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Christina, Queen of Sweden Quotes

Christina, Queen of Sweden Quotes
Every man is his own worst enemy
Christina, Queen of Sweden

It is a far greater happiness to obey no one than to rule the whole world.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

God has neither form nor shape under which we can know Him; when he speaks of Himself in metaphors and similes, He is adapting Himself to our foolishness, our limited capacity.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

There is a star above us which unites souls of the first order, though worlds and ages separate them.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

Dignity is like a perfume; those who use it are scarcely conscious of it.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

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Ignorance is not innocence.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

We grow old more through indolence, than through age.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

As you know, no one over thirty years of age is afraid of tittle-tattle. I myself find it much less difficult to strangle a man than to fear him.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

Quote Topics by Christina, Queen of Sweden: Sweden Men Royalty Age Pleasure Order Different Stupid Enough Prisoner Inspiration Able Deceiving Innocence Every Man Collections Dies Years Army Freedom Use Consolation Independence People Metaphor Marriage Soul Shapes Unhappy Evil
I love men, not because they are men, but because they are not women
Christina, Queen of Sweden

It is quite as ignominious to allow oneself to be deceived as to deceive.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

I was born, have lived, and will die free.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

It would not be difficult to be a better ruler than I was: for I admit that I ruled badly; and even if I was fortunate enough to satisfy my subjects, I was not fortunate enough to satisfy myself.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

Life is too short to be able to love as one should.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

We read for instruction, for correction, and for consolation.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

You should be more afraid of a stupid man than of an evil one.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

Great armies are nothing but a collection of weakness.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

There are few prisoners more closely guarded than princes.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

To some people everything is permitted.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

Other things titillate me more keenly than the pale pleasures of marriage.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

Nuns and married women are equally unhappy, if in different ways.
Christina, Queen of Sweden

One can really love only once.
Christina, Queen of Sweden