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Desire Quotes

Desires make slaves out of kings and patience makes kings out of slaves.

'Longing turns potentates into captives and forbearance transforms captives into potentates.'
Authors on Desire Quotes: Rajneesh Samuel Johnson Mason Cooley Deepak Chopra Francois de La Rochefoucauld Napoleon Hill Rumi Aristotle Frederick Lenz Friedrich Nietzsche Bertrand Russell Laozi C. S. Lewis William Shakespeare Wayne Dyer Plato Gautama Buddha Swami Vivekananda Dalai Lama Rush Limbaugh Esther Hicks Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Jiddu Krishnamurti Eric Hoffer Paulo Coelho Thomas Hobbes Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Saint Augustine Marcel Proust Sathya Sai Baba Mahatma Gandhi Wallace D. Wattles Epictetus
Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.
Ramana Maharshi

Contentment is your essence. It is not immoral to desire it. What is wrong is searching for it beyond when it lies within.
How can the heart travel to God, when it is chained by its desires?
Ibn Arabi

"How can the soul journey to the divine when fettered by its longings?"
It is my great desire to reform my subjects, and yet I am ashamed to confess that I am unable to reform myself.
Peter the Great

I fervently wish to better the lives of my people, but I am embarrassed to admit that I have failed to improve myself.
You should desire for others what you desire for yourself, and hate for others what you hate for yourself. Do not oppress, just as you do not like to be oppressed. Do good to others just as you would like good to be done to you. Dislike in yourself what you dislike in others. Accept that treatment from others which you would like others to accept from you. Do not say to others what you do not like to be said to you.
Ali ibn Abi Talib

Be eager in your desires but humbly patient in their accomplishment.
Mary MacKillop

Be avid in your ambitions but quietly tolerant in their realization.
If God seems slow in responding, it is because He is preparing a better gift. He will not deny us. God withholds what you are not yet ready for. He wants you to have a lively desire for His greatest gifts. All of which is to say, pray always and do not lose heart.
Saint Augustine

Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon Earth.
John Wesley

Don't be 'practical' in politics. To be practical in that sense means that you have schooled yourself to think along the lines, and in the grooves that those who rob you would desire you to think.
James Connolly

Don't be judicious in politics. To be judicious in that sense means that you have conditioned yourself to reason according to the terms, and within the parameters that those who exploit you would want you to consider.
Since my return to America my Master, has at the desire of my friends in England given me my freedom.
Phillis Wheatley

Since my return to America, my Master has, at the behest of my acquaintances in England, granted me emancipation.
What you desire is what YOU want, what you have is what ALLAH wants.
Nouman Ali Khan

'What you aspire is what YOU seek, what you possess is what GOD wills.'
You are destined to reign in life. You are called by the Lord to be a success, to enjoy wealth, to enjoy health, and to enjoy a life of victory. It is not the Lord's desire that you live a life of defeat, poverty, and failure.
Joseph Prince

There is a strength, a power even, in understanding brokenness, because embracing our brokenness creates a need and desire for mercy, and perhaps a corresponding need to show mercy. When you experience mercy, you learn things that are hard to learn otherwise. You see things you can't otherwise see; you hear things you can't otherwise hear. You begin to recognize the humanity that resides in each of us.
Bryan Stevenson

It's not tyranny we desire; it's a just, limited, federal government.
Alexander Hamilton

We yearn not for autocracy, but a judicious, circumscribed, national government.
Disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be, for in that determined assumption you and your Infinite Being are merged in creative unity, and with your Infinite Being all things are possible.
Neville Goddard

To bear the cross means that you refrain from doing what you have the power to do. You are qualified to fulfill your desire, yet you refrain from doing so. A person like this is the strongest person. The strongest person is not the one who is able to do something, but the one who is able not to do what he has the power to do.
Watchman Nee

God always forgives when you are totally repentant and you desire to change. He forgives... and He never gets tired of forgiving. Never. You may get tired asking. I hope not. He never, never tires of forgiving. Never.
Mother Angelica

There is a power under your control that is greater than poverty, greater than the lack of education, greater than all your fears and superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and direct it to whatever ends you may desire.
Andrew Carnegie

I am lucky that whatever fear I have inside me, my desire to win is always stronger.
Serena Williams

I am fortunate that whatever trepidation I have within me, my longing to succeed is consistently overpowering.
If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.
Neville Goddard

If you will embody your ambition and act as though it has already come to fruition, nothing in existence can impede its realization.
Oh, Lord, nourish me not with love, but with the desire for love.
Ibn Arabi

Oh Lord, grant me not affection, but the longing for it.
We talk about predestination because the Bible talks about predestination. If we desire to build our theology on the Bible, we run head on into this concept. We soon discover that John Calvin did not invent it.
R. C. Sproul

To be content does not mean that you don't desire more, it means you're thankful for what you have and patient for what's to come.
Tony Gaskins

Satisfied does not preclude ambition; it implies gratitude for what is present and hope for the future.
Since it has pleased Providence to place me in this station, I shall do my utmost to fulfil my duty towards my country; I am very young and perhaps in many, though not in all things, inexperienced, but I am sure that very few have more real good will and more real desire to do what is fit and right than I have.
Queen Victoria

We are captives of what we love, what we desire, and what we are.
Mahmoud Darwish

We are enslaved by what we cherish, covet, and embody.
All suffering originates from craving, from attachment, from desire.
Edgar Allan Poe

All affliction stems from wanting, from fixation, from longing.
One cannot desire freedom from the Cross when one is especially chosen for the Cross.
Edith Stein

One cannot seek exemption from the burden of destiny when one is especially selected for the Cross.
I - Want - Peace, I is ego, Want is desire; Remove ego and desire and you have peace.
Sathya Sai Baba

'I - Seek - Serenity, I is self, Seek is strive; Eradicate self and strive and you have serenity.'
We must speak to God as a friend speaks to his friend, servant to his master; now asking some favor, now acknowledging our faults, and communicating to Him all that concerns us, our thoughts, our fears, our projects, our desires, and in all things seeking His counsel.
Ignatius of Loyola

Revival is a renewed conviction of sin and repentance, followed by an intense desire to live in obedience to God. It is giving up one's will to God in deep humility.
Charles Grandison Finney

Reinvigoration is a reaffirmation of wrongdoing and regret, followed by an ardent wish to be faithful to God. It is ceding one's volition to God in abject meekness.
If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society. If we desire a society that is democratic, then democracy must become a means as well as an end.
Bayard Rustin

Every day I discover more and more beautiful things. It’s enough to drive one mad. I have such a desire to do everything, my head is bursting with it.
Claude Monet

I uncover more and more wondrous things daily, which can be overwhelming. My need to do it all is so intense that my head is overflowing with ideas.
To reach satisfaction in all desire its possession in nothing, To come to the knowledge of all desire the knowledge of nothing. To come to possess all desire the possession of nothing. To arrive at being all desire to be nothing.
John of the Cross

I have indeed - praise be to God - attained my desire in this world, which was to travel through the earth, and i have attained in this respect what no other person has attained to my knowledge.
Ibn Battuta

I have been blessed in achieving my ambition of circumnavigating the world, something which I believe to be unprecedented.
Humans are driven by a perpetual and restless desire of power.
Thomas Hobbes

Humans are propelled by a ceaseless and uneasy craving for authority.
Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.

Human actions stem from three primary sources: craving, passion, and understanding.
Let me forget the world and be swallowed up in the desire to glorify God.
David Brainerd

Indulge in adoration of the Almighty.
Sometimes you have to do something you dislike to create something you desire.
Mike Murdock

At times it is necessary to endure an unpleasant task in order to accomplish a desired goal.
You must desire the fire, and claim your flame!
Reinhard Bonnke

You must yearn for the blaze, and take possession of your spark!
Should I worship Him from fear of hell, may I be cast into it. Should I serve Him from desire of gaining heaven, may He keep me out. But should I worship Him from love alone, He reveals Himself to me, that my whole heart may be filled with His love and presence.
Sadhu Sundar Singh

When you face two options and each seems to please God, consider the one that displays God's glory, power and strength. This makes room for God to reveal Himself to you and show Himself through you. Don't be fearful about the hard road he may ask you to take He desires to show Himself strong in you and will encourage you to do things that require trust and faith.
Priscilla Shirer

I have no desire for wealth or possessions, and so I have nothing. I do not experience the initial suffering of having to accumulate possessions, the intermediate suffering of having to guard and keep up possessions, nor the final suffering of loosing the possessions.

We can gradually grow into any condition we desire, provided we first make ourselves in habitual mental attitude the person who corresponds to those conditions.
Thomas Troward

We can steadily evolve into any state we wish, as long as we initially form a consistent mental disposition of the individual who corresponds to those conditions.
Detach from emotions and desires; get rid of any fixations.
Zhuge Liang

Unbind from feelings and wishes; divest yourself of any obsessions.
The absolute desire of 'having more' encourages the selfishness that destroys communal bonds among the children of God. It does so because the idolatry of riches prevents the majority from sharing the goods that the Creator has made for all, and in the all-possessing minority it produces an exaggerated pleasure in these goods.
Oscar Romero

My desire is to preserve the sense of people’s lives, to endow them with the strength and beauty I see in them. I want the people in my pictures to stare back.
Nan Goldin

My longing is to safeguard the essence of people's lives, to equip them with the power and magnificence I discern in them. I wish for the persons in my photographs to confront me with their gaze.
Now that I no longer desire all, I have it all without desire.
John of the Cross

I now have everything I want without ambition.
Destroy my desires, eradicate my ideals, show me something better, and I will follow you.
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Annihilate my aspirations, obliterate my principles, demonstrate something superior, and I will comply.
Christians need never be sick, any more than they need to be sinful. It is always God's desire to heal you.
T.L. Osborn

Christians should never be ill, just as they should not commit wrongdoings. God wishes to bring restoration to your health.
We can do nothing ourselves; God must do it. To speak to Him thus is easier by nature for woman than for man because a natural desire lives in her to give herself completely to someone.
Edith Stein

'We are helpless without divine intervention; it is more instinctive for a woman to reach out to the Almighty than it is for a man, as she has an innate urge to surrender herself totally.'