How would you feel, if the day that you were born, somebody else had already planned the day of your execution?
Gary Yourofsky
What would it be like if somebody had predetermined the date of your demise before you even took your first breath?
It's the execution that matters, never the idea.
Casey Neistat
The realization is paramount; the thought is secondary.
The specifically human capacity for language enables children to provide for auxiliary tools in the solution of difficult tasks, to overcome impulsive action, to plan a solution to a problem prior to its execution, and to master their own behavior.
Lev S. Vygotsky
Strategy is a commodity, execution is an art.
Peter Drucker
Strategy is a necessity, execution is a craft.
Vision without execution is daydreaming.
Bill Gates
Imagining without implementation is fantasizing.
Be audacious and cunning in your plans, firm and persevering in their execution, determined to find a glorious end.
Carl von Clausewitz
So often the difference between success and failure is belief. Belief leads to action and execution.
Jon Gordon
This is an execution, not surgery. Where does that come from, that you must find the method of execution that causes the least pain?
Antonin Scalia
The principles behind explaining and educating the product or the elected official is similar, even though the actual execution of it is very, very different.
Frank Luntz
If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.
Robert Sewell
The most horrible thing is not a government that stages public executions, but a government that secretly disposes of its victims.
Lu Xun
Our emphasis is on execution, not winning.
Pat Summitt
First feel sure of idea, then the execution will be easier.
Eva Hesse
I have been tried and condemned without a hearing, and I suppose I shall have to go to the execution.
George Meade
Everything depends upon execution; having just a vision is no solution.
Stephen Sondheim
Contrary to popular wisdom, knowledge is not power-it's potential power. Knowledge is not mastery. Execution is mastery. Execution will trump knowledge every day of the week.
Tony Robbins
An idea can be as flawless as can be, but its execution will always be full of mistakes.
Brent Scowcroft
Weak leadership can wreck the soundest strategy; forceful execution of even a poor plan can often bring victory.
Sun Tzu
Education without execution is extinction
Bo Sanchez
To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.
Steve Jobs
The Supreme Court of the United States has validated the Nazi method of execution in concentration camps, starving them to death.
Jack Kevorkian
Genius is when an idea and the execution of that idea are simultaneous.
Albert Einstein
The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action.
Bruce Lee
Stupidity cannot be cured. Stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death. There is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity.
Robert A. Heinlein
Consistent alignment of capabilities and internal processes with the customer value proposition is the core of any strategy execution.
Robert S. Kaplan
A good idea is worthless without impeccable execution and a commitment to iterate.
Zach Klein
I go to the chair of government with feelings not unlike those of a culprit who is going to the place of his execution.
George Washington
The elimination of profit, whatever methods may be resorted to for its execution, must transform society into a senseless jumble. It would create poverty for all.
Ludwig von Mises
The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees one's self. And the arbitrariness of the constraint serves only to obtain precision of execution.
Igor Stravinsky
Ideas are not important in China – execution is
Ma Huateng
O my good lord, that comfort comes too late,
'Tis like a pardon after execution.
That gentle physic, given in time, had cured me;
But now I am past all comforts here but prayers.
William Shakespeare
In psychiatry there is a certain condition known as delusion of reprieve. The condemned man, immediately before his execution, gets the illusion that he might be reprieved at the very last minute. No one could yet grasp the fact that everything would be taken away. all we possessed, literally, was our naked existence.
Viktor E. Frankl
Socialism easily accepts despotism. It requires the strongest execution of power -- power sufficient to interfere with property.
Lord Acton
Execution is a systematic process of rigorously discussing hows and whats, tenaciously following through, and ensuring accountability.
Lawrence Bossidy
You need to get one thing done well, or else you don't have permission to do anything else.
Larry Page
Invention depends altogether upon execution or organization; as that is right or wrong so is the invention perfect or imperfect.
William Blake
Without minute neatness of execution, the sublime cannot exist! Grandeur of ideas is founded on precision of ideas.
William Blake
You need to just get started. If you never get started, you'll never be successful.
Justin Kan
The world is itself but a larger prison, out of which some are daily selected for execution.
Walter Raleigh
Our emotions may cry for vengeance in the wake of a horrible crime, but we know that killing the criminal will not undo the crime, will not prevent similar crimes by others, does not benefit the victim, destroys human life and brutalizes society. If we are to still violence, we must cherish life. Executions cheapen life.
Ramsey Clark
I am utterly struck how, 300 years after his execution, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.
Peter Jennings