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Cliff Sloan Quotes

When business is not all that it should be there is a temptation to sit back and say, Well, what's the use! We've done everything possible to stir up a little business and there is nothing doing so what's the use of trying! There is always a way. There was a way in and there is a way out. And success comes to the man who grits his teeth, squares his jaw, and says, There is a way for me and, by jingo, I'll find it. The stagnator gathers green scum, finally dries up and leaves an unsightly hollow.
Cliff Sloan

Success comes to the man who grits his teeth, squares his jaw and says, "There is a way for me and, by jingo, I'll find it".
Cliff Sloan

I'm lucky, I guess. I only really need five or so hours of sleep.
Cliff Sloan

There is no more moving a professional relationship than that between a law clerk and a Supreme Court justice. As a place to work, the court is unique in its intimacy and intensity.
Cliff Sloan

I'm a very early riser, and so I like to get up and try hard to write before the day even really gets started. Just me and a pot of coffee -I find I can get a lot done that way.
Cliff Sloan