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Chess Pieces Quotes

Help your pieces so they can help you
Paul Morphy

Authors on Chess Pieces Quotes: Jose Raul Capablanca Akiba Rubinstein Isaac Boleslavsky Siegbert Tarrasch Michael Stean Anthony Burgess Francois-Andre Danican Philidor Sophie Kinsella Aron Nimzowitsch Frederick Lenz Paolo Bacigalupi Rumi Wilhelm Steinitz Jen Hatmaker Paul Morphy Ice T William McDonough Jorge Luis Borges Dave Barry Marcel Duchamp Yuri Balashov
The most important feature of the Chess position is the activity of the pieces. This is absolutely fundamental in all phases of the game: Opening, Middlegame and especially Endgame. The primary constraint on a piece's activity is the Pawn structure
Michael Stean

A passed pawn increase in strength as the number of pieces on the board diminishes.
Jose Raul Capablanca

Our stories affect one another whether we know it or not. Sometimes obedience isn't for us at all, but for another. We don't know how God holds the kingdom in balance or why he moves a chess piece at a crucial time; we might never see the results of his sovereignty [...] I might just be one shade of one color of one strand, but I'm a part of an elaborate tapestry that goes beyond my perception.
Jen Hatmaker

The King is a fighting piece. Use it!
Wilhelm Steinitz

Weak points or holes in the opponent's position must be occupied by pieces not Pawns
Siegbert Tarrasch

Who is your opponent tonight, tonight I am playing against the Black pieces
Akiba Rubinstein

The defensive power of a pinned piece is only imaginary
Aron Nimzowitsch

The Pawns are the soul of the game
Francois-Andre Danican Philidor

The Chess pieces are the block alphabet which shapes thoughts; and these thoughts, although making a visual design on the chessboard, express their beauty abstractly, like a poem
Marcel Duchamp

Know that life, which does everything perfectly, is now moving you in a new direction. The chess piece of your existence is being moved to a new square on the board of life.
Frederick Lenz

The man who has learned that three plus one are four doesn't have to go through a proof of that assertion with coins, or dice, or chess pieces, or pencils. He knows it, and that's that. He cannot conceive a different sum. There are mathematicians who say that three plus one is a tautology for four, a different way of saying "four" ... If three plus one can be two, or fourteen, then reason is madness.
Jorge Luis Borges

My problem with chess was that all my pieces wanted to end the game as soon as possible.
Dave Barry

Do you realize Fischer almost never has any bad pieces? He exchanges them, and the bad pieces remain with his opponents
Yuri Balashov

The chess master says nothing, other than moving the silient chess piece.

Like us as Black", beg the chess pieces," and you will anyway like us as White
Isaac Boleslavsky

I'm a chess piece. A pawn,' she said. 'I can be sacrificed, but I cannot be captured. To be captured would be the end of the game.
Paolo Bacigalupi

A character, to be acceptable as more than a chess piece, has to be ignorant of the future, unsure about the past, and not at all sure of what he's supposed to be doing.
Anthony Burgess

Relationships are a battle. They are a chess game. And what did I do? I just threw all my chess pieces down on the board at once, and said, "Here! Have them all!
Sophie Kinsella

Being in the military just lets you know how helpless you are. You could train forever but you're still at the mercy of someone in the Pentagon, or somebody in the rear moving you around like a chess piece.
Ice T

If you don't have an end game of something delightful, you're just moving chess pieces around.
William McDonough