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Dear Life Quotes

Life is a rollercoaster ride and I don't intend on being the one screaming and hanging on for dear life.
Logan Lerman

Authors on Dear Life Quotes: Henry James Henry Miller Meg Rosoff Emily Robison Logan Lerman Bryan Lee O'Malley Theodor Reik
We are all in a race for dear life: that is to say, we are fugitives from death.
Theodor Reik

We must for dear life make our own counter-realities.
Henry James

You start out with the sublime and you end up in an alley jerking away for dear life.
Henry Miller

Things Happen and once they start happening you pretty much just to hold on for dear life and see where they drop you when they stop.
Meg Rosoff

I ride horses once in a while, but Im no expert. I hold on for dear life.
Emily Robison

I feel like im in this river just getting swept along... And if I hold on to anyone, if I'm holding on for dear life, I'm not getting anywhere. I'm stuck. ...I never wanted to get stuck
Bryan Lee O'Malley