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Chris Martin Quotes

English footballer, Birth: 21-7-1990 Chris Martin Quotes
Life is beautiful in all it's colors, even the darker ones, they're here for a reason.
Chris Martin

Existence is exquisite with its complete range of hues, even the gloomier shades, they exist for a purpose.
Everything that's happening to you, is what's suppose to be happening to you. So just relax.
Chris Martin

'All that is occurring in your life is meant to be, so just take a deep breath and let it be.'
Coldplay fans are the best in the world. If you like Coldplay then you're obviously very intelligent and good looking and all-around brilliant.
Chris Martin

Nothing matters except life and the love you make.
Chris Martin

I think in life everyone needs to be broken in some way.
Chris Martin

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Men should always change diapers. It's a very rewarding experience. It's mentally cleansing. It's like washing dishes, but imagine if the dishes were your kids, so you really love the dishes.
Chris Martin

So what Ghost Stories means to me is like you've got to open yourself up to love and if you really do, of course it will be painful at times, but it will be great at some point.
Chris Martin

Life is miraculous, even when it's disastrous, it's still incredible, I'm fascinated with everything, life is fascinating, I'm fascinated by trees and dogs, but no one wants to hear me talk about it.
Chris Martin

Quote Topics by Chris Martin: Thinking People Stars Mean Real Albums Song Artist Rocks Beautiful Trying Two World Art Believe Running Want Band Age Mind Writing Care Bigs Talking Painful Drug Needs Successful Agreement Crazy
I've never been cool and I don't really care about being cool. It's just an awful lot of time and hair gel wasted.
Chris Martin

In my mind, when God made women, he did an amazing job. I think girls are just perfect.
Chris Martin

When the lights go down, that's 30,000 peoples lives colliding. Everyone there working is working for that moment, everyone watching is watching for that moment. It's when you're all in agreement about what you're all doing so it's a wonderful feeling of togetherness and possibility.
Chris Martin

Music comes from a place we don't know.
Chris Martin

Cool to me is following what you believe in.
Chris Martin

I'd rather be a comma than a full stop.
Chris Martin

We rely more on enthusiasm than actual skill. Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically and people will like it more.
Chris Martin

Some people are into bondage... and some people are into crossdressing.. . and some people are into Coldplay. It's okay, I don't mind being a fetish.
Chris Martin

A band's only unique thing is its chemistry, especially if none of you are prodigious players or particularly handsome. The one thing you have is your uniqueness, so we hold on to that.
Chris Martin

I get more people approaching me about how good I was in 'Napoleon Dynamite' than being in Coldplay.
Chris Martin

I think that the fact that a relationship becomes public is a bit of a bummer. Because it can distract from the real reason why you're together, which is that you just like each other.
Chris Martin

Celebrity culture has gone crazy, and I think the reason is that real news is just not bearable, and it also seems impossible to change anything.
Chris Martin

I don't speak particularly well. That's one of the consequences of being extremely ugly.
Chris Martin

When I'm 40, too old to be a rock star, I plan to go back to college to study classical music.
Chris Martin

The word spirit comes from the Latin word for "breath" - spiritu - and the origin of the word spirituality has to do with breath and life force, the mysteries of the ancients and all this. The word is very suspect in much of the art world - the Western art world. Certainly, spirituality has become divorced from religious.
Chris Martin

I just want to make the best music of all time with my best friends.
Chris Martin

I have to brush my teeth before I go on stage otherwise I don't feel smart enough.
Chris Martin

More idiots should just shut their mouths.
Chris Martin

The idea of Ghost Stories is how to turn something bad into something that gives you an uplift.
Chris Martin

Anyone who criticises me for talking about fair trade is a few pebbles short of a beach. Because everyone should care about it, just like everyone should care about the environment, because we all live here.
Chris Martin

I'm just a public-schoolboy. I've got a degree. I'm from a middle-class family in Devon. I've got no story.
Chris Martin

There's this idea that artists are free and that means that we can do whatever we want to do. And it's very important to engage with this idea, just as human beings, that we are free to do what we wanna do. So the real question becomes, then, what do we wanna do? And as one gets to know oneself, one finds that there are things that return again and again that you wanna do.
Chris Martin

I think shareholders are the great evil of this modern world.
Chris Martin

I've either got an acute case of hypochondria or I'm falling apart at the age of twenty-three.
Chris Martin

You know, it's possible for two humans to be in a relationship without there needing to be some public reason for that relationship.
Chris Martin

There is something glamorous to me in taking a bit of a beating and keeping on going.
Chris Martin

I don't mind not being cool.
Chris Martin

It's difficult when you're successful, to admit that you need help.
Chris Martin

I'd get sent home from the first audition of So You Think You Can Dance. My dancing is sort of controlled spasms. I fully accept it might appear ridiculous. But it's passionate!
Chris Martin

I don't think you can be a mysterious rock star the same way you could in 1965 because there's too much information. Everything you do is available all the time. So the only thing you can rely on is not being false.
Chris Martin

As an artist, one doesn't know what is real. And so there's a search and a process of trying to locate something that feels or appears or somehow resonates with us on a deeper level. This is why art is such an interesting business to be in.
Chris Martin

There's a reason why people who've had bad relationships with their parents listen to angry stuff.
Chris Martin

If your wife went out with Brad Pitt, you'd want to prove yourself, you know what I mean?
Chris Martin

I'm not an old-fashioned, booze-and-drugs rock 'n' roller. For me, rock 'n' roll is all about doing whatever you want. It's about defying convention and being who you are. I'd rather go swimming or running or kite flying.
Chris Martin

The most extravagant thing I've ever bought is 95 tops all the same.
Chris Martin

If someone thinks I'm a dickhead, fine, listen to someone else's record, then. We're not a totalitarian regime; no one's forced to listen to Coldplay. It's actually quite a compliment if you're something that people can stand against.
Chris Martin

Those have been the two biggest challenges of my life: trying to follow Radiohead, and trying to follow Brad Pitt.
Chris Martin

Record sales don't really mean anything. For us, the pressure is imagining some 15-year-old kid in Cincinnati who buys our album and doesn't feel like he wasted his pocket money.
Chris Martin

It's very hard to find things that rhyme with North American Free Trade Agreement.
Chris Martin

Some people say we're (Coldplay) talented and some say we're the worst thing ever to happen to music, and it's a bit confusing being in the middle of that.
Chris Martin

I don't drink, I don't take drugs, I don't smoke.
Chris Martin

Even when other people don’t expect a lot out of you,you have to take the initiative.
Chris Martin