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David Wilkerson Quotes

David Wilkerson Quotes
When God calls you to something, He is not always calling you to succeed, He’s calling you to obey! The success of the calling is up to Him;the obedience is up to you.
David Wilkerson

When God beckons you to something, He is not always summoning you to triumph, He’s inviting you to comply! The victory of the summons is up to Him;the submission is up to you.
Everything you go through as a Christian is a training exercise behind which God has a divine purpose. He did not save you so that you could cruise into paradise on a luxury liner; He saved you to prepare you to be of use in His kingdom. The moment you were born again, He enrolled you in His school of suffering. And every affliction, every trial, is another lesson in the curriculum.
David Wilkerson

God hates the LUKEWARM GOSPEL OF HALF-TRUTHS that is now spreading over the Globe. This gospel says, 'Just believe in Jesus and you'll be Saved. There's nothing more to it.' It ignores the Whole Counsel of God, which speaks of Repenting from former Sins, of Taking up your Cross, of being conformed to the Image of Christ by the refining work of the Holy Spirit. It is totally silent about the Reality of Hell and an After-Death Judgment.
David Wilkerson

How can you know when you are trusting in man rather than in God? If you fall apart when someone else lets you down, or if the actions of others affect your walk with God, then you know you are leaning on the arm of flesh!
David Wilkerson

The world is not looking for more doctrinal proof of the reality of God! It is not looking for greater proof of the resurrection or better arguments about creation. The world is looking for Christians who can stand up to every crisis, fear, trouble and difficulty and remain calm and at rest in the midst of it all. The world needs to see God's children trusting wholly in their Lord.
David Wilkerson

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A humble person is not one who thinks little of himself, hangs his head and says, "I'm nothing." Rather, he is one who depends wholly on the Lord for everything, in every circumstance.
David Wilkerson

A meek individual is not one who regards themselves as inconsequential, bows their head and states, "I'm nothing." Rather, they are someone who depends unreservedly on the Lord for all things, in any situation.
Faith is not to get you out of a hard place but to change your heart in the hard place.
David Wilkerson

Belief is not to rescue you from a tough situation but to transform your mentality in the challenging environment.
Blessed are those who believe when there is no evidence of an answer to prayer.
David Wilkerson

Fortunate are those who trust even when there is no proof of a response to petition.
Quote Topics by David Wilkerson: Christian Jesus Prayer Believe Men Heart Church People Christian Inspirational Ministry Israel Doe Christ Past Faith America Father Challenges Mean Country Midst Lord Mother Running Want Years World Love Care Covenant
How quickly we forget God's great deliverances in our lives. How easily we take for granted the miracles he performed in our past.
David Wilkerson

We swiftly disregard the divine rescues in our existence. We effortlessly overlook the wonders He accomplished for us in days gone by.
Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do.
David Wilkerson

Affection is not simply something you experience, it is something you act upon.
Worshippers aren't made when they see the enemy on the run, put to flight. The truth is, worshippers of God are made during dark, stormy nights. And how we respond to our storms determines just what kind of worshippers we are.
David Wilkerson

You win over people just like you win over a dog. You see a dog passing down the street with an old bone in his mouth. You don't grab the bone from him and tell him it's not good for him. He'll growl at you. It's the only thing he has. But you throw a big fat lamb chop in front of him, and he's going to drop that bone and pick up the lamb chop, his tail wagging to beat the band. And you've got a friend. Instead of going around grabbing bones from people... I'm going to throw them some lamb chops. Something with real meat and life in it. I'm going to tell them about New Beginnings.
David Wilkerson

If you are experiencing confusion, pain, and suffering, it may be that God is working things out for you in his own way. It is most often the sovereign work of our God unfolding a master plan known only to him.
David Wilkerson

Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges, mayors and governors, who are given to change, defying the Constitution and substituting their own wicked agendas.
David Wilkerson

The Word says, ‘Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world’ (1 John 2:15). Jesus warned, ‘Beware of covetousness: for a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things which he possesses’ (Luke 12:15). Things—our possessions—can tie us down to this world. While heaven and hell prepare for war, we go shopping. Eternal values are at stake! The end of all we know is near—and we are busy playing with our toys!
David Wilkerson

When God sets His heart on you, you will be tried often. But the longer and harder your affliction, the more deeply God has set His heart on you, to show you His love and care.
David Wilkerson

Likewise today, some Christians are content to merely exist until they die. They don't want to risk anything, to believe God, to grow or mature. They refuse to believe his Word, and have become hardened in their unbelief. Now they're living just to die.
David Wilkerson

Most Christians never associate joy with repentance. But repentance is actually the mother of all joy in Jesus. Without it, there can be no joy. Yet, any believer who walks in repentance will be flooded with the joy of the Lord.
David Wilkerson

Anything that effects our decisions besides that of the Glory of God and His Will Alone is an idol. Why are people so free to do as they please and make decisions off of pleasures, feelings or emotion? It is because they have not been taken captive by the Lord Jesus Christ and He alone does not rule in that life, there are rivals on the throne.
David Wilkerson

God has never, in the history of mankind, allowed His name to go long offended.
David Wilkerson

When you strip it of everything else, Pentecost stands for power and life. That's what came into the church when the Holy Spirit came down on the day of Pentecost.
David Wilkerson

Riches and the things that are necessary in life are not evil in themselves. And all of us face cares and troubles in this life. The sin comes in the time and energy we spend in pursuing these things, at the expense of neglecting Christ.
David Wilkerson

I'm not about to put up a silly skit and preach a 15-minute message on 'how to cope' to a multitude of people who are dying and going to hell. I tremble at the thought.
David Wilkerson

Christ does not inhabit buildings or a certain atmosphere; in fact, the very heavens cannot contain Him. Rather, He is manifested through our obedient, sanctified bodies-His temples.
David Wilkerson

The greatest fear that haunts this city is a suitcase bomb, nuclear or germ. Many people carry small gas masks. The masses here seem to be resigned to the inevitable, believing an attack of major proportions will happen.
David Wilkerson

True freedom from fear consists of totally resigning one's life into the hands of the Lord.
David Wilkerson

Eighteen years ago, the Holy Spirit led me to establish a church in the heart of Times Square.
David Wilkerson

You may claim to love Jesus but your life proves you are still walking in darkness—confused, befuddled and foggy! When you are truly in love with Jesus, conversing with Him, He turns up the light. There is no darkness at all in His presence. The worst possible darkness to mankind is not in the hearts of God-hating Communist leaders or Christ-hating atheists. It is, rather, the horrible darkness that blinds so-called Christians who refuse to walk in the light.
David Wilkerson

Our faith is not meant to get us out of a hard place or change our painful condition. Rather, it is meant to reveal God's faithfulness to us in the midst of our dire situation.
David Wilkerson

Biblical hope is not wishful thinking or an optimistic outlook; rather, it is a confident expectation based on the certainty of God's Word that as He has anchored us in the past, so He will in the future.
David Wilkerson

Many of those who once were so passionately in love with Christ now run about pursuing their own interests. They're burdened down with stress and problems, chasing after riches and the things of this world.
David Wilkerson

Are you becoming more sweet-spirited, more like Jesus? Are you looking soberly in the mirror each day and praying, ‘Lord, I want to conform to Your image in every area of my life’? Or has your bitterness taken root, turning into rebellion and hardness of heart? Have you learned to shield yourself from the convicting voice of God’s Spirit?
David Wilkerson

Jesus didn't save you so you could cruise to heaven in a luxury liner. He wants you to be useful in His kingdom! The moment you got saved, He enrolled you in His school the school of suffering and affliction.
David Wilkerson

At first, He shook us very tenderly but now His shaking has become violent, because He has not succeeded in awakening us... God is going to shake everything in sight so that He is revealed as the only unshakable power!
David Wilkerson

Faith comes by hearing all the Word, not just preferred sections.
David Wilkerson

At its heart, legalism is a desire to appear holy. It is trying to be justified before men and not God.
David Wilkerson

God uses people. God uses people to perform His work. He does not send angels. Angels weep over it, but God does not use angels to accomplish His purposes. He uses burdened broken-hearted weeping men and women.
David Wilkerson

Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail-his love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world.
David Wilkerson

We simply can't trust God's power fully until we experience it in the midst of our crisis.
David Wilkerson

I weep when I see these videos that are sent to me from all over the country. Whole groups of bodies jerking out of control, falling on the floor, laughing hysterically, staggering around like drunkards Anything that cannot be found in Scripture has to be rejected outright - totally rejected.
David Wilkerson

The church used to confess its sin, now it confesses its right.
David Wilkerson

What is it about tears that should be so terrifying? the touch of God is marked by tears...deep, soul-shaking tears, weeping...it comes when that last barrier is down and you surrender yourself to health and wholeness
David Wilkerson

Also, I preached to gangs on the streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx - and miracles began to happen.
David Wilkerson

Prayer and humility, along with a hatred for sin, produces a ‘mind to work.’ ‘So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work’ (Nehemiah 4:6). True revivals of holiness always produce workers. Books and seminars and lectures don’t—but revival does!
David Wilkerson

'To die is gain!' That kind of talk is absolutely foreign to our modern, spiritual vocabularies. We have become such life worshippers, we have very little desire to depart to be with the Lord.
David Wilkerson

As I look back over fifty years of ministry, I recall innumerable tests, trials and times of crushing pain. But through it all, the Lord has proven faithful, loving, and totally true to all his promises.
David Wilkerson

God does not accept weak, boring, halfhearted worship!
David Wilkerson

You see, growing in grace doesn't mean doing more or greater things for God. True growth comes in doing the same things over and over, with more heart assurance that we're doing everything for Him.
David Wilkerson

The cry for peace will increase according to scripture.
David Wilkerson

Every Teen Challenge ministry is responsible for raising its own finances, but we assist these works with finances, prayer and counseling, especially overseas in areas such as Siberia, Africa, South America.
David Wilkerson