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Cognition Quotes

Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information
Paulo Freire

Authors on Cognition Quotes: Ludwik Fleck Karel Capek Samael Aun Weor Daniel J. Siegel Malcolm Gladwell Samuel Alexander Charles Sanders Peirce Marcus Tullius Cicero Paul Valery Rob Lowe Brian Ferneyhough Ken Wilber Paulo Freire Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Asger Jorn Franz Kafka Philip K. Dick Rudolf Arnheim Ayn Rand Kim Stanley Elliot W. Eisner
Mindfulness has never met a cognition it didn't like.
Daniel J. Siegel

But though cognition is not an element of mental action, nor even in any real sense of the word an aspect of it, the distinction of cognition and conation has if properly defined a definite value.
Samuel Alexander

Cognition is not fighting, but once someone knows a lot, he will have much to fight for, so much that he will be called a relativist because of it.
Karel Capek

The limits of our language do not define the limits of our cognition.
Elliot W. Eisner

In any case, the fewer boundaries that exist hindering free movement between all forms of articulate human cognition, the better.
Brian Ferneyhough

We do not have an ideal world, such as we would like, where morality is easy because cognition is easy. Where one can do right with no effort because he can detect the obvious.
Philip K. Dick

Cognition is ... not an individual process of any theoretical "particular conciousness." Rather it is the result of a social activity, since the existing stock of knowledge exceeds the range available to any one individual.
Ludwik Fleck

Cognition modifies the knower so as to adapt him harmoniously to his acquired knowledge.
Ludwik Fleck

When you go beyond awareness, there is a state of nonduality, in which there is no cognition, only pure being. In the state of nonduality, all separation ceases.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Once it is recognized that productive thinking in any area of cognition is perceptual thinking, the central function of art in general education will become evident.
Rudolf Arnheim

We are not talking about a new cognition in relation to abstract art, rather a new area of cognition.
Asger Jorn

In one and the same human being there are cognitions that, however utterly dissimilar they are, yet have one and the same object,so that one can only conclude that there are different subjects in one and the same human being.
Franz Kafka

Logic was to cognition as geometry was to landscape
Kim Stanley

There is nothing more shocking than to see assertion and approval dashing ahead of cognition and perception.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Intelligence is that aspect of human cognition that we haven't managed to emulate yet.
Rob Lowe

if we can control the environment in which rapid cognition takes place, then we can control rapid cognition
Malcolm Gladwell

Over against any cognition, there is an unknown but knowable reality; but over against all possible cognition, there is only the self-contradictory. In short, cognizability (in its widest sense) and being are not merely metaphysically the same, but are synonymous terms.
Charles Sanders Peirce

Cognition reigns but does not rule.
Paul Valery

Rather, Spirit, and enlightement, has to be something that you are fully aware of right now. Something you are already looking at right now... We are all already looking directly at Spirit, we just don't recognize it. We have all the necessary cognition, but not the recognition.
Ken Wilber

Emotions are not tools of cognition. They tell you nothing about the nature of reality.
Ayn Rand

Authentic faith is lived wisdom, exact cognition, direct experience.
Samael Aun Weor