Considering the absence of legal coercion, the surprising thing is that men have for so long, and, on the whole, so reliably, adhered to what we might call the breadwinner ethic.
Barbara Ehrenreich
Theatre is the most perfect artistic form of coercion.
Augusto Boal
There is no trick of a magician or spell of a witch doctor, no drug or mesmerism or bribery or torture or coercion that can compare in power with the force for change unleashed in the human breast through the touch of love.
Mike Mason
Coercion by government, the main fear of our founding fathers, is now its most common attribute.
Philip K. Howard
To blend, without coercion, the individual good and the common good is the essence of citizenship in a free country.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Governmental subsidy systems promote inefficiency in production and efficiency in coercion and subservience, while penalizing efficiency in production and inefficiency in predation.
Murray Rothbard
Coercion or compulsion never brings about growth. It is freedom that accelerates evolution.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Instruments of coercion, once created, have a tendency to find their own natural masters.
George F. Kennan
Planning leads to dictatorship because dictatorship is the most effective instrument of coercion and the enforcement of ideals and, as such, essential if central planning on a large scale is to be possible.
Friedrich August von Hayek
Learn to lead in a nourishing manner.
Learn to lead without being possessive.
Learn to be helpful without taking the credit.
Learn to lead without coercion.
Power is the ability to affect others to get the outcomes you want, and that can be done by coercion, payment or attraction.
Joseph Nye
Precisely because the State has the monopoly of coercion it can be allowed the monopoly only of coercion. Only if the modern State can be held within a strictly limited agency of duties and powers can it be prevented from regimenting, conquering, and ultimately devouring the society which gave it birth.
Henry Hazlitt
Freedom is living without government coercion. So when a politician talks about freedom for this group or that, ask yourself whether he is advocating more government action or less.
Ron Paul
All socialism involves slavery. That which fundamentally distinguishes the slave is that he labours under coercion to satisfy anothers desires.
Herbert Spencer
Whenever the government is involved, there is an element of coercion.
Dinesh D'Souza
A society based on the freedom to choose is better than a society based on the principles of socialism, communism and coercion.
Milton Friedman
Briefly, the State is that organization in society which attempts to maintain a monopoly of the use of force and violence in a given territorial area; in particular, it is the only organization in society that obtains its revenue not by voluntary contribution or payment for services rendered but by coercion.
Murray Rothbard
The whole of mankind's progress has had to be achieved against the resistance and opposition of the state and its power of coercion.
Ludwig von Mises
Because politics rests on an irreducible measure of coercion, it can never become a perfect realm of perfect love and justice.
Christopher Lasch
Coersion, after all, merely captures man. Freedom captivates him.
Ronald Reagan
Mythological symbols touch and exhilarate centers of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion.
Joseph Campbell
All empires have depended on local legitimacy and local collaboration; they are not based primarily on coercion. An imperial rule that relies wholly on coercion can't endure. It's too expensive.
Niall Ferguson
Universities are not here to be mediums for the coercion of other people, they're here to be mediums for the free exchange of ideas.
A. Bartlett Giamatti
Coercion may prevent many transgressions; but it robs even actions which are legal of a part of their beauty. Freedom may lead to many transgressions, but it lends even to vices a less ignoble form.
Wilhelm von Humboldt
The exercise of one coercion always makes another inevitable.
Anders Chydenius
Only the State legally obtains its revenue by coercion.
Murray Rothbard
Authority is not power; that's coercion. Authority is not knowledge; that's persuasion, or seduction. Authority is simply that the author has the right to make a statement and to be heard.
Herman Kahn
Can the mind become completely still without coercion, without compulsion, without discipline?
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Therefore coercion of the non-invasive, when justifiable at all, is to be justified on the ground that it secures, not a minimum of ' invasion, but a minimum of pain.
Benjamin Tucker
We should respect each other as rational beings by trying to achieve our goals through reason and persuasion rather than threats and coercion.
Ron Paul
Coercion is as much the tool of the welfare state as it is of communism. The programs and edicts of both are backed by the police force. All of us know this to be true under communism, but it is equally true under our own brand of welfare statism.
Leonard Read
Coercion is the basis of every law in the universe,--human or divine. A law is not law without coercion behind it.
James A. Garfield
One who uses coercion is guilty of deliberate violence. Coercion is inhuman.
Mahatma Gandhi
We do not find the Savior using force or coercion to accomplish His purposes.
Ezra Taft Benson
Dialectic thought is an attempt to break through the coercion of logic by its own means.
Theodor Adorno
The only kind of coercion I recommend is mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon by the majority of the people affected.
Garrett Hardin
Liberty'''.that condition of man in which coercion of some by others is reduced as much as possible in society
Friedrich August von Hayek
Ours is an accusatorial, and not an inquisitorial, system - a system in which the State must establish guilt by evidence independently and freely secured, and may not, by coercion, prove its charge against an accused out of his own mouth.
Felix Frankfurter
Democratic nation states remain far more capable of managing the circuit of coercion, taxation and legitimation than any transnational bodies.
Geoff Mulgan
The social arrangements that produce responsibility are arrangements that create coercion, of some sort.
Garrett Hardin
Provided the development coordinator has a communications medium at least as good as the Internet and knows how to lead without coercion, many heads are inevitably better than one.
Eric S. Raymond
To say that we mutually agree to coercion is not to say that we are required to enjoy it, or even to pretend we enjoy it.
Garrett Hardin
A person who is wise does nothing against their will,
nothing with sighing or under coercion.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Unlike every other person and institution in society, government obtains its revenue from coercion, from taxation.
Murray Rothbard
Creativity doesn't flourish in an atmosphere of despotism, coercion and fear.
P. D. James