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Fanny Burney Quotes

Fanny Burney Quotes
Insensibility, of all kinds, and on all occasions, most moves my imperial displeasure
Fanny Burney

I am ashamed of confessing that I have nothing to confess.
Fanny Burney

Travelling is the ruin of all happiness. There's no looking at a building here after seeing Italy.
Fanny Burney

But if the young are never tired of erring in conduct, neither are the older in erring of judgment.
Fanny Burney

Credulity is the sister of innocence.
Fanny Burney

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I wish the opera was every night. It is, of all entertainments, the sweetest and most delightful. Some of the songs seemed to melt my very soul.
Fanny Burney

to diminish expectation is to increase enjoyment.
Fanny Burney

A youthful mind is seldom totally free from ambition; to curb that, is the first step to contentment, since to diminish expectation is to increase enjoyment.
Fanny Burney

Quote Topics by Fanny Burney: Mind Writing May Way Giving Hate Tired Age Heart Littles Together Girl Happiness Children Reality Time Expectations Wish Long Reading Wicked Men Evil Air Situation Pleasure Disappointment Wealth Giving Up Support
Nothing is so delicate as the reputation of a woman; it is at once the most beautiful and most brittle of all human things.
Fanny Burney

I cannot sleep - great joy is as restless as sorrow.
Fanny Burney

How truly does this journal contain my real and undisguised thoughts--I always write it according to the humour I am in, and if astranger was to think it worth reading, how capricious--insolent & whimsical I must appear!--one moment flighty and half mad,--the next sad and melancholy. No matter! Its truth and simplicity are its sole recommendations.
Fanny Burney

How little has situation to do with happiness. The happy individual uses their intelligence to realise things could be worse and therefore is grateful and happy. The unhappy individual does the opposite!
Fanny Burney

while we all desire to live long, we have all a horror of being old!
Fanny Burney

For my part, I confess I seldom listen to the players: one has so much to do, in looking about and finding out one's acquaintance, that, really, one has no time to mind the stage. One merely comes to meet one's friends, and show that one's alive.
Fanny Burney

I am too inexperienced and ignorant to conduct myself with propriety in this town, where every thing is new to me, and many things are unaccountable and perplexing.
Fanny Burney

A little alarm now and then keeps life from stagnation.
Fanny Burney

Those who wander in the world avowedly and purposely in pursuit of happiness, who view every scene of present joy with an eye to what may succeed, certainly are more liable to disappointment, misfortune and unhappiness, than those who give up their fate to chance and take the goods and evils of fortune as they come, without making happiness their study, or misery their foresight.
Fanny Burney

Generosity without delicacy, like wit without judgment, generally gives as much pain as pleasure.
Fanny Burney

To have some account of my thoughts, manners, acquaintance and actions, when the hour arrives in which time is more nimble than memory, is the reason which induces me to keep a journal: a journal in which I must confess my every thought, must open my whole heart!
Fanny Burney

To despise riches, may, indeed, be philosophic, but to dispense them worthily, must surely be more beneficial to mankind.
Fanny Burney

I cannot be much pleased without an appearance of truth; at least of possibility I wish the history to be natural though the sentiments are refined; and the characters to be probable, though their behaviour is excelling
Fanny Burney

Unused to the situations in which I find myself, and embarassed by the slightest difficulties, I seldom discover, till too late, how I ought to act.
Fanny Burney

While all the pomp and circumstance of war animated others, it only saddened me; and all of past reflection, all of future dread, made the whole grandeur of the martial scene, and all the delusive seduction of martial music, fill my eyes frequently with tears.
Fanny Burney

To whom, then, must I dedicate my wonderful, surprising and interesting adventures? to whom dare I reveal my private opinion of my nearest relations? the secret thoughts of my dearest friends? my own hopes, fears, reflections and dislikes? Nobody!
Fanny Burney

People who live together naturally catch the looks and air of one another and without having one feature alike, they contract a something in the whole countenance which strikes one as a resemblance
Fanny Burney

I love and honour [Paulus Aemilius, in Plutarch's Lives], for his fondness for his children, which instead of blushing at, he avows and glories in: and that at an age, when almost all the heros and great men thought that to make their children and family a secondary concern, was the first proof of their superiority and greatness of soul.
Fanny Burney

Look at your [English] ladies of quality are they not forever parting with their husbands - forfeiting their reputations - and is their life aught but dissipation? In common genteel life, indeed, you may now and then meet with very fine girls - who have politeness, sense and conversation - but these are few - and then look at your trademen's daughters - what are they? poor creatures indeed! all pertness, imitation and folly.
Fanny Burney

O! how short a time does it take to put an end to a woman's liberty!
Fanny Burney

the mind naturally accommodates itself, even to the most ridiculous improprieties, if they occur frequently.
Fanny Burney

Misery is a guest that we are glad to part with, however certain of her speedy return.
Fanny Burney

such is the effect of true politeness, that it banishes all restraint and embarassment.
Fanny Burney

To save the mind from preying inwardly upon itself, it must be encouraged to some outward pursuit.
Fanny Burney

This perpetual round of constrained civilities to persons quite indifferent to us, is the most provoking and tiresome thing in theworld, but it is unavoidable in a country town, where everybody is known.... 'Tis a most shocking and unworthy way of spending our precious irrecoverable time, to those who know not its value.
Fanny Burney

The Spring is generally fertile in new acquaintances.
Fanny Burney

When young people are too rigidly sequestered from [the world], their lively and romantic imaginations paint it to them as a paradise of which they have been beguiled; but when they are shown it properly, and in due time, they see it such as it really is, equally shared by pain and pleasure, hope and disappointment.
Fanny Burney

Wealth per se I never too much valued, and my acquaintance with its possessors has by no means increased my veneration for it.
Fanny Burney

I never pretend to be so superior a being as to be above having and indulging a hobby horse [her journal writing], and while I keep mine within due bounds and limits, nobody, I flatter myself, would wish to deprive me of the poor animal: to be sure, he is not formed for labour, and is rather lame and weak, but then the dear creature is faithful, constant, and loving, and though he sometimes prances, would not kick anyone into the mire, or hurt a single soul for the world--and I would not part with him for one who could win the greatest prize that ever was won at any races.
Fanny Burney

You must learn not only to judge but to act for yourself.
Fanny Burney

But how cool, how quiet is true courage!
Fanny Burney

To a heart formed for friendship and affection the charms of solitude are very short-lived.
Fanny Burney

I have this very moment finished reading a novel called The Vicar of Wakefield [by Oliver Goldsmith].... It appears to me, to be impossible any person could read this book through with a dry eye and yet, I don't much like it.... There is but very little story, the plot is thin, the incidents very rare, the sentiments uncommon, the vicar is contented, humble, pious, virtuous--but upon the whole the book has not at all satisfied my expectations.
Fanny Burney

it has been long and justly remarked, that folly has ever sought alliance with beauty.
Fanny Burney

She [Evelina] is not, indeed, like most modern young ladies; to be known in half an hour; her modest worth, and fearful excellence, require both time and encouragement to show themselves.
Fanny Burney

falsehood is not more unjustifiable than unsafe.
Fanny Burney

How little has situation to do with happiness.
Fanny Burney

Money is the source of the greatest vice, and that nation which is most rich, is most wicked.
Fanny Burney

I'd rather be done any thing to than laughed at, for, to my mind, it's one or other the disagreeablest thing in the world.
Fanny Burney

We continually say things to support an opinion, which we have given, that in reality we don't above half mean.
Fanny Burney

Childhood is never troubled with foresight.
Fanny Burney

the right line of conduct is the same for both sexes, though the manner in which it is pursued, may somewhat vary, and be accommodated to the strength or weakness of the different travelers.
Fanny Burney