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Cardinals Quotes

The cardinal virtue of all beauty is restraint.
Elsie de Wolfe

Authors on Cardinals Quotes: Anne Boleyn Aaron Neville Gene Stratton-Porter Stan Musial Edmund Burke Edith Head Georg Cantor Steven Pressfield Walter Bagehot Elsie de Wolfe Mark Warkentin Nat Hentoff William Shakespeare Colin Greenwood John Adams Larry Niven Vicente Huidobro Andy Cohen Pope John Paul II Fethullah Gulen Vincente Minnelli
Terrorism is one of the cardinal sins that the Koran threatens with hellfire.
Fethullah Gulen

The National defense is one of the cardinal duties of a statesman.
John Adams

If it ever lay in my power, I will work the Cardinal as much displeasure as he has done to me.
Anne Boleyn

Every transfinite consistent multiplicity, that is, every transfinite set, must have a definite aleph as its cardinal number.
Georg Cantor

The cardinal maxim is, that any aid to a present bad Bank is the surest mode of preventing the establishment of a future good Bank.
Walter Bagehot

I was very surprised when I heard that I had been chosen to receive the James Cardinal Gibbons Award.
Aaron Neville

The four cardinal points are three: South and North.
Vicente Huidobro

Cedric Gibbons was the grand cardinal of the art department.
Vincente Minnelli

That cardinal virtue, temperance.
Edmund Burke

A cardinal rule of bureaucracy is that it is better to extend an error than to admit a mistake.
Colin Greenwood

It is unbecoming for a cardinal to ski badly.
Pope John Paul II

What made me sign with the Cardinals? Because they used salesmanship, the personal touch.
Stan Musial

These cardinals trifle with me; I abhor; This dilatory sloth and tricks of Rome.
William Shakespeare

The Cardinal ... It was as if a pulsing heart of flame passed by when he came winging through the orchard.
Gene Stratton-Porter

The cardinal sin is not being badly dressed, but wearing the right thing in the wrong place.
Edith Head

Contempt for failure is our cardinal virtue.
Steven Pressfield

There's a cardinal rule that you don't talk about sharks. If you don't see it, it's not there.
Mark Warkentin

I've I call [Cardinal John O'Connor] from time to time and he calls me. And when I think there's something he ought to think about doing, I call him and he usually does it.
Nat Hentoff

It is a cardinal sin to bore the reader.
Larry Niven

I'm a lifetime St. Louis Cardinals fan.
Andy Cohen