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Convince Quotes

We just have to convince other people that they have power. This is what they can do by participating to make change, not only in their community, but many times changing in their own lives. Once they participate, they get their sense of power.
Dolores Huerta

Authors on Convince Quotes: Kevin Spacey Eben Pagan Gillian Jacobs Simone de Beauvoir Bill W. Jesse Lauriston Livermore Lawrence Fagg Vivien Leigh Donald Trump Joe Namath Kid Cudi Malcolm Lowry William Shatner Molly Ivins Edgar Allan Poe Paul Claudel Glenn Beck Stefan Zweig Ambrose Bierce Herve Falciani Harry S. Truman Todd Gitlin Alain Juppe John Steinbeck Jeffrey Gitomer Indira Gandhi Walter Dean Myers Lucian Freud Evita Peron Paul the Apostle Grant Morrison Suzanne Collins Andre Gide
One who believes in himself has no need to convince others.

One who has faith in themselves does not need to persuade others.
preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching.
Paul the Apostle

Lately I’ve been working to convince myself that everything is a computation.
Rudy Rucker

Believe in yourself. And stop trying to convince others
James de la Vega

It can be very expensive to try to convince the markets you are right.
Ed Seykota

Truth has nothing to do with the number of people it convinces.
Paul Claudel

To convince oneself that one has the right to live decently takes time.
Evita Peron

What do I ask of a painting? I ask it to astonish, disturb, seduce, convince.
Lucian Freud

When you try to convince yourself that something doesn't bother you, it usually bothers you more.
Kid Cudi

To be oneself, simply oneself, is so amazing and utterly unique an experience that it's hard to convince oneself so singular a thing happens to everybody.
Simone de Beauvoir

You can't convince anyone of anything. You can only give them the right information, so that they convince themselves.
Eben Pagan

One must be convinced to convince, to have enthusiasm to stimulate the others.
Stefan Zweig

Convinced myself, I seek not to convince.
Edgar Allan Poe

We have no desire to convince anyone that there is only one way by which faith can be acquired.
Bill W.

If somebody had told me my method would not work I nevertheless would have tried it out to make sure for myself, for when I am wrong only one thing convinces me of it, and that is, to lose money. And I am only right when I make money. That is speculating.
Jesse Lauriston Livermore

What convinces is conviction.
Lyndon B. Johnson

Compelling reason will never convince blinding emotion.
Richard Bach

It's hard to convince people that you're killing them for their own good.
Molly Ivins

Politeness is better than logic. You can often persuade when you cannot convince.
Josh Billings

The lavish presentation appeals to me, and I've got to convince the others.
Freddie Mercury

If you want to buy something; it’s obviously in your best interest to convince the seller that what he’s got isn’t worth very much.
Donald Trump

God lies ahead. I convince myself and constantly repeat to myself that: He depends on us. It is through us that God is achieved.
Andre Gide

Agnosticism has nothing to impart. Its sermons are the exhortations of one who convinces you he stands on nothing and urges you to stand there too.
Anna Julia Cooper

People who are most afraid of their dreams convince themselves they don't dream at all.
John Steinbeck

I know I am right for Scarlett. I can convince Mr. Selznick.
Vivien Leigh

It's hard to convince a winner that he's losing.
Mike Caro

Nothing can convince me that people are at one with their work unless they're joyous about it.
Indira Gandhi

I have to convince myself I know what I'm doing.
Joe Namath

I have written every one of my novels to convince somebody of something.
Manuel Puig

You can't succeed in beating the insurgents unless you can convince the people that they can be protected.
Rand Beers

Everybody saying you can't do this, you can't do that. I don't know why. Guess if you listen to it, you can convince yourself of it.
Fuzzy Zoeller

Now you have to be a collaborator and you have to bring on governments and convince people.
Bill Gates

How was I going to make a man fly? How was I going to convince the public that an actor could fly?
Richard Donner

I have to convince myself that this is not a pointless life, even the body is telling me so.
Sara Gruen

Don't let anyone convince you that love doesn't matter.
Katherine Center

I had a hundred and seventeen days in which to convince Will Traynor that he had a reason to live.
Joanna Noelle Levesque

To win power anywhere you have to convince people that you can do something for them.
Todd Gitlin

The less you know about me the easier it is to convince you that I'm the character on screen.
Kevin Spacey

I cannot tell her I have been moping over a broken heart when I have worked so hard to convince her I have no heart at all.
R.L. LaFevers

Manipulating [is] just the way to proceed, to convince that what you're doing is important. Is nothing more than that. Everyone is manipulating.
Herve Falciani

You dont need to convince everyone. All you need to do is motivate people who choose to follow you.
Seth Godin

If you're not convinced, how can you convince others?
Jeffrey Gitomer

We don't have to convince people how screwed they are.
Jill Stein

If they have to put the word 'natural' on a box to convince you, it probably isn't.
Michele Simon

Metaphors convince at once or not at all.
Mason Cooley

You have only one way to convince others, listen to them.
George Washington

It’s mostly just you have to convince yourself that there’s nothing else in the room but John Lennon and suddenly things start John Lennon-ing!
Grant Morrison

No, you won her over. Gave up everything for her. Maybe that's the only way to convince her you love her.
Suzanne Collins

Everybody can doubt, and they are free to doubt, and I don't want to convince anyone.
Csanad Szegedi