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Daisy Donovan Quotes

I get really upset seeing my friends who are mums crying because they feel like they're not good enough. Clever, confident, kind young women all going, 'I'm ruining my child's life.
Daisy Donovan

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and wonder how I do these things. I can embarrass myself so badly that I literally get a hot prickle down the back of my neck.
Daisy Donovan

Domestic goddesses have infiltrated everybody's lives and raised the bar way too high.
Daisy Donovan

Bridget Jones has a lot to answer for.
Daisy Donovan

My dad always said, 'Don't worry what people think, because you can't change it.'
Daisy Donovan

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If I were to say you are crazy, what part of that would you find unacceptable?
Daisy Donovan

It takes time and energy, and if I'm working, then I'd rather flop in front of the telly than put on a tiny dress and work out how to get myself to God knows where. I mean, lazy some would call it.
Daisy Donovan