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Faithful Quotes

God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Paul the Apostle

God is reliable; He will not subject you to more than you can handle. However, when challenged, He shall supply an avenue of escape so that you may survive it.
Authors on Faithful Quotes: Mother Teresa Pope Francis John Milton Pope John Paul II Mark Dever R. C. Sproul Hudson Taylor Max Lucado Confucius Neal A. Maxwell Mason Cooley Marcus Tullius Cicero Jeffrey R. Holland Martin Luther Joseph Smith, Jr. David A. R. White Thomas S. Monson Christopher Hitchens Henry B. Eyring Saint Augustine James E. Faust Joyce Meyer Aiden Wilson Tozer Ovid Paulo Coelho Tony Campolo Sylvia Poggioli Pope Benedict XVI Miguel de Cervantes Eric Hoffer Dieter F. Uchtdorf Muhammad Iqbal John F. Kennedy
If you're going to be a good and faithful judge, you have to resign yourself to the fact that you're not always going to like the conclusions you reach. If you like them all the time, you're probably doing something wrong.
Antonin Scalia

As an artist I have always tried to be faithful to my vision of life, and I have frequently been in conflict with those who wanted me to paint not what I saw but what they wished me to see.
Diego Rivera

I have continually strived to remain true to my perception of life as an artist, often encountering resistance from those who sought to compel me to create something other than what I perceived.
The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity or rather the cowardice of the faithful.
Pope Pius X

The most significant hindrance in the mission of the Church is the meekness or rather the trepidation of the believers.
Seek perfection of character. Be faithful. Endeavor. Respect others. Refrain from violent behaviour.
Gichin Funakoshi

Strive for excellence of conduct. Remain loyal. Make an effort. Show regard for others. Abstain from aggressive behaviour.
For the faithful, Spirit-filled Christian, every place becomes a place of prayer.
John F. MacArthur

For the devoted, Holy Spirit-empowered Christian, every spot transforms into a site of supplication.
Kill him, then hug him. Men are more faithful when dead.
Nizar Qabbani

Execute him, then embrace him. Men are more trustworthy when deceased.
The faithful will be victorious over the sinners.
Saddam Hussein

The righteous shall overcome the evildoers.
Strive to be faithful to that which God has called you.
Angela Merici

Strive to be devoted to that which God has ordained for you.
We can only learn and advance with contradictions. The faithful inside should meet the doubtful. The doubtful should meet the faithful. Human slowly advances and becomes mature when he accepts his contradictions.
Shams Tabrizi

Christ, having sacrificed himself once, is to eternity a certain and valid sacrifice for the sins of all faithful.
Huldrych Zwingli

Only music clarifies, reconciles, and consoles. But it is not a straw just barely clutched at. It is a faithful friend, protector, and comforter, and for its sake alone, life in this world is worth living. Who knows, perhaps in heaven there will be no music. So let us live on the earth while we still have life!
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Therefore, faithful Christian, seek the truth, listen to the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, tell the truth, learn the truth, defend the truth even to death.
Jan Hus

My own soul is my most faithful friend. My own heart, my truest confidant

For the authentic revolutionary conservative, what really counts is to be faithful not to past forms and institutions, but rather to principles of which such forms and institutions have been particular expressions, adequate for a specific period of time and in a specific geographical area.
Julius Evola

The preacher who is concerned with gaining a reputation, rising in his profession, is always in bondage. The itch for bigness is a dangerous thing. It has made a castaway of many a man whom God once richly blessed. A man should desire to be neither larger nor smaller than pleases God. Better than that, he should not bother at all about how large or how small but rather how faithful he shall be.
Vance Havner

Who can really be faithful in great things if he has not learned to be faithful in the things of daily life?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no true, faithful, eternal love in this world! May the liar's vile tongue be cut out! Follow me, my reader, and me alone, and I will show you such a love!
Mikhail Bulgakov

Be faithful that your authentic power is all you need to truly share your light with the world.
Gabrielle Bernstein

I pray to God to give me perseverance and to deign that I be a faithful witness to Him to the end of my life for my God.
Saint Patrick

Soyons fermes, purs et fidèles ; au bout de nos peines, il y a la plus grande gloire du monde, celle des hommes qui n'ont pas cédé. [Let us be firm, pure and faithful; at the end of our sorrow, there is the greatest glory of the world, that of the men who did not give in.]
Charles de Gaulle

Don't be afraid to step out and trust God. He is more faithful than the rising of the sun.
Kari Jobe

Remember that God is within us when we are in a state of grace and outside of us when we are in a state of sin; but His angel never abandons us. . . He is our most sincere and faithful friend even when we sadden him with our bad behavior.
Pio of Pietrelcina

That perfect tranquillity of life, which is nowhere to be found but in retreat, a faithful friend and a good library.
Aphra Behn

Because God is faithful, He can be trusted fully to completely carry out His commitments to us in Christ.
Jimmy Swaggart

Trust your daughters, they are faithful. Honor your daughters, they are honorable. Educate your daughters, they are amazing.
Ziauddin Yousafzai

Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.
Joseph Smith, Jr.

In keeping Americans ill-educated, ill-informed and constitutionally ignorant, the education establishment has been the politician's major and most faithful partner. It is in this sense that American education can be deemed a success.
Walter E. Williams

'Be faithful to your roots' is the liberal version of 'Stay in your ghetto.'
Mason Cooley

Like the intense fire that transforms iron into steel, as we remain faithful during the fiery trial of our faith, we are spiritually refined and strengthened.
Neil L. Andersen

A faithful friend is a strong defense; And he that hath found him hath found a treasure.
Louisa May Alcott

Confidence is not based on you having all the resources needed to take care of yourself; confidence is based upon the truth that God is faithful.
Roy Lessin

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

God is faithful even when his children are not.
Max Lucado

Never try to have more faith - just get to know God better. And because God is faithful, the better you know Him, the more you'll trust Him.
John Ortberg

If God has called you to something, He will equip you to be what He has called you to be. If He has called you to be a responsible, faithful, diligent leader, as a man, He will equip you to do that.

It's actually a rare and precious thing to discover what it is you love to do, and I encourage you to remain unapologetically consumed by it. Be faithful to your gift and very confident in its value.
Jonathan Ive

The earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.
Pope John Paul II

Little things are indeed little, but to be faithful in little things is a great thing.
Mother Teresa

Regard as your most faithful friends, not those who praise everything you say or do, but those who criticize your mistakes.

Unbeliever is he who follows predestination even if he be Muslim, Faithful is he, if he himself is the Divine Destiny.
Muhammad Iqbal

The awful wrongs and sufferings forced upon the innocent, helpless, faithful animal race form the blackest chapter in the whole world's history.
R. Edward Freeman

A sincere artist is not one who makes a faithful attempt to put on to canvas what is in front of him, but one who tries to create something which is, in itself, a living thing.
William Dobell

You cannot see faith, but you can see the footprints of the faithful. We must leave behind "faithful footprints" for others to follow.
Dennis Anderson

What the church most needs is not heroes of faith, but faithful followers of Jesus.
Scot McKnight

Even when you have failed, Jesus is right there with you, ready to pick you up and restore you to wholeness. Jesus is a faithful, dependable and trustworthy friend.
Joseph Prince

Sometimes I think it is my mission to bring faith to the faithless, and doubt to the faithful.
Paul Tillich

On this day, when we're celebrating our constitutional heritage, I urge you to be faithful to that heritage - to impose on our fellow citizens only the restrictions that are there in the Constitution, not invent new ones, not to invent the right because it's a good idea.
Antonin Scalia

Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on. Be their faithful friends, determined advocates, or a loving family. But occasionally in life, the people we thought would always be there for us…leave. And if that happens, it’s amazing the lengths we’ll go to, to get them back.
Mary Alice

I prefer the society of one faithful person to an association of rapid talkers, who more than anything else seek admiration from one another.
Matthew Pearl