If people stopped looking on their emotions as ethereal, almost inhuman processes, and realistically viewed them as being largely composed of perceptions, thoughts, evaluations, and internalized sentences, they would find it quite possible to work calmly and concertedly at changing them.
Albert Ellis
Self-knowledge involves relationship. To know oneself is to study one self in action with another person. Relationship is a process of self evaluation and self revelation. Relationship is the mirror in which you discover yourself - to be is to be related.
Bruce Lee
Words belong to nobody, and in themselves they evaluate nothing. But they can serve any speaker and be used for the most varied and directly contradictory evaluations on the part of the speakers.
Mikhail Bakhtin
I made a mental note to watch which bottle became empty soonest, sometimes a more telling evaluation system than any other.
Gerald Asher
Without proper self-evaluation, failure is inevitable.
John Wooden
Evaluation by others is not a guide for me.
Bruce Lee
In social cognitive theory, perceived self-efficacy results from diverse sources of information conveyed vicariously and through social evaluation, as well as through direct experience
Albert Bandura
If you have a high evaluation of yourself then your ability to recognize new facts is weakened.
Robert M. Pirsig
When I forget the gospel I become dependent on the smiles and evaluation of others.
Timothy Keller
The natural response to evaluation is to feel judged. We have to mature to a place where we respond to it with gratitude, and love feedback.
Henry Cloud
Interest in the lives of others, the high evaluation of these lives, what are they but the overflow of the interest a man finds in himself, the value he attributes to his own being?.
Sherwood Anderson
The Indian philosopher J. Krishnamurti once remarked that observing without evaluating is the highest form of human intelligence. When I first read this statement, the thought, 'What nonsense!' shot through my mind before I realized that I had just made an evaluation.
Marshall B. Rosenberg
The focus of all life is its economy, the mode through which every living creature produces its material existence. I know no other criterion for the evaluation of social life except that of social economy. In society, just like anywhere else, the mode of production is the focus around which revolve all the modes of life: in the historical life of conscious beings, it is also the focus of all modes of consciousness.
Moses Hess
Its assimilation requires the reconstruction of prior theory and re-evaluation of prior fact, an intrinsically revolutionary process that is seldom completed a single man and never overnight
Thomas Kuhn
One of the more difficult things about being a judge is as you're listening to the evidence, you have to be formulating how you're going to explain your evaluation of that evidence.
Steven Pacey
Grades are a subjective rating masquerading as an objective evaluation.
Alfie Kohn
Stringent standards of self-evaluation [can] make otherwise objective successes seem to be personal failures
Albert Bandura
In Wilson's scale of evaluations breakfast rated just after life itself and ahead of the chance of immortality.
Robert A. Heinlein
Feelings are more dangerous than ideas, because they aren't susceptible to rational evaluation. They grow quietly, spreading underground, and erupt suddenly, all over the place.
Brian Eno
A problem of future research is to clarify how young children learn what type of social comparative information is most useful for efficacy evaluation
Albert Bandura
Comparative appraisals of efficacy require not only evaluation of one;s own performances but also knowledge of how others do, cognizance of nonability determinants of their performances, and some understanding that it is others, like oneself, who provide the most informative social criterion for comparison
Albert Bandura
For science can only ascertain what is, but not what should be, and outside of its domain value judgments of all kinds remain necessary. Religion, on the other hand, deals only with evaluations of human thought and action: it cannot justifiably speak of facts and relationships between facts.
Albert Einstein
That kind of peer learning, that peer teaching, that peer evaluation, and then administration of insight.
Michael Eric Dyson
If you are unclear about what attitudes you adhere to, you will have a difficult time evaluation which ones are not serving your highest good.
Deborah Day
The risk pertinent to a particular attempt (and to its evaluation as an attempt of its sort) is the risk that the agent will fail to attain the end constitutive of that attempt. This risk of failure is coordinate with how likely or unlikely it may be that the agent will then succeed.
Ernest Sosa
Unless strategy evaluation is performed seriously and systematically, and unless strategists are willing to act on the results, energy will be used up defending yesterday.
Peter Drucker
A man ought never to trust another mans evaluation of a third mans disposition.
Eleanor Catton
The most glaring deficiency in traditional economic models is that they completely ignore the role of context in evaluation.
Robert H. Frank
A book is an attempt to make through permanent and to contribute to the great conversation conducted by authors of the past. […] The telegraph is suited only to the flashing of messages, each to be quickly replaced by a more up-to-date message. Facts push other facts into and then out of consciousness at speeds that neither permit nor require evaluation. (70)
Neil Postman
You should ask for a performance evaluation. Ask your boss, where do I stand? I need to know what I can do better and what I'm doing well.
Suzy Welch
We make investment decisions based on our evaluation of the most profitable combination of probabilities.
Warren Buffett
There are some that are - REM Behavior Disorder, we'll see some court documented cases. And they really need to have a thorough evaluation with a sleep specialist.
Shelby Harris
The final evaluation of a play has nothing to do with immediate audience or critical response.
Edward Albee
An indirect quotation we can usually expect to rate only as better or worse, more or less faithful, and we cannot even hope for astrict standard of more and less; what is involved is evaluation, relative to special purposes, of an essentially dramatic act.
Willard Van Orman Quine
Once you can clearly describe what you are reacting to, free of your interpretation or evaluation of it, other people are less likely to be defensive when they hear it.
Marshall B. Rosenberg
Ideally, each piece of art's its own unique object, and its evaluation's always present-tense.
David Foster Wallace
In chess, knowledge is a very transient thing. It changes so fast that even a single mouse-slip sometimes changes the evaluation.
Viswanathan Anand
Intelligence is not discernment and judgment or critical evaluation.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Well, I know how the system works. I know that there's something called the MELD system, which is nationwide. There are zones as far as evaluation of need for liver transplants.
Pat Summerall
Why in the hell do journalists insist on coming up with a second rate Freudian evaluation on my lyrics when 90% of the time they've transcribed the lyrics incorrectly?
Kurt Cobain
Politically or ideologically oriented evaluations of Chief Justice Rehnquist should not overlook what a successful and popular chief justice he was within the Court as the justices' presiding officer, .. The contrast between Rehnquist's undeniably happy Court and that of his predecessor, Warren E. Burger, could not have been greater.
David Garrow
I would have to make an evaluation based on the circumstances at the time I took office as to how much help they continue to need. Because it's not just the Taliban. We now are seeing outposts of, you know, fighters claiming to be affiliated with ISIS.
Hillary Clinton
Every person is highly individualized so if a person is seriously concerned, then they first need to get a medical evaluation and make sure there's nothing biologically going on to prevent them from climaxing.
Drew Pinsky