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Costumes Quotes

The costume of women should be suited to her wants and necessities. It should conduce at once to her health, comfort, and usefulness; and, while it should not fail also to conduce to her personal adornment, it should make that end of secondary importance
Amelia Bloomer

Authors on Costumes Quotes: Jerry Seinfeld Lou Doillon Amelia Bloomer Coco Chanel Johnny Weir Ralph Waldo Emerson Mason Cooley Joan Chen Ayumi Hamasaki Ginnifer Goodwin Chris Hemsworth Napoleon Bonaparte Philip Seymour Hoffman Vincent Paronnaud Julia Sawalha Joan Collins Alexandra Byrne George Eliot Dirk Benedict Uzo Aduba Sam Riley Sally Field Jeanne Moreau Alan Jay Lerner Katherine Dunham Dana Gould Rick Riordan Mindy Kaling Anna Held Greg Proops Clemence Poesy Jack Donovan Edie Falco
The costume of women should be suited to her wants and needs.
Amelia Bloomer

I've always wanted to be Wonder Woman, of course. She had the greatest costume.
Kelly Hu

A producer has to know all about everything from set-building to costumes to acting
Alan Ladd

When youre young, the blue blazer feels like a grown-up costume.
Willie Geist

When all else fails, put on a costume and sing a silly song.
Sam Walton

Nudity is the costume of lovers and corpses.
Mason Cooley

I would love to play the Femme Fatale or an action role like Trinity in the Matrix or something like that. You know, a part with a lot of costume changes.
Josie Maran

I was Pac-Man. It was the worst costume ever. You would expect a big round suit, but it was just a mask and a smock with a maze on it.
Ray Toro

Relieved of moral pretense and stripped of folk costumes, the raw masculinity that all men know in their gut has to do with being good at being a man within a small, embattled gang of men struggling to survive.
Jack Donovan

On the side of box of my superman costume it actually said - 'Do not attempt to fly!'
Jerry Seinfeld

In most of our human relationships, we spend much of our time reassuring one another that our costumes of identity are on straight.
Ram Dass

Costumes are the first impression that you have of the character before they open their mouth-it really does establish who they are.
Colleen Atwood

I'm thinking about entering a Marilyn Manson costume contest to see if I lose.
Marilyn Manson

When I create a sports costume, I remember that it must not look - how do you say? - bedraggled.
Jean Patou

Society is like a crowd in carnival costumes with everyone fearful that others will see through his disguise.
Vernon Howard

I am very sorry if I have caused any offence. It was a poor choice of costume.
Prince Harry

There's no mystery to it. Nothing more complicated than learning lines and putting on a costume.
Morgan Freeman

I'm a fiend for costume jewellery and have countless pairs of rhinestone or diamante earrings, which are so flattering when they catch the light. I love the designers Alexis Bittar and Kenneth Jay Lane, and I always go to jewellers Butler & Wilson.
Joan Collins

It's a bit of an outside-in approach - so often the clothing can reveal so much about a character. It's like part of her superhero costume that she gets to put on and become someone else.
Sutton Foster

When I jumped off a roof in Cannes in a bee costume, I looked ridiculous. But this is my business; I have to humiliate myself.
Jerry Seinfeld

I had nothing and I was still changed. Like a costume, my numbness was taken away. Then hunger was added.
Louise Glück

My costumes were made for sex appeal not for women.
Brenda Holloway

For the kind of thing that we were showing, the budget was sufficient. As we were speaking of in Haiti, we had not done that before in exactly this form and we had to have costumes for it.
Katherine Dunham

Mythological subjects always new. Modern subjects difficult because of the absence of the nude and the wretchedness of modern costume.
Eugene Delacroix

I don't think that I could fit into the costume anymore.
Lee Meriwether

I like to think that at the end of a show, you can just take your costume off and go to the pub.
Max Irons

Young people, however, tend to ignore the customs of their elders. Adolescent rebellion has been responsible for all manner of absurd costumes. The more ridiculous a certain fashion is, the more adolescents will cling to it.
David Eddings

I gradually work myself into a frenzy as the shoot approaches, while we're choosing the costumes or working with the make-up artist. I'm not so much interested in my character as the film itself.
Jeanne Moreau

I design all of my costumes. I like to go out there and feel like I have contributed to every part of what I do. I choose the music, the choreographer, I've obviously chosen my coach, my costumes - all if that falls under my realm of power, my realm of influence.
Johnny Weir

A good style fits like a good costume.
Amos Bronson Alcott

Acting is not my favourite thing. I don't like wearing costumes and wigs.
Victoria Wood

My mom did costumes for the Pointer Sisters.

Courtrooms contain every symbol of authority that a set designer could imagine. Everyone stands up when you come in. You wear a costume identifying you as, if not quite divine, someone special.
Irving Kaufman

The other thing is that when people mention computers - and I'm pretty much the same - they find it hard to comprehend that there's a performance there. They look at it as something that's just been made by a computer but in a way the difference is that when you make a normal film - and I'm simplifying it here - you put on the make-up and you put the scenery in before you start shooting, but with this you still perform in the same way but then you put the make-up on after, along with the costumes and scenery.
Ray Winstone

I will confess I did none of my own singing. I did all my own costume and makeup, though.
Gary Cole

I see myself wrapped in lies, which do not seem to penetrate my soul, as if they are not really a part of me. They are like costumes.
Anais Nin

I put the costume on and said 'It's not very comfortable, but it looks amazing,' so it's all good.
Chris Hemsworth

I've done approximately 15 films, and most of the things I've done have either been stunt or costume work.
Verne Troyer

I can still fit into my Battlestar Galactica costume!
Dirk Benedict

I liked the choreography, but I didn't care for the costumes.
Tommy Tune

Once you embody the language, the character comes really naturally, especially when you put the costume on.
Lucy Liu

This is my costume. I'm a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else.
Christina Ricci

I've always been attracted to romantic secondhand clothes. But my style developed as I started going to these strange raves where everybody had these very definitive costumes.
Florence Welch

I just love doing costume dramas; I am very lucky, as I see myself as a part-time time traveller.
Julia Sawalha

We used to say that inside Cecil Beaton there was another Cecil Beaton sending out lots of little Cecils into the world. One did the sets, another did the costumes. A third took the photographs. Another put the sketches in an exhibition, then into magazines, then in a book.
Alan Jay Lerner

Couture has copied my things for years, in addition to countless other costume designers, claiming theirs were the original ideas. It's all part of the business, unfortunately.
Edith Head

Costume jewelry is not made to give women an aura of wealth, but to make them beautifu
Coco Chanel

I read and watch movies. I can't go to the movie theater much anymore, though, because I get recognized. It's worse sometimes if I wear a costume and try not to get recognized. I watch most of my films on airplanes
Ayumi Hamasaki

It is a process of finding the right music then planning a costume to fit that style of music.
Nancy Kerrigan