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Daggers Quotes

Courage is to feel the daily daggers of relentless steel and keep on living.
Douglas Malloch

Authors on Daggers Quotes: William Shakespeare Frederick Seidel Emile M. Cioran Rick Riordan Greg Abbott Charlie Fletcher Robert Jordan Pete Wentz Lynn Flewelling Jose Marti Ray Bradbury Warren Buffett Suzanne Collins Joseph Addison Sarah Rees Brennan Friedrich Nietzsche William O. Douglas J.R. Ward Agatha Christie Josh Billings Rebecca Kiersten White Jack Valenti Douglas Malloch Jennifer Estep Thomas Paine Johann Wolfgang von Goethe R. A. Salvatore George R. R. Martin Cassandra Clare Maxwell Bodenheim John Flanagan Sandra Gulland
You promised you would protect her Nico said. He might as well have stabbed me with a rusty dagger.It would've hurt less than reminding me of my promise.
Rick Riordan

Consciousness is much more than the thorn, it is the dagger in the flesh.
Emile M. Cioran

The Vatican is a dagger in the heart of Italy.
Thomas Paine

I will speak daggers to her, but use none.
William Shakespeare

Thy words, I grant are bigger, for I wear not, my dagger in my mouth.
William Shakespeare

Fools carry their daggers in their open mouths.
Josh Billings

On the heights, all paths are paved with daggers. -Old Seanchan saying
Robert Jordan

He sharpened his flaws and disappointments into daggers.
Pete Wentz

My poems are like a dagger Sprouting flowers from the hilt; My poetry is like a fountain Sprinkling streams of coral water.
Jose Marti

...a third [of three] had died in his bunk of natural causes--for a dagger in the heart quite naturally ends one's life.
R. A. Salvatore

Sony has engaged in a technological version of cloak and dagger deceit against consumers by hiding secret files on their computers.
Greg Abbott

Word - that invisible dagger.
Emile M. Cioran

I like poems that are daggers that sing. I like poems that for all the power of the sentiments expressed, and all the power to upset and offend, are so well made that they’re achieved things. However much they upset you, they also affect you.
Frederick Seidel

The soul, secured in her existence, smiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point.
Joseph Addison

In a political struggle, never get personal - else the dagger digs too deep.
Jack Valenti

There's daggers in men's smiles.
William Shakespeare

Then, driven by the same impulse, they kissed him--Aylss on the let cheek, Evanlyn on the right. And then they glared daggers at each other. -pg 372
John Flanagan

...but hope seduces like a silver tongue, double-edged like a dagger that cuts both ways.
Charlie Fletcher

The gilded sheath of pity sometimes covers the dagger of envy.
Friedrich Nietzsche

A road is a dagger placed in the heart of a wilderness.
William O. Douglas

The lure of the past came up to grab me. To see a dagger slowly appearing, with its gold glint, through the sand was romantic. The carefulness of lifting pots and objects from the soil filled me with a longing to be an archaeologist myself.
Agatha Christie

O,speak to me no more;these words like daggers enter my ears.(a fancy way of saying SHUT UP!)" — William Shakespeare "hamlet
William Shakespeare

I like poems that are daggers that sing.
Frederick Seidel

When I was young I was trained in stage fighting and rapier and dagger, for several years.
Suzanne Collins

Thou you thrust your dagger at my eye, I will not flinch.
Lynn Flewelling

You drove a dagger through my back, Elena. It hurt.

Having a large amount of leverage is like driving a car with a dagger on the steering wheel pointed at your heart. If you do that, you will be a better driver. There will be fewer accidents but when they happen, they will be fatal.
Warren Buffett

You would have made a fine warrior, you know that?" I am one. Death is my enemy." Yeah, it is, isn't it." God, it made such sense that he'd bonded with her. She was a fighter… like him. "Your scalpel's your dagger." Yup.
J.R. Ward

Daggers ever at the ready, I went about the day: children fed, linens mended, bedclothes aired. In little ways one conquers fear.
Sandra Gulland

Miss Lynn came around the corner of the row of lockers,glaring daggers. No, daggers would be too delicate a weapon for her.Glaring sledgehammers was probably more appropriate.
Kiersten White

His dagger was out, poised at her throat. “Sing, little bird. Sing for your little life.
George R. R. Martin

Glad you're back to normal. The makeup and the dress were a lot more intimidating than the dagger." "Get going, Sparky, before I skewer you." "Sparky?
Rick Riordan

That was my favorite dagger." She had a favorite dagger? Seriously? And she thought that I was a freak.
Jennifer Estep

They whispered to Caesar that he was mortal, then sold daggers at half-price in the grand March sale.
Ray Bradbury

Would you require a wretched being, whose life is slowly wasting under a lingering disease, to despatch himself at once by the stroke of a dagger? Does not the very disorder which consumes his strength deprive him of the courage to effect his deliverance?
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Time is but a phantom dagger That motion lifts to slay itself.
Maxwell Bodenheim

Isabelle looked at him thoughtfully. "Did you seriously jump thirty feet out of a Malachi Configuration? Did he, Alec?" "He did," Alec confirmed. "I've never seen anything like it." "I've never seen anything like this." Jace lifted a ten-inch dagger from the floor. One of Isabelle's pink brassiers was spread on the wickedly sharp tip. Isabelle snached it off, scowling.
Cassandra Clare

Down the well," Angela repeated, and had to go sit down and hold on to her letter opener. It was in the shape of a dagger. Angela said holding it soothed her; seeing Angela hold it did not soothe Kami.
Sarah Rees Brennan