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Election Process Quotes

The idea that you can merchandise candidates for high office like breakfast cereal - that you can gather votes like box tops - is, I think, the ultimate indignity to the democratic process.
Adlai E. Stevenson

Authors on Election Process Quotes: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Gabe Newell Barack Obama Ilham Aliyev Adlai E. Stevenson John Jay Hooker David Brooks Riordan Roett
Greenlight is a bad example of an election process. We came to the conclusion pretty quickly that we could just do away with Greenlight completely, because it was a bottleneck rather than a way for people to communicate choice.
Gabe Newell

Over the last decade, at considerable cost to me in money and effort, confronted with ridicule and intimidation, I have brought more than a dozen lawsuits challenging the corruption in the election process in Tennessee.
John Jay Hooker

We need election reform because our elections are being stolen. And these huge powerful voting machine vending companies have privatized the election process in our country.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

As a whole, the election process before the election and on the day of election was successful, and I think Azerbaijan had normal and democratic elections.
Ilham Aliyev

The Russians sought to interfere with the election process - that the cyber hacking that took place by the Russians was part of that campaign, and that they had a clear preference in terms of outcomes.
Barack Obama

The idea that Russia felt emboldened and apparently fearless to go into our election and manipulate our own election process, whether successfully or not, is a sign that they are outside the norms of normal society.
David Brooks

The election process is a total fraud. If voters believe the process is secret, they will vote. If not, they will not.
Riordan Roett

There are two reforms that we need to restore our democracy. The first is campaign finance. We need to get the corporate money out of the election process. And second, we need to resolve the dysfunction in the environment. Looters are running agencies that are supposed to be protecting us from pollution.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.