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Exorcism Quotes

You don't blame us for being here, do you? After all, we have no place to go. No home... Incidentally, what an excellent day for an exorcism.
William Peter Blatty

Authors on Exorcism Quotes: Florence Welch Harper Lee William S. Burroughs Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki Jenny Han Bob Larson Jean Baudrillard Anthony Ian Berkeley Keanu Reeves Art Spiegelman Patrick Fabian Germaine Greer William Peter Blatty Darynda Jones Liam Neeson
Photography is our exorcism. Primitive society had its masks, bourgeois society its mirrors. We have our images.
Jean Baudrillard

There's a therapeutic aspect to all making, but the nature of working is to compress, condense, and shape stuff, not to just expunge it. It's not just an exorcism.
Art Spiegelman

In exorcism, a verbal argument can never do anything. You can't ever beat the entity in a verbal argument because that's what he wants. It's only through a confront, a non-verbal confront, that anything happens. It has to be non-verbal.
William S. Burroughs

I think music should be scary. Music is an exorcism.
Florence Welch

Any writer worth his salt writes to please himself.
Harper Lee

Performing an exorcism was like changing your oil. It's a drag, but necessary.
Keanu Reeves

Any writer worth his salt writes to please himself...It's a self-exploratory operation that is endless. An exorcism of not necessarily his demon, but of his divine discontent.
Harper Lee

Gender reassignment is an exorcism of the mother
Germaine Greer

Be a witness, as I excersize my exorcism
Anthony Ian Berkeley

And as the hour approached for the execution, in his own mind, Collins became both the executioner and the victim. He would pace up and down, transformed in almost a kind of exorcism when he knew he was responsible for taking someone's life.
Liam Neeson

If love is like a possession, maybe my letters are like my exorcisms.
Jenny Han

One of the things people don't know about exorcism, is that you can't really use exorcism on things that are older than Christianity.
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki

Humans have will. In an exorcism with a human, you are dealing with the human will, and whether that will is sufficiently resolved in terms of what allowed it to be manipulated. The will must have done something to surrender to the presence of the demon. You have to resurrect the moral authority of the person's will.
Bob Larson

When jobs come up, like a low-budget film like The Last Exorcism, you say yes and you see where it takes you.
Patrick Fabian

Just in case, though, I stormed into my apartment, tossed a quick hello to Mr. Wong, then rummaged through my entertainment center to lay out all my exorcism equipment. I kept it in my entertainment center because exorcisms were nothing if not entertaining.
Darynda Jones

Exorcism is a subject that interests me, and books on shamanism, I've read through.
William S. Burroughs

The music is so euphoric,as a way of battling the words. It’s like an exorcism, beating it out with drums, shake this demon out, it’s so visceral because the melancholy has to be drummed out. I can’t let it sit inside me.
Florence Welch