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Class System Quotes

I'd like to see a much more open Monarchy, myself. I used to think they were completely useless and we should get rid of them. I don't necessarily feel that way anymore. I'm still ambivalent, I still loathe the British class system, and the Royal family are the apex of the British class system.
Helen Mirren

Authors on Class System Quotes: Seamus Heaney Indira Gandhi Helen Mirren Julian Fellowes Jilly Cooper Tom Hiddleston
[Mahatma Gandhi] said that the first president of India ought to be a harijan girl, an untouchable. He was so against the class system and the oppression of women that an untouchable woman became for him the epitome of purity and benediction.
Indira Gandhi

I’m not a big fan of the class system, to be honest. It feels ugly to me. If you’ve got something to say and the work is good, it doesn’t matter where you come from
Tom Hiddleston

I can assure you that the class system is alive and well and living in people's minds in England.
Jilly Cooper

Loyalism, or Unionism, or Protestantism, or whatever you want to call it, in Northern Ireland - it operates not as a class system, but a caste system.
Seamus Heaney

I'm seen as a chronicler of the class system, which I don't think is unfair.
Julian Fellowes