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Daniel Kahneman Quotes

Israeli-American economist and psychologist, Birth: 5-3-1934 Daniel Kahneman Quotes
The confidence people have in their beliefs is not a measure of the quality of evidence but of the coherence of the story the mind has managed to construct.
Daniel Kahneman

A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact.
Daniel Kahneman

Every night for the next week, set aside ten minutes before you go to sleep. Write down three things that went well today and why they went well...Writing about why the positive events in your life happened may seem awkward at first, but please stick with it for one week. It will get easier. The odds are that you will be less depressed, happier, and addicted to this exercise six months from now.
Daniel Kahneman

We can be blind to the obvious, and we are also blind to our blindness.
Daniel Kahneman

Odd as it may seem, I am my remembering self, and the experiencing self, who does my living, is like a stranger to me.
Daniel Kahneman

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We don’t choose between experiences, we choose between memories of experiences. Even when we think about the future, we don’t think of our future normally as experiences. We think of our future as anticipated memories.
Daniel Kahneman

This is the essence of intuitive heuristics: when faced with a difficult question, we often answer an easier one instead, usually without noticing the substitution.
Daniel Kahneman

Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance.
Daniel Kahneman

Quote Topics by Daniel Kahneman: People Thinking Ideas Decision Memories Optimistic Mind Past Skills Intuition Believe Feelings Stories Mean Self Loss Individual Powerful Long Optimism Would Be Attention Successful Views Looks Average Facts Mistake Experts Effort
The idea that the future is unpredictable is undermined every day by the ease with which the past is explained.
Daniel Kahneman

Many ideas happen to us. We have intuition, we have feeling, we have emotion, all of that happens, we don't decide to do it. We don't control it.
Daniel Kahneman

By their very nature, heuristic shortcuts will produce biases, and that is true for both humans and artificial intelligence, but the heuristics of AI are not necessarily the human ones.
Daniel Kahneman

The illusion that we understand the past fosters overconfidence in our ability to predict the future.
Daniel Kahneman

We're generally overconfident in our opinions and our impressions and judgments.
Daniel Kahneman

Nothing in life is quite as important as you think it is while you're thinking about it.
Daniel Kahneman

Spend some effort in figuring out why each decision did or did not pan out. Doing that systematically is key: really try to question the way you make decisions, and improve it.
Daniel Kahneman

The 'Instagram Generation' now experiences the present as an anticipated memory
Daniel Kahneman

An investment said to have an 80% chance of success sounds far more attractive than one with a 20% chance of failure. The mind can't easily recognize that they are the same.
Daniel Kahneman

Mind is a machine for jumping to conclusions
Daniel Kahneman

Our memory tells us stories, that is, what we get to keep from our experiences is a story.
Daniel Kahneman

The psychologist, Paul Rozin, an expert on disgust, observed that a single cockroach will completely wreck the appeal of a bowl of cherries, but a cherry will do nothing at all for a bowl of cockroaches.
Daniel Kahneman

True intuitive expertise is learned from prolonged experience with good feedback on mistakes.
Daniel Kahneman

However, optimism is highly valued, socially and in the market; people and firms reward the providers of dangerously misleading information more than they reward truth tellers. One of the lessons of the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession is that there are periods in which competition, among experts and among organizations, creates powerful forces that favor a collective blindness to risk and uncertainty.
Daniel Kahneman

We are prone to overestimate how much we understand about the world and to underestimate the role of chance in events.
Daniel Kahneman

We can't live in a state of perpetual doubt, so we make up the best story possible and we live as if the story were true.
Daniel Kahneman

Money does not buy you happiness, but lack of money certainly buys you misery.
Daniel Kahneman

Human beings cannot comprehend very large or very small numbers. It would be useful for us to acknowledge that fact.
Daniel Kahneman

When people believe a conclusion is true, they are also very likely to believe arguments that appear to support it, even when these arguments are unsound.
Daniel Kahneman

Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.
Daniel Kahneman

The effort invested in 'getting it right' should be commensurate with the importance of the decision.
Daniel Kahneman

People tend to assess the relative importance of issues by the ease with which they are retrieved from memory—and this is largely determined by the extent of coverage in the media. Frequently mentioned topics populate the mind even as others slip away from awareness. In turn, what the media choose to report corresponds to their view of what is currently on the public’s mind. It is no accident that authoritarian regimes exert substantial pressure on independent media. Because public interest is most easily aroused by dramatic events and by celebrities, media feeding frenzies are common
Daniel Kahneman

If people can construct a simple and coherent story, they will feel confident regardless of how well grounded it is in reality.
Daniel Kahneman

If owning stocks is a long-term project for you, following their changes constantly is a very, very bad idea. It's the worst possible thing you can do, because people are so sensitive to short-term losses. If you count your money every day, you'll be miserable.
Daniel Kahneman

Happiness is determined by factors like your health, your family relationships and friendships, and above all by feeling that you are in control of how you spend your time.
Daniel Kahneman

In a rising market, enough of your bad ideas will pay off so that you'll never learn that you should have fewer ideas.
Daniel Kahneman

So your emotional state really has a lot to do with what you're thinking about and what you're paying attention to.
Daniel Kahneman

It doesn't take many observations to think you've spotted a trend, and it's probably not a trend at all.
Daniel Kahneman

People who face a difficult question often answer an easier one instead, without realizing it.
Daniel Kahneman

Most of the moments of our life - and I calculated, you know, the psychological present is said to be about three seconds long; that means that, you know, in a life there are about 600 million of them; in a month, there are about 600,000 - most of them don't leave a trace.
Daniel Kahneman

People's mood is really determined primarily by their genetic make-up and personality, and in the second place by their immediate context, and only in the third and fourth place by worries and concerns and other things like that.
Daniel Kahneman

Economists think about what people ought to do. Psychologists watch what they actually do.
Daniel Kahneman

If people are failing, they look inept. If people are succeeding, they look strong and good and competent. That's the 'halo effect.' Your first impression of a thing sets up your subsequent beliefs. If the company looks inept to you, you may assume everything else they do is inept.
Daniel Kahneman

Optimistic people play a disproportionate role in shaping our lives. Their decisions make a difference; they are inventors, entrepreneurs, political and military leaders - not average people. They got to where they are by seeking challenges and taking risks.
Daniel Kahneman

The planning fallacy is that you make a plan, which is usually a best-case scenario. Then you assume that the outcome will follow your plan, even when you should know better.
Daniel Kahneman

Facts that challenge basic assumptions-and thereby threaten people's livelihood and self-esteem-are simply not absorbed. The mind does not digest them.
Daniel Kahneman

I would not advise people to buy a car or house without making a list. You will probably improve your intuitions by making a list and then sleeping on it.
Daniel Kahneman

We associate leadership with decisiveness. That perception of leadership pushes people to make decisions fairly quickly, lest they be seen as dithering and indecisive.
Daniel Kahneman

To know whether you can trust a particular intuitive judgment, there are two questions you should ask: Is the environment in which the judgment is made sufficiently regular to enable predictions from the available evidence? The answer is yes for diagnosticians, no for stock pickers. Do the professionals have an adequate opportunity to learn the cues and the regularities? The answer here depends on the professionals' experience and on the quality and speed with which they discover their mistakes.
Daniel Kahneman

The easiest way to increase happiness is to control your use of time.
Daniel Kahneman

The amount of success it takes for leaders to become overconfident isn't terribly large.
Daniel Kahneman

A plan is only a scenario, and almost by definition, it is optimistic... As a result, scenario planning can lead to a serious underestimate of the risk of failure.
Daniel Kahneman