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Columbus Quotes

If Columbus had an advisory committee he would probably still be at the dock.
Arthur Goldberg

Authors on Columbus Quotes: Chauncey Depew James W. Loewen Rush Limbaugh Patricia Brooks Winston Churchill Milton Friedman George Santayana Sean Connery Edwin Hubbel Chapin Samuel Eliot Morison Louise Erdrich Clive Bell Henry David Thoreau J. C. Squire Ethel Waters Vince Vaughn P. J. O'Rourke Bill Nye James Thurber Oscar Wilde Evgeni Kostitsyn Tom Robbins Pablo Neruda Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune Mark Richards Ira Gershwin Edward Teller Stephen Sprouse Barack Obama Arthur Goldberg Georg C. Lichtenberg Carl Sagan
Whenever I played Columbus, Ohio, I dropped in to see my close friend, a medium who had mysterious powers. Her Indian guide was Mohawk.
Ethel Waters

Christopher Columbus was the first socialist: he didn't know where he was going, he didn?t know where he was? and he did it all at taxpayers expense.
Winston Churchill

America had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up.
Oscar Wilde

America has had many other discoverers besides Columbus, but he seems to have made more satisfactory arrangements with the historians than any of the others.
Bill Nye

Columbus only discovered that he was in some new place. He didn't discover America.
Louise Erdrich

When Columbus took off, the purpose was to improve trade relations with China. That problem has not been solved to this very day, but just look at the by-products.
Edward Teller

I grew up in Columbus, Indiana, a kind of industrial and farmland place.
Stephen Sprouse

Columbus did not seek a new route to the Indies in response to a majority directive.
Milton Friedman

The cruel policy initiated by Columbus and pursued by his successors resulted in complete genocide.
Samuel Eliot Morison

Columbus's doom-burdened caravels Slant to the shore, and all their seamen land.
J. C. Squire

I'll follow him to the ends of the earth,' she sobbed. Yes, darling. But the earth doesn't have any ends. Columbus fixed that.
Tom Robbins

Neither realism nor romance furnishes a more striking and picturesque figure than that of Christopher Columbus. The mystery about his origin heightens the charm of his story.
Chauncey Depew

If America had been discovered as many times as I have, no one would remember Columbus.
Sean Connery

Cezanne is the Christopher Columbus of a new continent of form.
Clive Bell

What I admire in Columbus is not his having discovered a new world but his having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion.
Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune

I think this is just the natural progression of Columbus gangs. They are getting older now, and they are looking for newer markets. We're really seeing them spreading throughout the state, especially south.
Patricia Brooks

The American who first discovered Columbus made a bad discovery.
Georg C. Lichtenberg

A great many men - some comparatively small men now - if put in the right position, would be Luthers and Columbuses.
Edwin Hubbel Chapin

They all laughed at Christopher Columbus When he said the world was round.
Ira Gershwin

Columbus gave the world another world.
George Santayana

Columbus is a town in which almost anything is likely to happen, and in which almost everything has.
James Thurber

Everybody in 15th century Spain was wrong about where China was and as a result, Columbus discovered Caribbean vacations.
P. J. O'Rourke

Columbus felt the westward tendency more strongly than any before. He obeyed it, and found a New World for Castile and Leon.
Henry David Thoreau

Should we stop celebrating the Columbus day - the day when the first illegal immigrants entered America?
Evgeni Kostitsyn

Why wasn't Christopher Columbus able to discover Spain?
Pablo Neruda

Well, Columbus wasn't looking for America, my man, but that turned out to be pretty okay for everyone.
Vince Vaughn

If some of these [Republican] folks were around when Columbus set sail, they must have been founding members of the 'flat earth society.' They would not believe that the world was round.
Barack Obama

When you're playing with only 13 guys, and is on the power play 12 times, that'll wear you down.
Mark Richards

The usual rejoinder to someone who says 'They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Galileo' is to say 'But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown'.
Carl Sagan

Cherishing Columbus is a characteristic of white history, not American history.
James W. Loewen

The spirit of Columbus hovers over us to-day.
Chauncey Depew

Columbus saved the Indians from themselves.
Rush Limbaugh

Columbus not only sent the first slaves acroiss the Atlantic, he sent more slaves than any other individual
James W. Loewen