love, an abstinence from physical pleasures is called brahmacharya, and anyone who wishes to be free from sex must develop his capacity to love. Freedom from sex cannot be achieved through supersession. Liberation from sex is only possible through love.

The affirmation of one's own life, happiness, growth and freedom, is rooted in one's capacity to love.
Erich Fromm

Most people see the problem of love primarily as that of being loved, rather than that of loving, of one's capacity to love. Hence the problem to them is how to be loved, how to be lovable.
Erich Fromm

There are those who have a desire to love, but do not have the capacity to love.
Giovanni Papini

The institution of the family is decisive in determining not only if a person has the capacity to love another individual but in the larger social sense whether he is capable of loving his fellow men collectively. The whole of society rests on this foundation for stability, understanding and social peace.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

I began by asking myself, “What do I want out of life?” And the answer was happiness. Investigating further, I went into the moment when I was feeling happiest. I discovered something which to me was startling at the time. It was when I was loving that I was happiest. That happiness equated to my capacity to love rather than to being loved. That was a starting point.
Lester Levenson

Selfishness is like a disease that suffocates our capacity to love. While love asks us to deny ourselves for the sake of another, selfishness demands we put ourselves first at their expense. When we choose to be self-centered, we become less kind and content—more needy, sensitive, and demanding. More unsatisfiable. Moodiness and impatience, laziness and irresponsibility, are only selfishness in disguise.
Stephen Kendrick

In joy or sorrow, health or sickness, prosperity or the reverse, the effort must still continue. One must rise after every fall and gradually acquire courage, faith, the will to succeed and the capacity to love.
Alexis Carrel

...there was some kind of connection between the capacity to love and the capacity to love *running*. The engineering was certainly the same: both depended on loosening your grip on your own desires, putting aside what you wanted and appreciating what you've got, being patient and forgiving and... undemanding...maybe we shouldn't be surprised that getting better at one could make you better at the other.
Christopher McDougall

The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it is not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of the other person without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other.

I imagine a world in which all humans are born with an intact capacity to love, and I am willing to devote my life to making it happen.
Robin Lim

People with intelligence must use their intelligence,
people with eyes must use their eyes,
people with the capacity to love have the impulse to love and the need to love in order to feel healthy.
Capacities clamor to be used,
and cease their clamor only when they are used sufficiently.
That is to say,
capacities are needs,
and therefore are intrinsic values as well.
Abraham Maslow

The time has come, I think, when we must recognize bisexuality as a normal form of human behavior... we shall not really succeed in discarding the straitjacket of our cultural beliefs about sexual choice if we fail to come to terms with the well-documented, normal human capacity to love members of both sexes.
Margaret Mead

Kindness is twice blessed. It blesses the one who gives it with a sense of his or her own capacity to love, and the person who receives it with a sense of the beneficence of the universe.
Dawna Markova

I am slowly, painfully discovering that my refuge is not found in my mother, my grandmother, of even the birds of Bear River. My refuge exists in my capacity to love. If I can learn to love death then I can begin to find refuge in change.
Terry Tempest Williams

Fear narrows the little entrance of our heart. It shrinks up our capacity to love. It freezes up our power to give ourselves.
Thomas Merton

Robots do not love. God created us with the capacity to love. Love is based upon one's right to choose to love. We cannot force others to love us. We can make them serve us or obey us. But true love is founded upon one's freedom to choose to respond.
Billy Graham

Sometimes you see how humanity can rise above any kind of cultural ills and hate that a person's capacity to love and communicate and forgive can be bigger than anything else.
Viola Davis

Happiness is equal to one's capacity to love.
Lester Levenson

Maturity is the capacity to love, to care about other people in the broadest sense ... and to continue to increase this capacity beyond our families to the community, to the state, to the nation, and to this shrinking little world.
William C. Menninger

Basically, there can only be two answers. One is to overcome separateness and find unity by regression to the state of unity which existed before awareness ever arose, that is, before man was born. The other answer is to be fully born, to develop one's awareness, one's reason, one's capacity to love to such a point that one transcends one's own egocentric involvement, and arrives at a new harmony, at a new oneness with the world.
Erich Fromm

Research points to the fact that being born without trauma is the foundation for having an intact capacity to love and trust.
Robin Lim

I think there's an ongoing effort involved in trying to get a bigger perspective, trying to let go of things that limit your capacity to love and be loved or your capacity to hear and to really speak.
Meg Ryan

If you have the capacity to love, you have the capacity to love anyone.
Paula Patton

Love with no boundaries. Your future depends on your capacity to love.
Paulo Coelho

My children inspire me with their innocence and enormous capacity to love.
Maria Canals Barrera

In His tender mercies, God has an incredible capacity to love the unlovely.
R. C. Sproul

I'd known that I had the capacity to love, that I enjoyed seeing other people be happy, that I had a real awe and wonder about the beauty of this world.
Tara Brach

Only a deep attention to the whole of our life can bring us the capacity to love well and live freely.
Jack Kornfield

It is love itself that is important -- the ability to love, no matter whom you love. For when you can no longer love anyone, you are no longer a living person. The heart dies if it loses the capacity to love.
Pearl S. Buck

While we all have a great capacity to love, very few of us will love the proper way.
Frederick Lenz

I discovered that the heart is a breakable thing, but also discovered my capacity to love another person.
Tishuan Scott

I ride a bicycle everywhere I go, the physical strength is obvious, but my mental strength and my capacity to love myself and to love others has definitely expanded. And that's the one thing I need the most in taking on a life of touring and a life of basically being with hundreds of people every day and not exhaust one's energy.
Jason Mraz

So, in life we have a one question final exam - and it's not the kind of exam you can cram for at the very end. One of the main reasons we're alive is to expand our capacity to love.
Marci Shimoff

I'd say, [writing memoir] not so much a model, but maybe to provide an insight, here or there, to help somebody come to terms with the dark corners of their own soul, to come to terms with the undecided, their own sense of self, and maybe help develop a capacity to love - to love wisdom, love justice.
Cornel West

When you lose the capacity to dream, you lose the capacity to love, and the energy to love is lost.
Pope Francis

Our joy now and forever is inextricably tied to our capacity to love.
John H. Groberg

We receive love — from our children as well as others — not in proportion to our demands or sacrifices or needs, but roughly in proportion to our own capacity to love.
Rollo May

Physical circumstances have very little to do with either our capacity to love or to attract love.
Marianne Williamson

The more people one has to love, the more one's capacity to love stretches.
Quentin Crisp

You are not here to please other people or to live your lives their way. You can only live it your own way and walk your own pathway. You have come [here] to fulfill yourself and express love on the deepest level. You are here to learn and grow... When you leave the planet... the only thing you take is your capacity to love!
Louise Hay

Did you not look upon the world this morning and imagine it as the boy might see it? And did you not recognize the mist and the dew and the birdsong as elements not of a place or a time but of a spirit? And did you not envy the boy his spirit? For you know there can be no power over him who freely gives what another would take. Such a one has the capacity to love. Freely, naively, to say I do.
Jamie O'Neill

Your capacity to love is your capacity to experience the I of another.
Walter Starcke