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Dave Morin Quotes

There are a lot of things that are uncomfortable and hard to do, and the longer you put off those things, the harder they get.
Dave Morin

Products should speak for themselves, and marketing should support that.
Dave Morin

My best entrepreneurial advice is to start.
Dave Morin

Simplicity is about clarity of thought and being willing to stay in a problem long enough to come to a solution, though it could be right in front of you.
Dave Morin

Innovation often starts with the ordinary. They simply took what was "normal", and added a twist. They added an innovation. The innovation solved a key problem of the "normal" use case that we all already understood.
Dave Morin

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I don’t use a ring of any kind on my phone. This is so that I am always on offense and never defense.
Dave Morin

We want to make sure the stories that show up in Path are both good stories and are a big part of people's lives.
Dave Morin

Simple and intuitive design is what inspires and drives me.
Dave Morin

Quote Topics by Dave Morin: Use Speak Marketing Trying Innovation Two Clarity Design Long Inspire Advice Want Hard Defense Phones Support Way Twists Iphone Keys Night Simplicity Simple Entrepreneurial Stories Uncomfortable People Harder
I have two iPhones, one for day and one for the night.
Dave Morin

If I learned one thing working at Facebook: If users are trying to use your app in a certain way, get out of their way and let them.
Dave Morin