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Donors Quotes

We are the biggest donor to the United Nations, contributing 22 percent of the regular operating budget and nearly 27 percent of the peacekeeping budget.
Cliff Stearns

Authors on Donors Quotes: David Brooks Jodi Picoult Kazuo Ishiguro Arthur Caplan David Frum Hillary Clinton George Bowen Rush Limbaugh Donna Reed Michel Martelly Niki Taylor Nachman of Breslov Dov Davidoff Jane Mayer Ovid Cliff Stearns Jennifer Crusie Paul Theroux Neal Shusterman Arpad Busson
Donors need to know what their money is being used for.
Michel Martelly

Charity with a smile shows the donor's character.
Nachman of Breslov

I think you have a lot to offer... not necessarily as a person, but as an organ donor.
Dov Davidoff

Banks and donors and charities claimed to have had successes in Mozambique. I suspected they invented these successes to justify their existence.
Paul Theroux

The more you start prohibiting donors, the more you are going to have less blood in the supply. It's still not clear you can get it from blood transfusions.
Arthur Caplan

Those presents are the most acceptable which are enhanced by our regard for the donor.

The incumbents just have a ton more money because they have rigged the system to help themselves, because they have these networks of small donors. Meanwhile, the amount of people, the incumbents being reelected has just been - that has been going up and up and up.
David Brooks

I hope more people decide to become organ donors.
Donna Reed

Charities must treat donors as if they were shareholders.
Arpad Busson

Write a living will. And become an organ donor!
Jodi Picoult

My donors have always tended to do much better than expected.
Kazuo Ishiguro

My view on candidates on money is unless it's proven that the donor stole the money, the campaign keeps the money.
David Frum

Public financing would fix campaign donor problems.
Hillary Clinton

The man who receives gifts from God, receives an appointment from God; namely, that of donor; and the wisdom to discharge the functions connected with this appointment will surely not be withheld, if it be ingenuously asked.
George Bowen

We have emails from donors. We got thousands and thousands of emails here that have been leaked and dumped, and I can't find any reference to climate change.
Rush Limbaugh

I owe my life to blood donors. They went out, rolled up a sleeve and gave me another chance at life.
Niki Taylor

We would see another president being accused of being illegitimate, and undermined from day one, which is exactly what these donors did to [Barack] Obama.
Jane Mayer

I want to limit the effects of the power of donors, no question about it.
David Brooks

That’s not a father. That’s a sperm donor. Forget him. He’s a mess. Concentrate on me. I’m terrific. (Linc Blaise)
Jennifer Crusie

...if more people had been organ donors, unwinding never would have happened...but people like to keep what's theirs, even after they're dead.
Neal Shusterman