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A lot of can't deal with life because they lack the patience to become who they want to be.... Everything happens by process. If you don't go through the process to get it, you don't have the power to keep it.
T. D. Jakes

Authors on Deals Quotes: Donald Trump Gore Vidal Warren Buffett Richard P. Feynman Henry David Thoreau Paulo Coelho Bret Easton Ellis Vin Diesel C. S. Lewis Rexford Tugwell Andy Stanley David Levithan Willa Cather Anne Lamott Miranda Lambert Roseanne Barr Margaret Thatcher Joan Rivers L. Ron Hubbard Sylvester Stallone Kate Bosworth Abraham Lincoln Al Sharpton Ralph Waldo Emerson Martin Luther Rush Limbaugh Neal Boortz Honore de Balzac Samuel Richardson May Sarton Lauren Myracle Marya Hornbacher Gary Shilling
If you live for the next world, you get this one in the deal; but if you live only for this world, you lose them both.
C. S. Lewis

If you invest in the afterlife, you will be rewarded in this life; however, if you only focus on earthly matters, you forfeit both.
If you want rainbow, you have to deal with the rain.

A generation that has taken a beating is always followed by a generation that deals one.
Otto von Bismarck

'A cohort that has endured hardship is invariably succeeded by a cohort that inflicts it.'
Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.
Karl Marx

The incapacity of the human intellect to grapple with occurrences beyond its comprehension.
No matter what you do, no matter what your profession is, no matter how old you are, everybody deals with haters.
Ariana Grande

No matter your background, everyone encounters detractors.
I don't deal in technique. I deal in emotions.
Jimmy Page

I do not focus on technique. I specialize in feelings.
The best measure of success, is how you deal with failure
Ronnie Radke

The ultimate yardstick of accomplishment is how one confronts defeat.
Changing the destructive things you say to yourself when you experience the setbacks that life deals all of us is the central skill of optimism.
Martin Seligman

If you are not comortable to deal with an opponent 50 lbs heavier than you, there is something wrong with your Jiu Jitsu.
Rickson Gracie

The older you get, the more you realize it's not what happens, but how you deal with it.
Tina Turner

A gospel that doesn't deal with the issues of the day is not the gospel at all.
Martin Luther

I have suffered a great deal from writers who have quoted this or that sentence of mine either out of its context or in juxtaposition to some incongruous matter which quite distorted my meaning, or destroyed it altogether.
Alfred North Whitehead

I hope it's enabling me to deal with another human being who's more important to me than I am.
Michael Zaslow

You speak an infinite deal of nothing.
William Shakespeare

I made a deal with the devil for a whole lot of money.
Jimmy Buffett

I can deal with everything. I got the answer for anything.
DJ Khaled

I'm not a tough guy. I'm just delivering the truth and only the truth and if you can't deal with it, too bad.
Kevin O'Leary

I can't deal with high maintenance chicks.
Jeremy London

A great champion deals with setback with a comeback.
Donna de Varona

It bothers me that no one has the patience to deal with someone who is just sad.
Emily Haines

If you don’t deal with your demons, they will deal with you, and it’s gonna hurt.
Nikki Sixx

Let us turn to the future and not deal with the past.
Ivica Dacic

Some days you must learn a great deal. But you should also have days when you allow what is already in you to swell up and touch everything. If you never let that happen, then you just accumulate facts, and they begin to rattle around inside of you.
E. L. Konigsburg

To deal with reality you must first recognize it as such.
Laurence Gonzales

Where words are restrained, the eyes often talk a great deal.
Samuel Richardson

I love Jesus as much as I ever have. And I'm gay. Deal with it.
Vicky Beeching

One can only know as much as one has lived to know, though it is certainly possible to learn a great deal less than this.
Saladin Ahmed

Clearly, animals know more than we think, and think a great deal more than we know.
Irene Pepperberg

I either delegate something, I dump it, or I deal with it.
Daniel L. Doctoroff

It takes a great deal of experience to become natural.
Willa Cather

Science does not deal with subjective experience... Well that's too bad because that is all any of us ever have.
Terence McKenna

You can't change conditions - just the way you deal with them.
Jessica Watson

You can't pick when you're touched. You can't pick the time. It just is. It's the reality. What it is, is. I can't change the past. I can only deal with the present and the future.
Paul Mooney

If you laugh at it, you can deal with it.
Joan Rivers

God does not exist to make a big deal out of us. We exist to make a big deal out of him. It's not about you. It's not about me. It's all about him.
Max Lucado

This is the truth: I'm into sales. I love deals. I'm definitely a sucker for steals.

No one really knows how to deal with the unexpected. How do you rehearse the unknown?
Wayne Shorter

I beseech you to consider that God does not deal by you as you deal with him.
Jeremiah Burroughs

Things are not as we would like them to be. There is only one way to deal with it, namely to try and be all right oneself.
Anna Freud

If we can learn to deal with our discomfort and just relax into it we'll have a better life.
Mellody Hobson

Relationships are negotiated and if you deal with ultimatums and authority all the time, then you're not going to get anywhere.
Phil McGraw

Everybody wants to be famous. You have to be ready to deal with consequences.
Fat Joe

If there's not love present, it's much, much harder to function. When there's love present, it's easier to deal with life.
Brian Wilson

I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. And that hasn’t much improved my opinion of them.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The best way to deal with procrastination is to postpone it.
Tony Robbins

When you get new rules that work, you're changing the physiology of your brain. And then your brain has to reconfigure itself in order to deal with it.
Aphex Twin

My experience is to deal with things through humor.
Michael J. Fox

What makes a person is the ability to look at themselves and deal with their own lives.
Naomi Campbell

You know, I feel that God isn't going to put something in front of me that I can't deal with.
Lloyd Banks