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Following Christ Quotes

Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

'Religion without obedience is always religion without the Redeemer.'
Authors on Following Christ Quotes: Dietrich Bonhoeffer R. Kent Hughes Dallas Willard Franklin Graham Torii Hunter Dallin H. Oaks George Whitefield Steve Lawson Leonard Ravenhill J. I. Packer Beth Moore Kevin DeYoung Larry Crabb Bob Goff Mike Fisher Francis Chan
Christ had no interest in gathering vast crowds of professed adherents who would melt away as soon as they found out what following Him actually demanded of them. In our own presentation of Christ's gospel, therefore, we need to lay a similar stress on the cost of following Christ and make sinners face it soberly before we urge them to respond to the message of free forgiveness. In common honesty, we must not conceal the fact that free forgiveness in one sense will cost everything.
J. I. Packer

Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice but a continuous commitment and way of life that applies at all times and in all places.
Dallin H. Oaks

Cheap grace is the idea that "grace" did it all for me so I do not need to change my lifestyle. The believer who accepts the idea of "cheap grace" thinks he can continue to live like the rest of the world. Instead of following Christ in a radical way, the Christian lost in cheap grace thinks he can simply enjoy the consolations of his grace.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If we are leading but not closely following Christ, we are misleading.
Beth Moore

I believe when we are in the Lord's will and following Christ, we are His responsibility, and He will look after us. Until He has accomplished His purpose through us, nothing can touch us without His permission - we're 'bullet-proof', so to speak.
Franklin Graham

Marriage is a call to die [to self]... Christian marriage vows are the inception of a lifelong practice of death, of giving over not only all you have, but all you are. Is this a grim gallows call? Not at all! It is no more grim than dying to self and following Christ. In fact, those who lovingly die for their [spouses] are those who know the most joy, have the most fulfilling marriages, and experience the most love.
R. Kent Hughes

If the whole church goes off into deception, that will in no way excuse us for not following Christ.
Leonard Ravenhill

The only man who has the right to say that he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ. Such a man knows that the call to discipleship is a gift of grace, and that the call is inseparable from the grace. But those who try to use this grace as a dispensation from following Christ are simply deceiving themselves.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Following Christ is a wild adventure full or risk, frustration, excitement, and setbacks. It is not an evening stroll in a planned community along a well-manicured path.
Larry Crabb

Following Christ isn't something that can be done halfheartedly or on the side. It is not a label we can display when it is useful. It must be central to everything we do and are.
Francis Chan

Following Christ means following him through life, following him in every word and gesture, following him out of one clime into another.
George Whitefield

The restoration of the church must surely depend on a new kind of monasticism, which has nothing in common with the old but a life of uncompromising discipleship, following Christ according to the sermon on the mount. I believe the time has come to gather people together to do this.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

After he has been following Christ for a long time, the disciple of Jesus will be asked, "Lacked ye anything?" and he will answer "Nothing, Lord." How could he when he knows that despite hunger and nakedness, persecution and danger, the Lord is always at his side?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Living a life of following Christ means constant interruptions.
Bob Goff

Following Christ is a daily thing, not just a one-time thing
Mike Fisher

Discipleship means adherence to Christ and, because Christ is the object of that adherence, it must take the form of discipleship. An abstract theology, a doctrinal system, a general religious knowledge of the subject of grace or the forgiveness of sins, render discipleship superfluous, and in fact exclude any idea of discipleship whatsoever, and are essentially inimical to the whole conception of following Christ....Christianity without the living Christ is inevitably Christianity without discipleship, and Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The demands of following Christ will cost you everything. But you gain far more than you give up. You give up dirt for diamonds.
Steve Lawson

Contemporary American churches in particular do not require following Christ in his example, spirit, and teachings as a condition of membership-either of entering into or continuing in fellowship of a denomination or a local church.... Most problems in contemporary churches can be explained by the fact that members have not yet decided to follow Christ.
Dallas Willard

I want my teammates to see that I'm following Christ. But, I'm also human, so there are times I slip and make mistakes but I know Christ forgives me.
Torii Hunter

Don't follow those who can talk a big game about their amazing faith in Christ. Follow people who are actually following Christ.
Kevin DeYoung