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Discounts Quotes

We also never undercut representatives' prices. A representative will always be able to sell the discounts in our core business, which are not offered at retail. So it's never more advantageous to buy there.
Andrea Jung

Authors on Discounts Quotes: John Scalzi Woody Allen Darren LaCroix Melody Beattie Ryan Adams Dwight D. Eisenhower Matthew Lesko Jackie Kennedy Chang-Rae Lee George Soros Billy Joel Mark Zuckerberg Andrea Jung
Don't discount yourself, no matter what you're doing.
Mark Zuckerberg

Where did we come from? Where are we going? Is there possibility of a group discount?
Woody Allen

Discount the obvious, bet on the unexpected
George Soros

It looks like it's been furnished by discount stores.
Jackie Kennedy

Don’t discount that part of who he was just because you didn’t know it. None of us are all of who we are to any one person.
John Scalzi

Most every dental school has discount dental services.
Matthew Lesko

When we don't ask for what we want and need, we discount ourselves.
Melody Beattie

The biggest mistake made by emerging speakers is that they discount their own experience.
Darren LaCroix

Not to discount my music, but I'm always suspicious of the music that I make on some level, as to how valid it is. Or maybe not "valid," but how important.
Ryan Adams

There are no victories at discount prices.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Do not discount the psychic warmth of the hive.
Chang-Rae Lee

Give us this day our daily discount outlet merchandise...
Billy Joel