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Divinity Quotes

Every creature is a glittering, glistening mirror of Divinity.
Hildegard of Bingen

Every creature is a resplendent, gleaming reflection of Divinity.
Authors on Divinity Quotes: Swami Vivekananda Jaggi Vasudev Deepak Chopra Noam Chomsky Sathya Sai Baba Neale Donald Walsch William Wordsworth Amit Ray Ernest Holmes Ralph Waldo Emerson Marcus Tullius Cicero Ambrose Bierce Jorge Luis Borges Washington Irving Joseph Campbell Plato Thomas Browne Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel Pythagoras Joseph Addison Martin Luther John Milton Aristotle William Shakespeare B.K.S. Iyengar Wayne Dyer Miguel Angel Ruiz Douglas Adams Soren Kierkegaard George Washington Carver Lucian Pierre Corneille Maya Tiwari
Not meddling with Divinity, Metaphysicks, Moralls, Politicks, Grammar, Rhetorick, or Logick.
Robert Hooke

Avoiding interference with theology, philosophy, ethics, government, linguistics, oration, or logic.
We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. None else has the blame, none has the praise.
Swami Vivekananda

We are the architects of our own destiny. We create our own destiny through our choices, for which we accept full responsibility and receive due recognition.
What He was, He laid aside; what He was not, He assumed. He takes upon Himself the poverty of my flesh so that I may receive the riches of His divinity.
Gregory of Nazianzus

Divinity of art, it's such a mystery. How to convince people that no matter how much money you can spend on education and art education especially, that it implants, it directs a young person for the rest of their lives, and always in the most humane and positive and dignified manner.
Mikhail Baryshnikov

The essence of Vedanta is that there is but one Being and that every soul is that Being in full, not a part of that Being.
Swami Vivekananda

The Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine - but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight.
Hilaire Belloc

Were you indeed not blinded by the Curse Of Self-exile, that still grows worse and worse, Yourselves would know that, though you see him not, He is with you this Moment, on this Spot.
Farid al-Din Attar

Poverty is a form of hell caused by man's blindness to God's unlimited good for him. You should be prosperous, well supplied and have abundance of good because it is your divine heritage. Your creator wants you that way.
Catherine Ponder

There is divinity in your DNA. Live your light.
Carlos Santana

It is essential that in a society, divine thoughts and power should co-exist. Simple Faith, not backed by material forces, is weak and Strength without touch of Divinity is monstrous.
Pandurang Shastri Athavale

What can be seen on earth points to neither the total absence nor the obvious presence of divinity, but to the presence of a hidden God. Everything bears this mark.
Blaise Pascal

In one of the Upanishads it says, when the glow of a sunset holds you and you say 'Aha,' that is the recognition of the divinity. And when you say 'Aha' to an art object, that is a recognition of divinity. And what divinity is it? It is your divinity, which is the only divinity there is. We are all phenomenal manifestations of a divine will to live, and that will and the consciousness of life is one in all of us, and that is what artwork expresses.
Joseph Campbell

With the disappearance of God the Ego moves forward to become the sole divinity.
Dorothee Solle

Synchronicites . It's been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. Synchronicities are a sign of divinity. You breathe in deeply and say: 'I don't want anything. I'm going to let things happen'
Lana Del Rey

To the soul that knows its own divinity, all else must gravitate
Ernest Holmes

In fact, the ultimate speculation we can make about the nature of Divinity is that Divinity is NO-THING which we can know. In Hebrew, the word for no-thing (nothing) is AIN.
Donald Michael Kraig

There is no surer proof of Christ's divinity than that he is still so hated some two thousand years after his death.
Ann Coulter

What is this eternity to me without you? What is the infinity of my domains? Empty ringing words, A spacious temple - without a divinity!
Mikhail Lermontov

Divinity is in all things in such a way that all things are in divinity.
Nicholas of Cusa

Where there is no purity, there is no Unity. Without Unity you cannot attain Divinity. Then your life is just a waste. First purity, next Unity, then you realize your Divinity.
Sathya Sai Baba

Oh, Fortuna, blind, heedless goddess, I am strapped to your wheel,' Ignatius belched, 'Do not crush me beneath your spokes. Raise me on high, divinity.
John Kennedy Toole

How could a person possibly become what he is not thinking? Nor is any thought, when persistently entertained, too small to have its effect. The 'divinity that shapes our ends' is indeed ourselves.
Spencer W. Kimball

Truth does not pay homage to any society, ancient or modern. Society has to pay homage to Truth or die.
Swami Vivekananda

All power is within you. Believe in that,do not believe that you are weak... Stand up and express the Divinity within you.
Swami Vivekananda

All religions are like precious pearls strung on the golden thread of divinity.
Samael Aun Weor

Scholastic learning and polemical divinity retarded the growth of all true knowledge.
David Hume

Mystery is the essence of divinity
Zora Neale Hurston

Accept your own divinity. Everything is a manifestation of God. When you know that, the power that is LIFE is inside you, you accept your own divinity, and yet you are humble, because you see that see the same divinity in everyone else.
Miguel Angel Ruiz

Nature is the mirror of divinity.
Ellen G. White

The ultimate purpose of our life is to rejoin God in conscious participation of divinity.
Edgar Cayce

A devotee has no agenda of his own. For him, the object of devotion is everything.
Jaggi Vasudev

Devotion is a place where you do not exist; life just flows through you as a certain sweetness and beauty.
Jaggi Vasudev

The seed of God is in us: Pear seeds grow into pear trees; Hazel seeds into hazel trees; And God seeds into God.
Meister Eckhart

It is through your body that you realize you are a spark of divinity.
B.K.S. Iyengar

It is a denial of the divinity within us to doubt our potential and our possibilities.
James E. Faust

Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.
Howard W. Hunter

A physician's physiology has much the same relation to his power of healing as a cleric's divinity has to his power of influencing conduct.
Samuel Butler

Necessity is the most powerful divinity the world knows – it is the result of physical forces set in operation by ethical forces.
Jose Rizal

When going to the temple to adore Divinity neither say nor do any thing in the interim pertaining to the common affairs of life.

Ah fair Zenocrate, divine Zenocrate, Fair is too foul an epithet for thee.
Christopher Marlowe

For me, there is no hope without faith. Faith is a higher good. Faith in our divinity.
Alyssa Milano

Om is the mysterious cosmic energy that is the substratum of all the things and all the being of the entire universe. It is the eternal song of the Divine.
Amit Ray

Light is undiminishable, eternal and omni-present. In every religion that existed these qualities have been recognized as divine. So that we are forced to the conclusion that light, actual sensible light, is indeed the direct vehicle of divinity: it is the consciousness of God.
Rodney Collin

Blessing: Constructive thought directed toward anyone or condition. You bless a man when you recognize the divinity in him.
Ernest Holmes

You are here for no other purpose than to realize your inner divinity and manifest your inner enlightenment.
Morihei Ueshiba

We are ever free if we would only believe it, only have faith enough.
Swami Vivekananda

We are a blend of dust and divinity.
Huston Smith

Choose the day and choose the sign of your day! The day's divinity! First thing you see!!
Jim Morrison

We (the indivisible divinity that works in us) have dreamed the world. We have dreamed it resistant, mysterious, visible, ubiquitous in space and firm in time, but we have allowed slight, and eternal, bits of the irrational to form part of its architecture so as to know that it is false.
Jorge Luis Borges