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Craving Quotes

Peace is what every human being is craving for, and it can be brought about by humanity through the child.
Maria Montessori

Contentment is what all humans yearn for, and it can be achieved through humanity's youngest members.
Authors on Craving Quotes: Maria Montessori Albert Camus Naomi Watts Emile Hirsch Wilhelm Stekel Matt Haig Gil Fronsdal Alexander Pope Isabel Paterson Emma Goldman Tim Lebbon Melissa Hartwig Lewis Buzbee Andrew Delbanco Gautama Buddha Benjamin Disraeli Sheena Easton Michel de Montaigne Audre Lorde Je Tsongkhapa Kathy Reichs Charlaine Harris Robert Frost Lyle Tuttle Ariana Franklin Johann Gottfried Herder Francoise Sagan Alan Weisman Hafez Ally Carter Joy Browne
Once you know your deepest wish you can base your life on intention rather than craving
Gil Fronsdal

Waffles. Im craving waffles." Bex rolled onto her side. "Tell your waffles hi for me.
Ally Carter

Since all living beings are bound by their craving for existence, you must begin by finding the determination to be free.
Je Tsongkhapa

... nothing satisfies the craving of most women so much as scandal.
Emma Goldman

We have been raised to fear the yes within ourselves, our deepest cravings.
Audre Lorde

All your wounds from craving love Exist because of heroic deeds.

The craving for a delicate fruit is pleasanter than the fruit itself.
Johann Gottfried Herder

People who do not understand themselves have a craving for understanding — a thing which is rather surmised and never spoken than known and clothed in words.
Wilhelm Stekel

No craving void left aching in the soul.
Alexander Pope

Craving brings pain; craving brings fear. If you do not yield to craving, you will be free from pain and fear
Gautama Buddha

We are torn between the craving to know and the despair of having known.
Francoise Sagan

It does no good to be right, if what you're craving is wrong.
Joy Browne

A craving for freedom and independence is generated only in a man still living on hope.
Albert Camus

The characteristic of the present age is craving credulity.
Benjamin Disraeli

I was blessed in the sense that I got handed so much early on in life. I got a lot of the things people go through their 20s and 30s craving.
Sheena Easton

I know what wanting and craving adventure feels like, I can really relate to that.
Emile Hirsch

As addictive and satisfying as my first tattoo, Wolf’s Remedy left me craving more.
Lyle Tuttle

The craving for power is in itself a sign of inferior abilities and unfitness for responsibility.
Isabel Paterson

The most striking feature of contemporary culture is the unslaked craving for transcendence.
Andrew Delbanco

Fie on the eloquence that leaves us craving itself, not things!
Michel de Montaigne

Directors are our teachers, and I'm always craving to work with a great director. They're pretty much the first thing that interests me about a project. Let's put it this way: It'll take me a lot longer to read a script if there's no director attached.
Naomi Watts

Blood doesn't satisfy cravings. It magnifies them.
Matt Haig

Humans crave knowledge, and when that craving ends, we are no longer human.
Tim Lebbon

Cravings are not about food. Cravings are about stress.
Melissa Hartwig

Maturity and experience shouldn't stop one from craving silly things like sliding down bannisters.
Lewis Buzbee

It was somehow degrading, craving someone so... voraciously - another good calendar word - just because he was physically beautiful. I hadn't thought that was something women did, either.
Charlaine Harris

I hated myself for needing him at such times, for craving his strength whenever I felt upset.
Kathy Reichs

Affection is an overpowering craving to be compellingly sought.
Robert Frost

To what do you not drive human hearts, cursed for craving gold!
Ariana Franklin

Nobility is expensive, nonproductive, and parasitic, siphoning away too much of society’s energy to satisfy its frivolous cravings.
Alan Weisman